Professional hair cosmetics Barex: customer reviews, product overview

In the cosmetics market you can see a huge number of special hair care products. They differ in quality, cost, as well as a host of other characteristics. One of the famous manufacturers that produces professional hair care products is the Italian company Barex. Reviews of the presented products, as well as its features will be discussed later.


The Italian company Barex was founded in 1967. This manufacturer in the manufacture of its products combines high technology and environmental friendliness. The result is a line of professional hair care products that are in demand all over the world.

Barex Italian cosmetics

The company was opened in Bologna by Sergio Bayesi. It was a family business. The entire Bayesi family worked for Barex Italiana. Reviews about the products of the company presented were always positive. A well-known brand has grown from small production over time.

Now Barex has its own research laboratory. New styling and care formulas are being developed here. The production uses the most modern equipment. The laboratory is not only developing new products, but also testing the quality of produced shampoos, paints, hair masks, etc. This allows you to clearly monitor their quality.

However, the main purpose of the existence of the Barex research complex is the research, selection and use of natural ingredients, extracts for new lines of professional cosmetics.

Thanks to a special approach to development and production, Barex has become known worldwide. Its products are supplied to more than 25 countries, including Russia. In our country, the presented cosmetics has been on sale since 2004. Today the company is managed by the son of the founder of the company, Carlo Basie. He notes that when creating cosmetics the whole team strives to achieve the ideal. In his opinion, a high-quality product can only be created by mixing the best ingredients with high-class tools, adding sophisticated technique and creativity. An important factor Carlo Basie considers a beautiful presentation of the product. Because everything should be ideal. It is this principle that underlies Italian cosmetics.

Product Reviews

Considering reviews of Barex, it is worth noting that almost all buyers were satisfied with the result after applying Italian cosmetics. There are several reasons for the success of the professional Barex series:

Reviews on Barex
  1. Environmental friendliness. This allows you to achieve maximum effectiveness without damaging the hair. Therefore, in the course of production, only natural ingredients are used. Moreover, great attention is paid to their quality. In the process of growing raw materials for the production of cosmetics, chemical fertilizers are not used. Plants undergo a special treatment, which allows you to maximize their natural properties. Any ingredient that goes into production has an appropriate quality certificate.
  2. At all stages of production, attention is paid to details. Each stage of production is strictly controlled by specially designed systems for this. Technology is constantly being improved. This allows the company's products to meet the sophisticated needs of consumers.
  3. A huge range of products. The company has mastered several areas of production of cosmetics and hair care products. These include compounds for staining curls, daily care, as well as solving specific problems. A line of styling products has also been launched.
  4. High interest. The company is now a family business. Therefore, each of its participants is interested in maintaining a high image of professional cosmetics for hair Barex. Reviews about this brand are always positive.

Such features of the approach to production, as well as the attitude to the business that the company has been engaged in for many decades, determine the popularity of professional cosmetics of the Italian manufacturer. Today there are several lines of funds. The range of products is quite wide.

Makeup lines

Several lines include professional cosmetics for hair Barex. Customer reviews and specialists should be considered before buying this or that composition. Today the company produces 8 lines, which include more than 200 items of hair care products.

By combining various shampoos, hair masks and other products, you can achieve significant success. The following product lines are now available:

  • Means for treatment, hair care and styling Barex Joc. Reviews on the presented line are almost always positive.
  • Aeto Botanica - natural formulations for scalp and hair care.
  • Joc Color Line - funds for coloring curls. Also included here are compositions for bleaching and subsequent care for colored hair.
  • Contempora Series of sea buckthorn oil products. It is used for hair care and styling.
  • Olioseta Oro di Luce. The composition includes silk proteins, as well as flaxseed oil. The series is designed for hair care.
  • Soleil / Olioseta Oro del Marocco. Line with argan oil. Solar line of hair health products.
  • Olioseta Oro del Marocco. The series is designed to care for all types of hair. Tools include argan oil.
  • Permesse. Ruler for hair coloring. There are also compositions for bleaching strands. The series includes special hair care products.
  • Superplex Means for bleaching hair with their maximum protection. Designed to protect the structure from destruction.

The list of rulers is constantly updated. The company is developing new formulations that meet the modern needs of customers. This allows the cosmetics of the Italian brand to fully meet the high requirements of modern standards.

Aeto Botanica Series Reviews

The compositions of the Aeto Botanica line include a number of plant components. They were collected from around the world. Raw materials for the production of this product line are grown in ecologically clean regions where flora is especially diverse. Plants taken for the production of hair products are not grown on plantations. They grow in the wild.

