Washing off hair dye at home

Trying to radically change their image, many women make mistakes. Sometimes a new hair color may be completely unsuitable for the face and even lifestyle. Then you have to think about how to return the former color. If you can’t sign up for a salon, you need to try to wash off the paint yourself, without leaving your home.

How natural washes work

Many do not believe that ordinary foods used in food can affect hair color. But just natural substances and have the most tenacious grip and corrosiveness. For example, natural henna is able to dye hair in a way that no paint can. At the same time, the hair will be not only a bright color, but also healthy and restored. Natural ingredients in a home mask carefully envelop each hairlet, preserve its structure and integrity. Due to the gentle effect of a strong color change, you can not wait. Home masks can lighten up to a maximum of two tones. If the hair was not dyed black, the effect will manifest itself after 3 weeks of constant use. Washing off hair dye after using folk recipes will be soft and gradual. Given that the hair will become healthy and nourished, such an expectation is fully justified.

badly dyed hair

Kefir hair wash

This dairy product has long been at the core of many homemade hair care masks. But not everyone knows that he is able to wash off the paint from them. Washing off the dye from the hair with kefir will be long, but they will recover well. To do this, apply it abundantly over the entire length of the hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head in a warm towel. It is recommended to take kefir of 3% fat and above. Keep such a mask for at least 2 hours. This is a very safe way to wash hair dye, but it will take a lot of procedures to make the effect noticeable. If you make a mask every day for 2 weeks, the coloring pigment is washed well.

If kefir is not at hand, you can use whey. It is necessary to moisten the hair in it and insulate the head with a towel. Those girls whose new hair color has become light chestnut or dark blond speak well of such a wash. Milk wraps will wash away a weak pigment very quickly. If you painted with black paint, kefir is unlikely to save the situation. In any case, these masks have a good effect on the quality of the hair, making it smooth, radiant, restored after dyeing.

mask for washing off hair dye

Castor oil rinse

This oil perfectly heals the scalp, affects hair growth, and promotes leaching of the coloring matter. Castor oil can even wash off two shades of dark paint.

Before applying it to the length, it is necessary to wash your hair with shampoo to wash off hair dye. So you wash away unwanted dirt and dust, which interferes with the action of the oil.

Prepare a mixture for washing off hair dye according to the following recipe: mix two chicken yolks with three tablespoons of castor oil. Then adhere to the following application technique:

  1. Grease the hair with the mixture obtained.
  2. Put on a shower cap and wrap a towel around your head.
  3. Wait 1.5 hours.
  4. Wash hair with shampoo.
  5. Rinse with a decoction of chamomile.

If the amount of the mixture is not enough to distribute along the entire length, you can add a few more yolks and oil. Hair should be completely oiled and well insulated under a hat. Some sources advise using any other oil if there is no castor house. This is the wrong approach when it comes to washing off hair dye. This will not affect the quality of the strands, in any case they will be soft and fortified from the effects of natural ingredients, but other oils will not be able to wash off the pigment as castor does. Only burdock has a similar effect.

natural hair masks

Washing off hair dye with soda

The use of soda when washing the coloring pigment is due to the presence of alkali in the composition. It is she who is able to get rid of the consequences of unsuccessful staining. To prepare a wash of hair dye at home, take 3 tablespoons of soda and dilute them in two glasses of warm water. The resulting solution must be distributed over all hair. Keep soda exactly half an hour. If the paint was black - no more than 40 minutes. If you leave the solution for a long period of time, the hair structure may be damaged.

The next time this tool for washing off hair dye can be used only after 2-3 days. You can not expose curls to soda daily. Also, you should carefully consider other aggressive home remedies for washing off the coloring pigment. For example, many are advised to wash their hair with household soap. This should only be done if they are prone to greasy and not damaged. Dry and brittle strands should not be tested by such means. But even oily hair can be washed with soap no more than 1 time per week. It is very important not to forget to use a nourishing mask after each washing procedure with soda or soap.

washing off hair dye

Honey wash

This useful product will make unsuccessful coloring two tones lighter. It is recommended to use it only on fair hair. Dark honey mask will not take.

Preparing a wash of hair dye at home does not take much time. You need to buy liquid linden or flower honey, warm it with a water bath, and then apply to shampooed hair. Since applying honey in its pure form is quite problematic, it is very important not to miss a single strand. Wrap the treated hair in a hat and insulate.

Keep a natural mask for at least 4-5 hours. Therefore, it is better to do it on a day off. In addition to washing off the paint, honey will have a healing effect on dry hair. Due to the huge amount of useful substances that can penetrate the structure of each hair, honey will make the hair friable and silky. The paint will begin to gradually wash off after about 10-15 masks. Much depends on the limitation of staining and color intensity. The faster you start to wash off the dye from your hair, the more likely it is to remove it with the help of folk recipes.

Lemon Wash

This fruit has long been famous for its whitening and cleansing effect. Few people know that it can help with unsuccessful staining. For washing, you need juice of 3-4 lemons. They need to lubricate all the strands and leave for 1 hour. Rinse off lemon juice with chamomile broth, which brightens hair well.

Lemon is very dry, so apply it to the length very carefully, without getting on the scalp. If the strands are badly damaged after staining, mix lemon juice with castor oil. After washing, the hair should be nourished as much as possible with a moisturizing mask.

Mayonnaise Wash

This is not the most popular type of wash, but at the same time no less effective than the rest. The main ingredient of the mask is fatty mayonnaise. Choosing it in a supermarket, it is advisable to opt for a product without preservatives and dyes. The more natural the mayonnaise is, the better it will affect the hair. For the mask you will need 300 g of mayonnaise and 3 tablespoons of olive oil. The gruel should be evenly distributed throughout the hair without affecting the scalp.

