Series "Planet Organic" (shampoos): customer reviews

Currently, the brand “organic products” is firmly entering the life of a modern person. Food grown in the garden with the caring hands of a gardener without using various chemicals was once considered a common occurrence. Now this luxury can be bought only by rich people or those who conduct home cultivation on their own.

What are organic foods?

Mass cultivation of agricultural products cannot currently do without involving funds that support growth, increase productivity, and are resistant to weather conditions and pests.

planet organic shampoos reviews
These substances enter the human body and are harmful to health. GMOs are widely used, on the benefits and dangers of which the most heated debates of scientists flare up. Therefore, agricultural producers, leading the process of environmentally friendly and safe technologies, proudly call their products organic and label them with the sticker BIO. Naturally, this kind of food will cost much more than analogs of mass production. But people who are worried about their own health and the well-being of their family are willing to pay big bucks for safe food.

What is the feature of organic cosmetics?

The organic product brand and the cosmetics industry did not pass by. The manufacture of cosmetics based on natural raw materials grown in natural conditions is also gaining popularity in this area. It is believed that such natural ingredients are especially pure and effective. Organic cosmetics are in good demand now, and its popularity is increasing every day.

People’s desire “to be beautiful by nature”, as the advertising slogans of well-known manufacturers of cosmetics invitingly claim, makes them part with considerable means. Indeed, organic cosmetics is positioned as expensive. Manufacturers motivate this circumstance by the exclusivity of raw materials, gentle technologies, the lack of chemical components and careful control at all stages of production. Do not forget about the costs of marketing, which also significantly affect the value of the goods. Imported products are also more expensive because of customs duties and the need for their state registration and certification.

The first Russian organic cosmetics

Great news for Russian adherents of organic cosmetics was the appearance on the domestic market of the products of Natura Siberika. This is the first Russian cosmetic brand of such products that has been officially recognized by the international community.

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There are certificates of independent international organizations ICEA, BDIH and ECOCERT, which really confirm the compliance of the products of this concern with high standards of organic cosmetics.

One of the most powerful and dynamically developing branches of the company is the brand Planeta Organika. This cosmetics does not contain such harmful components as SLS, parabens, petrochemicals, GMOs and ingredients of animal origin. The most sought-after product of Planeta Organika is shampoos, reviews of which are numerous and very diverse. These hair care products are enriched with a variety of organic oils and extracts from around the world, so this cosmetic brand has such a name.

What is remarkable about Planet Organics products?

This brand, producing organic cosmetics, is noteworthy in that it offers the consumer a high-quality, harmless and highly effective product that meets international quality standards. The composition of the funds includes 17 organic oils and many extracts that have passed standardization and certification in independent European laboratories, known throughout the world.

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A team of professionals working in this company collected recipes from 37 countries and optimized them for consumption. The most famous products of Planet Organics are shampoos, reviews of which are mostly positive, have a unique natural composition. The absence of aggressive chemical ingredients in them makes it possible to use for people with sensitive scalp and a tendency to allergies. The range of shampoos and other hair care products is designed to meet the needs of people with different types of hair.

As you know, there are several types of scalp, which determines the characteristics of the hair as a whole. The skin is oily, normal and dry. There are also hair weakened by various endogenous and exogenous factors. Planeta Organika shampoos will help to cope with the problems of any type of hair, consumer reviews confirm this.

Planeta Organica Shampoo for Dry and Damaged Hair Organic Oblepicha

Shampoo "Planet Organic" "Sea buckthorn", reviews of which do not differ in uniformity, is quite popular not only in Russia, but also abroad.

shampoo planet organic sea buckthorn reviews
This is explained by the fact that Arctic sea buckthorn is rich in natural substances of increased biological activity:

• Quercetin and rutin - penetrate deep into cellular structures and contribute to enhanced formation of protein molecules. As a result, damaged and weakened hair is restored, a kind of biological lamination occurs.

• Caratinoids and a complex of unsaturated fatty acids have a nourishing effect on the scalp, help to restore the barrier potential, and restore the cracked dehydrated hair structure from the bulb to the tips.

• About 20 amino acids and vitamin B6 strengthen and moisturize the hair and scalp.

As a result of using this product, even the most lifeless hair is restored and sparkles like genuine Siberian gold - sea buckthorn oil.

True, some consumers have an unfavorable impression of using this tool. This is mainly due to the individual properties of the body, the presence of an allergic reaction, or improperly selected shampoo for the real hair type. But in general, the shampoo "Planet Organic" "Sea buckthorn" is receiving positive reviews. Consumers are delighted with the strength, brilliance and luxury of hair, which absorbed all the useful qualities of an amazing Arctic berry.

Firming hammam shampoo for all hair types from Planeta Organica

The recipe for the preparation of this tool was borrowed in Turkey. Having collected all the most valuable components of folk recipes, manufacturers have developed a product from Planet Organics - “Firming Shampoo”, the reviews of which are impressive. This tool owes its magical properties to a unique composition:

• Eucalyptus oil, rich in trace elements, has a firming effect on hair roots and prevents hair loss.

• Cinnamon oil stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. At the same time, the bulbs receive more nutrients and oxygen and hair growth is activated.

• Grapefruit oil stabilizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and tone hair.

• Levantine Walnut is a true champion in vitamin composition: carotene, tocopherol and B vitamins. It contains trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc. This whole active complex, combined with polyunsaturated walnut oils, works wonders and makes hair amazing and strong.

An interesting form of shampoo and an economical dispenser are also popular with consumers.

Refreshing hair shampoo

The polar cranberries harvested after the first frosts are famous for containing a huge amount of biologically active components of increased efficiency.

shampoo planet organic arctic reviews
They helped to create an excellent product - shampoo "Planet Organics" "Arctic", reviews of which are encouraged to try and make sure the strength of the frosty red berries. Features of the product in its composition:

• Natural antioxidants fight the aging process in the scalp and perfectly restore and protect fragile hair.

