Shatush on fair hair: photo "before" and "after"

Fashionable hair coloring techniques are now available everywhere. You can make a hairstyle like a star, or even a similar one, either in a beauty salon in any city of Russia, or independently at home. One of these innovations is the technique of painting the rods. What is it, and is it possible to make a shutter for blond hair?

Brief definition

The shatush technique is a special way of highlighting strands, in which the appearance of hair burnt out in the sun is achieved. To create the effect of playing the sun in the hair, two or three close light shades are taken, which create subtle overflows. In the crank technique, strands are dyed along the entire length without affecting the roots, which allows you to maintain the effect of a hairstyle for a long time - regrowing hair is almost invisible.

This technique looks good on dark and long curls, but the shuttle for blond hair also works great. Photos of "before" and "after" on short hair allow you to make sure that here is a beautifully executed highlighting to the place.

fair hair

What is the difference between the ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’technique;

All these techniques are based on contrasting staining of the roots and ends of the hair or individual strands, that is, all this, in fact, is highlighting options. However, if you do not know what to prefer, it is worthwhile to figure out how the described method differs from its own kind. It’s worth a look, and what the shuttus looks like for blonde hair, a “before” and “after” photo.

Reviews of this procedure say that this technique is more gentle, unlike, for example, ombre or balayazha, in which a large surface of the hair is painted (all ends are of a decent length). Shatush also looks more natural, because there is no clear transition from one hair color to another.

shuttle to fair hair before and after photos

Also, unlike other techniques, shatush involves the use of ammonia-free sparing dyes. Lightening is not too cardinal, which is suitable for fragile weakened hair and for those who are afraid to spoil the hair with dyeing.

Also, the shuttle goes to owners of blond hair. On them, he will look natural and delicate, not striking. At the same time, techniques such as ombre and balayazh look best on dark or at least blond hair, and bronzing generally applies only to dark colors.

Therefore, if you are a blonde who wants to add a little summer sun, air, volume and lightness to her hair, your choice is a shuttle.

Staining technology

Before proceeding with the procedure, some preparation is required. Firstly, refresh the haircut - the cut ends will unevenly stain and look bad, moreover, it’s easier for the master to put emphasis in the form of highlighting on the finished hairstyle. Also carry out basic dyeing or tinting of the entire mass of hair, if necessary. To understand if you need pre-tinting, look at how a crankcase looks on blonde hair (photo). Short curls, by the way, do not lend themselves well to such coloring, since it is difficult to stretch the color onto them . True, we are talking about ultra-short haircuts.

shuttle girl for blonde hair before and after photo on short hair

When everything is ready, highlighting can be done. Shatush is usually performed in two techniques:

  • With combing strands.
  • No fleece.

In fact, the result is the same, but the bouffant allows you to get a guaranteed result - the color will be stretched and natural. At the same time, fleece alone is difficult to consider a gentle procedure, so highly professional masters do without it - they shade the paint using the open highlighting technique, that is, with a hand and brush on an open lock of hair. However, a predictable result can be obtained only by contacting a specialist who has done this more than once.

So, dyeing starts from the bottom, so the unnecessary mass of hair is pinned up and the remaining curls are divided into strands of 2 centimeters. A hat or foil is not used in this technique. Next, the master combes each strand (or skips this step if he owns the technique of shatushi without fleece) and applies paint.

The lightening composition in the cabin will be selected individually for you, taking into account the color of the hair, the desired effect, the shape of the hairstyle, type and so on. Typically, the master takes from two to four close shades to obtain the most natural result - ashen, golden, pearl, honey, beige tones.

shuttle blonde hair before and after photos reviews

The process of applying paint is also important - it should not be done evenly, but with light strokes, and only at the ends, without going to the roots of the hair. It is important to make light strokes to get a natural effect.

The dye on the hair should remain from 10 minutes to half an hour, depending on what kind of lightening intensity you need. After the specified time, the product is washed off, and the hair is laid in the usual way.