Barex Cosmetics

According to manufacturers, it is these components that can restore the structure of hair. In the manufacture of Aeto Botanica formulations, high-quality ingredients, old recipes in combination with the latest technologies are used. This allows you to fully utilize the natural medicinal properties of plants.

According to reviews of Barex, shampoos, conditioners and balms of the presented series have a natural composition, fresh aroma and delicate texture. They have a therapeutic effect not only on the hair, but also on the whole body, since they have an anti-stress effect. They calm a person, balance his emotions and thoughts.

Shampoos with yucca and bamboo extracts (cost from 1000 rubles), as well as conditioners with bamboo and hibiscus (cost from 1050 rubles) became especially popular by the presented series. They, according to reviews, strengthen hair well. Weakened curls become noticeably stronger.

Shampoos and conditioners Barex, according to customers and experts, it is recommended to use in combination with other means of the line. The manufacturer creates special masks for this, including for wraps (price from 1100 to 3200 rubles), as well as styling serum (price from 950 rubles). Such compositions additionally nourish the hair, filling them with strength and elasticity. The styling balm protects the curls from drying out during the use of the hair dryer. If the ends of the hair are dry, it is recommended to treat them with extracts of oils of the same series (price from 1650 rubles). The Aeto Botanica Natural Series gets the highest ratings, according to reviews from ordinary customers and professionals.

Contempora Series Reviews

One of the most popular trends in the field of care and styling is the effective line of Barex Contempora products. Reviews about shampoos, conditioners, masks, as well as spray and mousse for fixation and other means of the presented series are positive. Translated from Italian, the name of the line means "art." The composition of the ingredients from which various care and styling products are made includes rare fruit oils. They fill the hair with life-giving power. Sea buckthorn oil prevails over them in all formulations.

Barex Shampoo

According to expert reviews, the advantage of the products of the presented series is the absence of harmful chemical compositions, for example, parabens, sulfates. Sea buckthorn oil was chosen as the leader for the presented line not by chance. This component has rare, unique qualities. The oil has a beneficial effect on the scalp, as well as the hair. It contains vitamins and rare fatty acids (Omega 3, 7, 6, 9). In total, sea buckthorn oil has more than 190 nutrients. It is this feature that is used by the creators of hair care products and styling when creating their collections.

For different types of hair, the Italian manufacturer offers several lines of products. These include hair formulations:

  • stained;
  • dry
  • thin;
  • normal;
  • curly (for smoothing).

Each of the 5 categories included special compositions. For example, Barex Contempora Moisturizing Shampoo is suitable for dry curls. Reviews about this tool indicate its effectiveness. Faded, brittle hair will again be filled with radiance and elasticity. Shampoo for colored hair allows you to preserve the color of the strands for a long time. If you need to give the hairstyle volume, a composition for thin hair is used. For daily use, suitable shampoo is suitable. He will carefully care for normal hair, maintaining their health and beauty. For curly hair, shampoo is presented that evens out strands. They become smooth. The cost of shampoos (volume 1 l) is from 900 to 1000 rubles.

The line is supplemented with masks, conditioners and other special means. For each type of hair, it is proposed to purchase a certain type of care product. The series also included extrasilic fixation varnish (950-1000 rub.), Mousse for adding volume (900-950 rub.) And fluid "Liquid crystals" (1450-1500 rub.). The listed compositions allow you to simulate the hairstyle in accordance with the chosen style.

Reviews on Barex Joc

Professional series for hair Joc includes compositions that allow you to perform all the procedures in a beauty salon. It includes the following areas:

  • Treatment (Cure). Designed to restore the health of the scalp.
  • Care The compounds affect the hair. They are selected in accordance with the type of curls.
  • Staining (Color Line).
  • Laying (Style).
    Cosmetics Barex

Each of these groups includes a number of special compounds. The Cure series includes formulations with the following direction:

  • sensitive skin;
  • tendency to dandruff;
  • oily skin;
  • hair loss.

A number of formulations have been developed for hair care. They differ in purpose. On sale are funds for:

  • daily care;
  • dry hair
  • thin, damaged strands;
  • curly, naughty or stiff curls (requires alignment);
  • damaged hair;
  • curly locks (creating a pronounced form of curls).

Especially popular are, according to reviews of Barex, “Ideal Curls” (shampoo, mask and serum to give curls a beautiful shape), Deep Recovery ”(mask, shampoo, oil),“ Shampoo with nettle and water lily ”(for daily care) . Buyers and experts argue that such products cannot replace products from other manufacturers. Shampoos cost from 1000 to 1200 rubles, and masks - from 750 rubles. and higher.