• A rich amino acid composition eliminates the deficiency of nutrients in the hair, making them strong, supple and shiny.

• Vitamin D normalizes hair structure and promotes hair growth.

• Special substances from cranberry juice balance the scalp and prevent its rapid contamination.

As a result of the regular use of this shampoo, the need for daily washing of the head disappears, and the hair itself shines with health.

Revitalizing Provence Shampoo

The region of France Provence is famous all over the world for golden olive oil, aromatic herbs and delicious grape wine. Having gathered all these riches together, they created the Provencal Planet Organics shampoo, reviews of which make us believe in the miraculous nature of the French treasury. The composition of this tool is impressive:

• Six fragrant provence herbs carry a huge number of useful components: essential oils, enzymes, minerals and vitamins, organic acids. All of them contribute to the restoration and strengthening of damaged hair.

• Grape seed oil is rich in vitamins C, A, B, PP and E, proteins, fatty acids and chlorophyll. This whole complex, like a magic elixir, acts regeneratively on hair, gives it strength, shine and tenderness of silk.

• Fragrant mint, containing ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin P and valuable minerals, stops hair loss and stimulates their growth.

Organic oils that give the shampoo a magical aroma, perfectly restore even significant damage to the hair.

Tibetan Herbal Shampoo

Covered with alpine clouds of mystery, Tibetan recipes for beauty and health have long been held in high esteem in all corners of the world. The most interesting and effective of them helped create a unique Tibetan Planet Organics shampoo. Reviews about him are so attracting attention that I want to definitely try this tool. The following components are included in its composition:

• Soap nuts contain vitamins B, A, E, minerals and polyunsaturated fats, which nourish the scalp, strengthen and promote the growth of healthy hair.

• Sandalwood oil stimulates the metabolic processes in the hair follicles.

• Helichrysum extract, containing vitamins A, C, K and tannins, has antibacterial, soothing and anti-inflammatory effects on the scalp.

• Tibetan herbs restore the structure of the hair along its entire length.

As a result of using this shampoo, the hair becomes strong, strong and obedient, acquiring a basal volume.

Hair shampoo with Siberian cedar oil

The mighty handsome Siberian cedar conquers with its strength and stamina. And its fruits - nuts - surprise with a rich composition.

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It was this combination of properties of the Siberian hero who inspired the creation of the Planet Organics shampoo “Cedar”, reviews of which are only positive. The composition of this tool includes the following ingredients:

• Pine nut oil, which has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, and also contains useful fatty acids. This active complex nourishes the scalp, strengthens the bulbs, reduces hair loss and gives strength and shine to the hair.

• Decoction of white willow buds is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that protect hair.

• Amino acids and vitamin complex stimulate the growth of strong and strong hair.

Many consumers note that with regular use of this shampoo, hair loss is noticeably reduced, and growth is enhanced.

Moroccan Cleansing Shampoo

Filled with the heat and sorrow of a thousand and one nights, hot Morocco attracts with its mystery. And the famous Moroccan black clay is famous all over the world for its unique properties. It is this mineral that helped create the Planet Organica Moroccan shampoo.

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Reviews about this tool confirm its high effectiveness in cleansing the scalp. The composition of the shampoo includes the following components:

• Moroccan clay - a mineral of volcanic nature, containing silicon and magnesium, is an excellent absorbent. Perfectly cleanses the scalp and hair, removes toxins and poisons.

• Olive oil contains many vitamins: B, E, K, A, F, D, C, minerals, protein components and natural antiseptics. This whole complex normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, fills the hair structure with important nutrients and makes them incredibly strong.

• Ambergris oil with antioxidants protects the scalp and nourishes the hair.

After applying this shampoo, the hair becomes especially clean, soft, obedient and healthy.

Alepp shampoo for all hair types

Distant and hot Syria envelops in the aroma of black caraway seeds and beckons with the sweetness of figs. The secrets of the Syrian beauties helped to develop the specialists of the company "Planet Organic" Aleppo Shampoo. Reviews about it make many think about buying such a tool. This is due to the composition of the shampoo, which included the following ingredients:

• Olive oil, rich in a whole complex of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and proteins, gives the hair hydration, nutrition, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

• Fig extract is saturated with antioxidants, pectins, ficin and polysaccharides. These active substances nourish, restore and soften hair.

• Extract from black caraway seeds improves the structure of the hair, makes them silky and soft.

Damask rose oil extract moisturizes hair and protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation.

After regular use of this shampoo, dry and lifeless hair is saturated with the necessary moisture, become vibrant and shiny.

Finnish soft shampoo for sauna and bath

In distant and snowy Finland, amazing plants are found. They have great life potential and withstand difficult environmental conditions. Thanks to the strength of these plants, Finnish Shampoo appeared in the Planet Organics series.

organic planet finnish shampoo reviews
Reviews about him say that this tool is really suitable for people with sensitive scalp and weak hair. The composition included the following components:

• Cloudberry extract, rich in ascorbic acid and omega-3 and -9 polyunsaturated fats, can strengthen the hair structure, increase its elasticity, strengthen the roots and saturate the scalp with useful nutrients.

• Wormwood extract, rich in antioxidants, quercetin, calcium, zinc and tannins nourishes the scalp, enhances local microcirculation, protects against harmful environmental factors, strengthens and stimulates the hair follicle.

• Heather extract soothes inflammation on the scalp.

This shampoo is necessary for all residents of large cities to neutralize the harmful effects of environmental factors.

Here they are - wonderful products of the Planeta Organika company - shampoos, reviews of which inspire us to purchase and use them.


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