The advantage of this technique is that it takes 40 minutes to stain, which is quite small compared, for example, with conventional highlighting.

Shatush on fair hair at home

Of course, an ideal staining result is possible only in a good salon and in the hands of a professional craftsman. However, if you are confident in your abilities, it is worth trying to stain the cranks and at home. The advantage of the technique on fair hair is that the coloring is not cardinal, and mistakes are easy to fix.

middle-aged blond hair shutter photo

For the experiment you will need:

  • Several shades of brightening paint.
  • Comb.
  • Gloves.
  • Brush for painting.

By the way, it should be borne in mind that modern paint is not only liquid, but also dry in the form of powder, which is what professional colorists use. You can buy it in specialized hairdressing stores. But you can choose a more affordable option, for example, use the paint brands "Loreal" or "Garnier" - they produce a special line for the ombre, which can also be used for the shuttle gun technique.

How to choose shades

To choose shades, look at the main color of the hair and the color type of appearance. Based on this, choose the color of future strands to use the shuttle-haired technology for fair hair. The "before" and "after" photos presented in the article will also give an idea of ​​the possible result.

short haired woman

A woman "spring" is more suitable warm golden, honey, wheat shades. Cold tones are best avoided, especially for home dyeing.

Light-colored shades will suit a woman of the “autumn” color type, choose colder, inactive colors for strands.

“Winter” - this color type is quite far from the blonde, but if the lady still wants to be blonde, she needs only cold tones, so for highlighting it is worth choosing ash and pearl blonde.

Both “warm” and “cold” shades are suitable for “summer,” so the whole palette is possible here. However, if the skin has a blush, then avoid the pinkish shades of light. Pale integuments are afraid of golden locks.

As a rule, one base color is selected, that is, the main color, and a couple of close tones are added to it a little darker and slightly lighter. When shades are distributed over the hair, the lighter ones are usually placed closer to the face, while the darker ones are left in depth for volume.

fair hair

The effect on curls of different lengths

A shuttle woman for blonde hair perfectly complements a haircut of any length, however, for each hairstyle its own nuances are possible. So, on a short haircut, it is possible to highlight all the ends of the hair, and a fashionable bob with an elongated bang will sparkle in a new way if you mainly lighten the locks on the bangs and around the face. A square with a straight line will win if you lighten the tips evenly at the same height.

However, such dyeing looks most effective on long hair. An equally advantageous option is a medium-sized blond hair shatush. Photos of such hairstyles make it possible to see that the coloring effect is more clearly visible and its various options are possible - from highlighting several strands to staining all the tips. If the color transition is too noticeable (which is more important for blond hair than for blond blond hair), then lay the curls in waves - this will hide the color transition and make the hairstyle more elegant.

fair hair

To whom it suits and to whom not

Shatush goes to blondes who do not want a radical change in image, but only want to refresh the image, give it lightness and gloss. He is capable of just this - the impression is that the hair has burned out naturally under the hot resort sun. In combination with slightly tanned skin, the effect of a rested fresh appearance is ensured.

Do not use a shuttle to owners of damaged hair with brittle and split ends - the highlight technique will only aggravate the situation and the effect will be depressing. If you still want to paint, then the curls must first be treated with special masks and cut off the damaged ends.

fair hair

They make cranks on gray hair only with a 20 or a maximum of 30 percent gray hair, otherwise the result will not live up to expectations.


Here are some recommendations for those who plan to learn the technique of shuttles for blond hair at home:

  • To evenly dye all the ends, you can collect the hair in a high tail, then the risk of touching the roots with paint is minimal.
  • After the paint is washed off with curls, they need to be applied with conditioner and combed while they are wet, and only then rinse with shampoo. This trick will allow you to carefully comb through the hair that has been combed and dyed.
  • Make a course of restoring masks before and after staining, especially if aggressive paints with ammonia are used, this is important for owners of fair hair, as they are more porous than dark, which means they suffer more in aggressive environments.
  • If powder is used for coloring, then subsequent tinting of hair will be required to achieve the best result.


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