ITR workers are ... Decoding of abbreviation, list of posts

Who are engineers? Deciphering this term in a contemporary can cause certain difficulties.

According to the interpretation of the "Brief Economic Dictionary", under the acronym ITR is a category of workers called engineering and technical. Today we intend to get to know this concept more closely.

itr workers this

Who is ITR?

The main sign of belonging to the mentioned persons is the authority to manage production and organize the work process. An engineering and technical worker (R&D) belongs to this category on the basis of his position. Moreover, a particular representative may have a secondary specialized or higher education. For example, a technical engineer may not have a compulsory higher education.

Today, this concept has lost its official status. Now ITR workers are, rather, a colloquial term. According to the Qualification Directory of Jobs and Professions, as well as the Unified Classifier of Professions, there are three categories of employees. The first is represented by managers, the second by specialists, the third share is all the rest, called other types of employees or technical executives.

In another regulatory document, called the Unified Nomenclature of Employee Positions (the date of approval of which is 1967), these same employees are divided according to the nature of their activity into categories, and within each of them into groups.

list of posts

What categories does the concept of engineering include

Engineering workers are all that can be attributed to managers, specialists or technical executives. The category of managers includes those who are involved in the management of the entire organization, as well as its individual services and units, as well as their deputies.

Specialists of the UTDS belong to one of several different groups. The first group - those who are engaged in work related to agriculture or forestry, livestock, fish farming. The second - workers in the economic or engineering field. Specialists of the third group are working in the field of international relations. The fourth group - workers in the field of art, culture, science, education, health. Fifth - a legal profile. Thus, we see that the circle of specialists is quite wide.

Technical executives are those employees whose task is to record, control, prepare the necessary documentation and its design, as well as housekeeping. Thus, the concept of engineering and engineering, the decoding of which is no longer so relevant, has become obsolete. It is replaced today by the concept of administrative and technical personnel (or ATP).


List of Engineering Posts

The development of scientific and technological progress leads to the strengthening of the functions of those who are usually called engineering and technical workers. Their number relative to the total number of all categories of workers is growing, especially in industries such as industry and construction.

Who, specifically, without risk of error can we rank as one of these categories? If we focus on the old Model List of Posts, based on the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N 531 (for 1973) and approved in 1979, then we are talking about managers (except for those appointed by higher bodies), main (senior) specialists various names, heads of offices, industries, farms, services, branches, sections, bureaus, inspections, departments and divisions, stations, offices, warehouses, workshops, storages, laboratories, groups, points, sectors, sites, reserves, expeditions, bases, parks, nurseries, cameras and cash desks.

Who else falls into this category

And who else relates to ITR workers? Their list is quite long. It should include the heads of agencies, airports and airfields, power plants, elevators, waterworks, boiler houses, ventilation, treatment facilities, depots, trains, substations, shifts, water pipelines, transportation, loading and unloading, marinas and berths, transport, workshops (buildings) ), factories, start-up operations, etc.

engineer technician

In addition, ITR workers are those who occupy the posts of heads of archives, chancelleries, sections, department and section managers, group leaders. In addition, these are masters, foremen, foremen, etc., commanders and captains.

As for the ITR specialists, this abbreviation is applicable to a huge list of positions - agronomists, architects, administrators, arbitrators, biologists, accountants, auditors, doctors, surveyors and geologists, duty and controllers, engineers, cartographers and inspectors, standard engineers, operators, programmers and translators, editors, surveyors, sociologists, pharmacologists, commodity experts, artists, power engineers and legal advisers. This list is very extensive, and it makes no sense to give it completely in this small article.

The principle of remuneration of engineers

Such employees receive wages for the performance of their duties in the form of an official salary. That is, a certain fixed amount established by the administration of the enterprise and depending on the degree of complexity, as well as the volume of duties performed, the role and importance of this particular position in the work process and direct working conditions.

engineering technician itr

The size of the salary is negotiated when hiring a specialist or manager to work and does not depend on the production results of the enterprise or a specific unit.

Evaluation of labor of engineering and technical personnel is carried out in terms of completeness, quality and volume, as well as timely fulfillment of the duties assigned to them.

Thus, the category of engineers and technicians payment for their work is time-based. Depending on the position held, one's own qualifications, level of complexity and volume of duties performed, as well as working conditions in a particular industry, a system of official salaries for all types of engineering and technical personnel is provided. The schemes of these salaries are developed on the basis of a number of regulatory documents, in particular the Qualification Handbook.

Is it just a bare salary?

In addition to fixed salaries, there is a system of surcharges, allowances and various bonus payments.

Such workers are rewarded in connection with an increase in output and a reduction in their cost, compliance with contractual obligations, an increase in labor productivity, and the saving of raw materials and fuel.

employee category

The administration of the enterprise independently determines certain indicators and conditions of bonuses. In the event of deterioration in the quality of manufactured products or the identification of other negative factors, premiums may not be paid.

Certain types of surcharges associated with combining posts or professions, increasing the volume of work or expanding the service area are set for salaries of engineers at the discretion of management. They can be paid from a saved payroll.

Can the amount of engineering salaries change?

Decisions on changing salaries in the direction of both increase and decrease are made based on the results of certification, which is mandatory for this category of workers with a certain frequency - at least once every 3 or 5 years.

In case of unsatisfactory results of such certification, it is possible to cancel certain types of surcharges and allowances, as well as complete dismissal of an employee from his post.

who is itr workers

On the regulation of labor engineering

The task of competent organization of the work of employees and engineers with the aim of improving the structure of the managerial apparatus, optimizing the expenditure of working time and reducing costs requires standardization. Any type of work of a managerial nature can be properly organized only if there is specific information about the amount of time and the number of employees required to carry it out.

Compared to the rationing of the worker's labor, the same procedure for engineers and employees is a more complicated task. Indeed, in this case we are dealing with a process with a predominance of mental labor, which is not directly possible to measure. For example, a production engineer is not directly behind the machine - he leads the process. So how do you evaluate his work?

The main task in normalizing the activities of such employees is to establish the complexity of each type of work that they perform and to calculate the required number of employees. Both actions are intertwined. The first of these is necessary for the successful division of labor responsibilities and the optimal distribution of workers in accordance with qualification characteristics.

Secondly, the establishment of the number of employees in this category of workers serves to establish the optimal proportions between individual positions, to build a management apparatus in a rational way, and to plan the required staff and salary fund.


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