Fedor and Alexander Emelianenko (brothers): sports achievements

It cannot be said that in our country there are a large number of outstanding personalities in sports. But if there are any, then Russia can rightfully be proud of them. Until recently, the Russian football team missed a lot of balls from anyone. In basketball, the national team also did not really succeed. Hockey is a little better: many of our hockey players have signed contracts with foreign teams, which proves their professionalism. And the world championships clearly demonstrate the result of the work of coaches and our athletes. But in terms of martial arts, we have something to be proud of. The best fighters and fighters of mixed and hand-to-hand styles were brought up in our country. This is especially true for mixed-style fights. Russia is famous for such an indestructible fighter as Fedor Emelianenko. This man for many years does not allow to sink into oblivion the well-known expression "The heroes in Russia have not yet been translated."

Fedor and Alexander Emelianenko: brothers

Emelianenko brothers

In addition to Fedor, MMA rings are also known to another fighter with the same surname - Alexander Emelianenko. The brothers have achieved significant success in their sports careers. Alexander is the younger brother of Fedor. He is also known for his sporting achievements.

Unfortunately, the fame of fighters does not have such a scale in Russia as abroad. For example, Fedor Emelianenko's largest fan club is located in Japan. And in Korea, a soldier has so many fans that he has to move around with 50 bodyguards.

Emelianenko brothers: who is older? Biography of Fedor

brother of Fedor Emelianenko

A fighter born in 1976 is a native of the city of Rubezhnoye (Lugansk region). He was the eldest son in an ordinary working-class family, which in 1978 moved to Russia, in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region. He was interested in martial arts as early as ten years old, when he visited the sambo section for the first time. Then the judo section was added. There was no one to leave his younger brother Alexander with, so Fedor took him with him to training, which later attracted him to the world of sports.

In 1987, Fedor entered the sports class of Vladimir Voronov. After 1991, Emelianenko Sr. graduated from high school and enrolled in college. Having completed it successfully, in 1995 he enters the army, where he first serves in the fire department, and then in the tank troops. Being in the armed forces, he did not stop playing sports. However, due to limited army conditions, all training consisted of strength exercises. This work with weights, and lifting the bar, and, of course, lengthy march-throws.

Fedor found himself in the world of mixed-style fights in the 1990s, when, due to the crisis, the acute financial shortage affecting the majority of the population overtook him. The first fights of the athlete were held according to the version of "Rings", which at that time was considered the safest.

Alexander's biography

Emelianenko brothers who are older

Fyodor Emelianenkoā€™s brother is from Stary Oskol. Alexander (born in 1981), as mentioned above, got into the sports world thanks to his older brother Fedor, who often took him with him to train. Thus, the brother of Fedor Emelianenko became addicted to sambo and, like Fedor himself, entered the sports class of Vladimir Voronov. In 2003, Alexander entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Economics of the Belgorod Institute. A year later, the athlete moved to St. Petersburg.

Sports achievements of Alexander Emelianenko

The fighter is known for his victories in the professional ring. Moreover, he is a multiple world champion in sambo. Alexander also won the title of European champion in combat sambo. In addition, Alexander has the title of master of sports in judo and master of sports in combat sambo.

Fedor and Alexander Emelianenko brothers

The list of his achievements totals 24 victories, of which 17 were won by technical knockout. Thanks to boxing, the fighter has a strong punch , which allowed him to achieve high results.

Contrary to rumors that fame came to Alexander thanks to his older brother, the athlete is known for his victories over such ring titans as Kharitonov, Moraish and Foki.

Sports achievements of Fedor Emelianenko

brother of Alexander Emelyanenko

During his sports career, Fedor is known for his victories over fighters such as Rizo, Ishil, Monson, Orlovsky, Rogers and over 30 other famous athletes. Fyodor was defeated only four times. These were the fights:

  • Emelianenko - Henderson.
  • Emelianenko - Silva.
  • Emelianenko - Werdum.
  • Emelianenko - Kosaka.

Famous fights. Lindland fight

As a rule, all fights of the Russian hero are striking events, and it is difficult to single out the most memorable of them. One can only recall the 2007 fight with Lindland, where honored guests in the person of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Silvio Berluscloni gathered on the stage.

In the first minutes, Fedor received an eyebrow dissection from Lindlandā€™s powerful blow, but soon after that Emelianenko won. One of the memorable moments is that Lindland had to gain 15 kg in order to go against Emelianenko.

Fight with monson

fights brothers Emelianenko

One of the expected events of 2011 was the battle of two titans of the ring of mixed styles - Monson and Emelianenko. The brothers had been preparing for this fight for a long time. Fedor and his opponent had deep respect for each other and waited for the fight. In the course of the battle, it became noticeable that Fedor especially honed his striking technique, as the battle was saturated with low-kick strikes from his side. The result of one of these batches of blows was a hematoma on the leg of an American soldier. In addition, in the third round, Monson received a blow to the face, which resulted in the dissection of the Americanā€™s lips .

Several times the American athlete tried to make a pass at the feet of Fedor, but the attempts were unsuccessful. Towards the end of the round, Monson missed three hits to the head. At the end of the battle, it became clear to everyone that the American was exhausted and it was difficult for him to continue the battle. The result was a victory for Fedor on points.

Henderson fight

The famous battle where Fedor failed. After three rounds, the athletes exchanged blows, in which the Russian player got a lot. The result was the defeat of Fedor.

According to the trainers, Henderson won the victory due to poor preparation of Emelianenko. The brothers have repeatedly noted after this that Fedor himself has recently paid little attention to work on tactics, did not make changes, which led to a sad result.

The fight with Antonio Silva

The sad outcome of this fight is known to all fans of Emelianenko. The Brazilian ā€œBigfootā€ came out against the Russian athlete - this is the nickname that the public of the opponent Fedor awarded. The first round was held in the style of Emelianenko. It would seem that the outcome will be, as in previous battles of the champion. But the Brazilian was very agile, despite his size, which Fedor did not expect from him. In the second round, Silva knocked over a Russian on his shoulder blades, after which he brought down a hail of blows that no one could resist. However, Fedor did not lose consciousness and fought back as best he could until his doctor stopped the fight. The eye of the Russian athlete swam completely, and the continuation of the fight became impossible.

Fight with kosaka

This was the first defeat of Fedor Emelianenko in his career (2000). However, the outcome of the battle cannot be called a Russianā€™s loss as such, since the outcome was a mistake of the judges. Kosaka struck with an elbow, because of which Emelyanenko's eyebrow was cut. In view of this, the battle was stopped. The mistake was that according to the Rings version (which was used to fight) the strike was considered forbidden. However, the judges did not take this into account.

However, the rematch in 2005 put everything in its place. The brother of Alexander Emelianenko fully took revenge on Kosaka, breaking his eyebrow in the first round. In it, having made several blows to the face, Fedor did not leave the Japanese a slightest chance. Constantly running blood did not allow the Russian athlete to carry out attacks on the opponentā€™s face. The technical knockout in the first round put all the points.

In addition, the outcome of the battle was a foregone conclusion by the majority of Japanese spectators, who unanimously predicted Emelianenkoā€™s victory over their compatriot. In total, the Russian athlete won almost all of his fights. The Emelianenko brothers have repeatedly made statements that Fedor will soon return to professional sports.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34996/

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