Thickener for cream: properties, composition, reviews

Modern supermarkets offer a wide selection of a wide variety of sweets. But most housewives do not want to feed their loved ones with store confectionery. They prefer to cook these cakes, cakes or muffins with their own hands.

An important point in this process, of course, is the creation of the original decor of confectionery. Properly prepared "decorations" give homemade cakes a unique taste. The most popular decor in this business is whipped cream. It is just a universal product. Modern housewives often use a special thickener for cream. The properties of the above nutritional supplement and its composition will be discussed in this material.

How to make good whipped cream?

cream thickener
It is known that moisture evaporates from the product during a period of prolonged storage. As a result of this process, its consumer properties are significantly deteriorating. To prevent these transformations, confectioners recommend the use of special fixers for the preparation of creams. These substances have the ability to increase the viscosity of the product and keep it long enough.

A thickener for cream based on modified starch does an excellent job. Confectionery products retain their excellent appearance for a long time.

Experienced housewives claim that without the above product, it is simply impossible to prepare a quality cream. In most cases, whipping cream settles. Therefore, it is simply necessary to apply small culinary tricks in such situations.

The thickener for cream prevents the process of sedimentation of this cream, makes it more magnificent and airy.

But housewives pay attention to the choice of the most cream - because this is the most basic component. At least 30% fat should have the above product. Also, before preparing the cream, you need to cool it well. They are placed in a refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Do not forget about the dishes in which the future cream will be prepared, and about the tools. Experts say that they should also be cold.

Cream Thickener: Composition

cream thickener composition
This product contains the following ingredients:

  • modified starch;
  • icing sugar.

One bag of fixer weighs only 8 grams.

The thickener for cream has absolutely no fat in its composition. The protein content is characterized by a minimum indicator - only 0.1 g. Carbohydrates in this food supplement 93.9 g.

How to replace the above food fixative?

Many housewives are interested in how to do without the aforementioned product and what ingredients are allowed to be added to cream together so that they get the right consistency? So, how to replace the thickener for cream?

Confectioners respond that modified starch can be added instead. For about 200 g of this dairy product, you need a tablespoon without a hill of starch.

But experts warn that this contributes to the appearance of a potato flavor in the finished product. Yes, and you need to add starch more than a thickener.

Cream Fixer Properties

how to replace cream thickener
The above product has the following capabilities:

  • gives the cream the necessary consistency;
  • possesses remarkable binding properties;
  • stabilizes the density;
  • is a gelling agent;
  • It has excellent organoleptic properties.

Cream thickener: how to use?

cream thickener how to use

Instructions for preparing delicious whipped cream using a fixer:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the dishes, tools and the cream themselves (cool in the refrigerator).
  2. The dairy product should be placed in a container.
  3. Beat it with a mixer: start with small revolutions, gradually increasing them.
  4. Add cream thickener in the middle of the whipping process.
  5. Then pour in the required amount of powdered sugar. This ingredient is applied only after the formation of a stable creamy film. Previously, sugar powder must be sieved and added gradually.
  6. At the end of the preparation process of the above cream, you need to switch from the maximum to the minimum whipping speed .

If necessary, this instruction will tell you how to use the thickener for cream correctly. The whipped mass will turn out to be of really good consistency, it will be great to keep its shape, not to settle and not to spread out on confectionery. A thickener for cream in the amount of 8 grams (one bag) contributes to the preparation of about 0.5 liters of a finished excellent product.

Cream fastener: reviews

how to use cream thickener
Housewives claim that the above nutritional supplement helps to prepare a wonderful cream, even from very liquid cream. Without adding the above fixative, the whipped mass does not retain its shape and begins to settle quickly.

Whipped cream, which was prepared using the above food additives, according to the cooks, for quite a long time able to perfectly maintain their shape on confectionery. The cake is guaranteed not to be transformed, will not lose its former attractiveness and volume.

The thickener for cream perfectly improves the consistency of the product. Experts say that with this food supplement, you definitely will not have a bad mood about the spoiled look of the cake or cake.


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