Blue Label whiskey: creation history, price. How to distinguish an original from a fake

Whiskey - a gentlemen's drink, was especially popular in the 20s of the last century among criminal communities. The most famous brand that has been producing this drink since the 19th century is Johnny Walker, named after its founder John Walker. The famous blended Blue Label whiskey , as well as the Red Label and the Black Label are sold worldwide; Its popularity is due to the special preparation technology and the quality of alcoholic raw materials.

Blue Label Whiskey


John Walker, a young and entrepreneurial heir to the grocery business, blended various types of tea. Despite such a young age (the guy had barely reached the age of fifteen), Johnny already had a thriving grocery store. In 1836, one of Walker's sons, Alexander, an equally gifted and resourceful person, took the helm of a profitable business. It was he who laid the foundation for the production of blended single malt whiskey, produced under the Old Highland brand and soon gained popularity. The first batch of alcohol produced was dated 1867, 10 years after the death of John Walker.

After 39 years, in 1908, Johnny’s grandchildren continued their father’s business, patenting the original name Johnnie Walker, and thereby made the company “Johnny Walker and Sons” known throughout the world. In 1909, the Walker brothers Alexander the Younger and George changed the name of their already popular alcoholic drinks: Johnny Walker Very Special Old Highland Whiskey and Extra Special Old Highland Whiskey. Instead, there appeared whiskey under the label Red Label and Black Label, and later the company began to produce other options for a strong drink: whiskey "Blue Label", "Green Label", "Gold Label". From 1997 to the present day, the parent company engaged in the production of delicious Scottish alcohol is Diageo.

Blue label whiskey price

The most expensive products from Johnny Walker

According to statistics, alcohol from a well-known producer remains one of the most sought after and bought in the world. The most expensive brands include Blue Label whiskey, the price of which is from $ 200, depending on exposure and volume.

A feature of Blue Label is that it combines several varieties of whiskey, with a shutter speed of up to half a century. Despite the high cost, the demand for this category of drinks does not fall to this day. Whiskey "Johnny Walker Blue Label" - an elite alcohol designed for connoisseurs.

Blue Label Whiskey 0.5

Average Blue Label Cost

The average price of one bottle of delicious scotch tape is affected by the volume, aging of spirits, as well as the purpose of the drink - gift wrapping can be several times more expensive than usual. In Russian stores specializing in alcohol, whiskey "Blue Label" is sold, the price of which varies from 10 to 30 thousand rubles and more.

Whiskey Joni Walker Blue Label

Incomparable aroma

The taste, color and smell of blended whiskey with a blue label is very different from the taste and aroma of other Johnny Walker drinks. Golden, honey, deep color with an amber sheen - a distinctive feature of alcohol of this brand. Blue Label whiskey has a tart, rich aroma of sherry and cedar with light notes of smoke. The taste of bitter, dark chocolate and oak makes the drink original, and its taste is indescribable and unique. The finish is long-playing, unobtrusively giving off with a wood smoke.


Blue Label is made from 35 ingredients, pre-aged in oak barrels for three years. Blended drink is made exclusively from whiskey varieties, the aging of which is at least 25 years. Many experts believe that Johnny Walker Blue Label brand alcohol is genuine, classic Scotch whiskey, with its inherent hue, smell and taste.

The finished product is poured into special glass bottles with the image of the coat of arms or a walking person, and then corked.

It is worth noting that the drink from Scotland owes its unique characteristics to the local spring water. It is thanks to her that the products of Johnny Walker become noble, because in no country have any of the well-known alcohol producers been able to produce a product that is identical in taste and other qualities.

Original and fake. How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers

Popular types of extra- and premium-class alcohol are subject to counterfeiting - this did not bypass the elite Scottish drink. Basically, non-original alcohol contains harmless food additives and flavorings, due to which ordinary alcohol acquires aroma, taste and color, which are vaguely reminiscent of whiskey to an inexperienced consumer. But it happens that to reduce the cost of production, counterfeit manufacturers resort to the use of methanol, a harmful substance that causes severe poisoning when it enters the human body, the consequences of which can be very sad, even fatal. Methanol in appearance and smell is no different from ethanol, because its use with bootleggers in fake alcohol is difficult to identify.

The original Blue Label Whiskey, whose counterfeiting is widespread in many countries, including Russia, can be easily distinguished even by its external characteristics. The first thing you should pay attention to is the presence on the bottle of excise duty, confirming the quality of the product. However, enterprising scammers have learned to fake excise duty.

Whiskey Blue Label fake

Another important point: “Blue Label”, according to the manufacturer, is available in 0.7 and 1.75 liter containers, and counterfeit is mainly found in the form of “Blue Label” 0.5 liter. A bottle of such "high-quality" alcohol is distinguished by the absence of convex letters on the label, as well as the original coat of arms or a walking person, since most bootleggers do not pay much attention to fake glass.

The cork on the original is made in gold color, the neck of the bottle in the place of attachment with the cork is slightly increased in volume, and under it is a golden brush. In addition, elite alcohol is packed in a special box, and each bottle has an individual serial number, thanks to which you can easily determine the originality of blended whiskey.


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