After washing, the hair is well insulated under a hat and a towel. You need to keep the mask for a long time, at least 4 hours. Therefore, you need to plan your day in advance so as not to disrupt plans. A wash of mayonnaise is perfect for owners of dry scalp and the same hair. It will not only help wash unsuccessful staining, but also moisturize the strands, make them smoother and more manageable. Hair after such a mask will become better to comb and fit into the hairstyle. Women with curly fluffy hair often use mayonnaise in caring masks. It helps to smooth them and make curls more textured.

washing off hair dye at home

Why do I need to do a house wash, not a salon

Having unsuccessfully dyed hair, many think about how to make a wash in the salon. This procedure is called decapitation. It is based on the chemical effect of the product, which penetrates the deep layers of the hair and leaches the pigment. Photos of washing off hair dye by stripping are certainly amazing. After several procedures, the curls become what they were before staining. Of course, one procedure will not be enough, especially if you need to wash off the black paint. Aggressive washing substances strongly affect the quality of the hair, which after decapitation becomes lifeless, dry, porous and brittle.

After a natural mask for washing off hair dye, they will never be like that. Of course, this method washes paint better than folk recipes, but sometimes a quick result is not worth it.

A huge number of women speak negatively about the decapitation procedure. Some even have to cut the entire length of the hair and grow it again. It is better to wash off the paint intensively at home for a couple of months or buy a special wash in a cosmetic store. The photo before and after washing off the dye from the hair is proved by the fact that not a single home mask can cope better than professional means with pigment washing.

washing off hair dye at home

Shop cleaning products

When there is no time for long-term home-based procedures for removing paint, and you don’t want to go to the beauty salon, you can buy ready-made remover in any cosmetics store. There you can buy shampoo for washing off hair dye. All these products, of course, do not contain natural ingredients and cause some harm to the hair, but not to the same extent as aggressive salon decapitation.

The cost of store washes ranges from 300 to 1,500 rubles. The price depends on the volume and number of possible procedures. For example, washing off the paint with Estelle hair is enough for about 4 applications. Of course, if the curls are very thick and long, one pack is unlikely to be enough.

Technique for washing:

  1. Wear suitable clothing. The tool can stain your favorite outfit, and when you apply something to your hair yourself, you can’t avoid pollution of things, even if you protect your shoulders with a cloak.
  2. When the composition is applied to the hair, it should be well wrapped and periodically heated with a hairdryer.
  3. Follow the rules in the wash instructions. It is strictly forbidden to neglect the amount of time allotted for the action of the tool. Overexposing it can seriously damage your hair.
  4. Remove all jewelry, as gold and silver are highly oxidized.
  5. Provide fresh air to the room. Eyes may begin to watery due to flushing. In order not to harm them and the respiratory organs, it is necessary to carry out washing in well-ventilated rooms.

If you follow the instructions, which is always in the box with the product, the hair will return to its original color after 2-3 procedures, it all depends on the saturation of the paint and the manufacturer. Professional and semi-professional means can be used to wash off black hair dye.

washing off hair dye before and after

Features of hair care after washing

After using professional washes at home, your hair will need good care for a long time. They can also become dry and brittle after washing with lemon, soda or laundry soap. That is why it is very important to start nutrition and hydration in time, until their condition finally worsens. If you do not do this, the hair will begin to fall out and split off over time. Then only one thing will help - a haircut. Numerous reviews about washing off hair dye suggest that it somehow affects them badly. To restore curls after washing the coloring pigment, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Use mild shampoos that do not clean the scalp before squeaking. Detergents that contain sulfates wash the hair out of the hair, but at the same time they have a bad effect on the curls themselves, making them dull and dry.
  2. Never forget about nourishing masks, balms and conditioners. After each washing, it is necessary to moisturize the hair well with any of these products.
  3. Do not wash your hair with hot water. It will have an extremely negative effect on the skin - it will cause an increased separation of sebum and make it more oily. The quality of the hair will also suffer from this, as washing your hair will become more frequent.
  4. For the period of recovery of curls, you need to refrain from using hot tools: ironing, curling irons and hair dryers. If you can’t refuse the last one, it is better to dry your hair with cold air.
  5. Do not damage the strands with tight and prickly rubber bands, heavy hairpins, do not use metal combs. It is better to get a wooden massage brush with smooth and round teeth. She will not only comb her hair well, but also improve blood circulation to the scalp.
  6. Try to make homemade masks based on kefir, eggs and oils more often.
  7. In summer, always wear a hat that protects from the sun, and when going to the pool, do not forget about the hat. Chlorinated water and the scorching rays of the sun are dangerous enemies for weakened hair.
  8. Never comb wet locks. You must always wait for them to dry. Wet hair is very weak and easily torn.
  9. If funds allow, you need to do caring and restorative procedures in the cabin.
  10. Trim dry ends. From this, the hairstyle will be revived, and the hair will look healthier.
    washing off hair dye

Hair is damaged daily. They break from the effects of hot appliances when laying, dry in the sun, tear when combed, and also split off from a lack of moisture at the ends. After washing away the coloring pigment, they become very vulnerable and weakened. This happens even after washing off the dye from the hair at home. Therefore, before painting them in a new color, you should make sure whether it really fits. It’s better to think a few times than to remove the paint for months and restore brittle hair.

To try yourself in a new color, it is not necessary to be painted with persistent paints. You can purchase a tint shampoo that will change the color of your hair by several tones or make them unusually bright in color. You can also dilute the boring image with strands on hairpins. Now there is a huge selection of both natural and artificial strands. They can be red, pink, blue or yellow. By attaching several bright strands to the back of the head, you can permanently relieve yourself of the desire to repaint.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34989/

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