The Joc range of products for painting and styling is also in demand. They are of high quality. It is especially worth noting, according to reviews, shampoo for colored hair Barex “Color Resistance”, against “Yellowness” yellowness. Buyers and professionals in beauty salons note that these are high-quality products that are effective.

Olioseta Oro di Luce reviews

Considering the reviews of Barex Olioseta Oro di Luce, a lot of positive comments can be noted. Buyers and professionals agree that this line for hair care and styling fills hair with shine and radiance. The strands become soft after the first use, they acquire a healthy appearance. It also becomes easy to comb and style.

Everything presented in the line is impeccable. The composition, as before, is selected especially carefully. The use of chemical, harmful agents is excluded. The packaging design is recognizable and elegant. Products do not contain sulfates, parabens. The composition is based on two main components. These are silk proteins and flax seed oil. The series includes the following tools:

  • shampoos (1100-1200 rub.);
  • masks (1200-1400 rub.);
  • restoring fluid (2600-2700 rub.);
  • thermal protective cream (1200 rub.);
  • modeling fluid (1250 rub.);
  • strong fixation wax (1450-1500 rub.);
  • fluid "Liquid crystals" (1650-1700 rubles);
  • medium fixation wax (1500-1550 rub.).

According to reviews of Barex, shampoos, masks, as well as other care and styling products of the presented series are effective, have a pleasant texture. They are able to restore health and radiance even to thin, very weak hair.

Olioseta Oro del Marocco reviews

Translated from Italian, the name of the presented series sounds like "gold of Morocco." It includes hair care products made from flax seed and argan oil. The compositions are intended for the care of thin, weakened hair. It should be noted that, according to reviews of Barex, conditioners, shampoos, masks, sprays and other products of the presented line also have a pronounced anti-stress effect on the body.

Bare hair mask

It is the oil of argan that the inhabitants of Morocco call "liquid gold." This is due to its healing qualities. The composition includes a large amount of vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols. These substances penetrate deep into the hair structure. The components of the presented series restore it by nourishing and moisturizing the strands.

The presented series is especially suitable for residents of large cities. Argan oil has a pronounced antioxidant effect. Therefore, it is able to protect hair from adverse external environmental factors, to prevent the processes of premature aging. Under the name Olioseta Oro del Marocco, several varieties of formulations are available. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • SPAColor - ammonia-free formulations for hair coloring;
  • compositions for hair care;
  • styling products;
  • natural compositions for body skin care.

It is worth noting that hair dye products are intended exclusively for salon use. The rest of the products can be purchased freely for personal use. Especially popular, according to reviews, Barex masks, shampoos, balms, as well as special eco-friendly styling products.

Reviews on Permesse and Superplex

Considering reviews of Barex paints, it is worth noting that they receive the highest ratings from professional stylists. The compositions are innovative. As a result, after dyeing, lightening or bleaching the hair, the curls become shiny, filled with strength and energy. It seems that the strands underwent a recovery procedure. After staining, they look well-groomed and healthy.

The Superplex complex for lightening hair has been developed in accordance with the latest, unique technologies. The composition of the powder includes a powerful moisturizing, nourishing and protective complex. As a result, hair can be lightened to 7 tones without damaging the hair structure.

Barex for coloring

According to reviews of Barex, the Permesse series also has similar qualities. The composition includes a complex of protective preparations M4. It also allows you to perform not just dyeing, but comprehensive care of the strands. The presented series includes means of three varieties:

  • Color Assurances. Means of this group allow you to dye your hair, and also subsequently maintain the brightness of the shade.
  • Blond Assurances. A series for creating different shades of blonde. It also includes products for the care of bleached hair.
  • Highlight Assurances. Means for bleaching hair.


One of the new areas that the Italian company has mastered is lamination.Reviews about Barex indicate the high effectiveness of such a procedure in the fight for the health and beauty of curls. After dyeing or perming, the strands lose their former shine. Hair structure can be severely disturbed due to exposure to chemicals.

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Barex, , . Hair Volumizer («»). 2000-2200 . (150 ).


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According to reviews, a similar procedure should be performed once a month. This allows you to maintain a healthy look of weakened hair. If the strands are natural and healthy, the composition is not recommended.

Having considered the features of the products of the Italian brand Barex, customer and professional reviews about it, one can note the highest quality of formulations. They allow you to maintain a healthy look of curls, giving them shine, elasticity and beauty.


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