How to become beautiful at home: the secrets of natural beauty

Natural beauty is, of course, a real diamond. Unfortunately, not all modern girls understand this and, in pursuit of the “ideal,” they apply more than one layer of “stucco”. If earlier naturalness was valued, now, unfortunately, the priorities are completely different. But still, men, according to polls, are more attracted to the real beauty of a woman. What does it consist of? Beauty is shine in the eyes, fresh blush on the cheeks, delicate clean skin, a beautiful bend of the eyebrows, nice and silky hair, gentle hands. Spas at every step offer their services. But how to become beautiful at home? After all, our grandmothers managed to be beautiful, using only natural means. Perhaps some useful tips for the girls that I borrowed from my grandmother will help you emphasize your exceptional beauty. Their implementation does not require much effort, and the result exceeds all expectations.

So, how to become beautiful at home?

how to become beautiful at home
Step 1. Eye Beauty

Bright eyes always attracted the gaze of men. This is the main secret of beauty. Poems, songs, books, ballads have been dedicated to just such eyes since ancient times and still ... It was for the eyes of his beloved girl that knights fought to the death in tournaments, and modern men achieve unprecedented heights! Therefore, the eyes should always be beautiful. Firstly, in no case do not need to overwork, as this will lead to redness. Such eyes look at least painful and ugly. Also, do not forget to take vitamins, do regular exercises, and also undergo a full examination with a doctor once a year.

Step 2. Fresh blush and tender skin

useful tips for girls
To avoid pallor (although this is considered aristocratic), you must often walk, that is, spend at least 4 hours a day in the fresh air. Be sure to take vitamins and eat well. Fruits, vegetables, meat and fish dishes will be great helpers. In addition, “lean” on beets, carrots, lingonberries, grapes, lettuce and natural juice. Remember about home masks, because they are the key to an even complexion. For example, for all skin types, such a mixture would be ideal: 1 tsp. mix olive oil (or grape) and egg yolk thoroughly and apply on a cleansed face. Rinse off after a few minutes (15-25). Optionally, add strawberries, beets, juice and pulp of cherries, cherries, as well as aloe vera. So the tone of your face will become smooth and beautiful, and the skin will be soft.

Do not forget to often make a scrub. Use this recipe: dissolve an aspirin tablet ( "acetylsalicylic acid") in olive oil and carefully distribute. Leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes and rinse. Your skin will be pleasant to the touch, and also pass all the redness and peeling.

Step 3. Beautiful curving eyebrows and long eyelashes

beauty secret
Do not forget to pluck your eyebrows and adjust their shape. This way you emphasize your eyes. Well-groomed eyebrows look attractive on a pretty face. Also remember the eyelashes. In order for them to become long, as on the beautiful covers of a magazine, proper care is needed. Every evening, before lying down to rest, apply olive oil or castor oil to the base of the eyelashes and distribute along their length. Optionally, add Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

Step 4. Well-groomed hands

how to become beautiful at home
How to become beautiful at home? Remember that at home you can make a beautiful manicure! Every day, apply moisturizer to your hands and make nourishing baths. For example, add 1 tsp. coarse sea salt and iodine in warm water (300 ml) and hold your hands in this solution for about 10-15 minutes. After this, it is advisable to clean: remove the cuticle, burrs, and adjust the shape of the nails. Pick up a beautiful varnish, carefully paint over your nails, and your pens will be the most beautiful and well-groomed!

Step 5. Silky hair

In order for hair to amuse your eyes, you must carefully care for them. Remember the correct shampoo, special masks, lotions and decoctions. 1-2 times a week make a homemade mask for the roots: mix 3 tbsp. natural olive oil with aloe juice and egg yolk, vigorously rub into the roots and wrap in a towel. Leave the nourishing mask for 3-4 hours and rinse with a decoction of bark of oak, calamus, nettle (for dark hair) or chamomile, calamus and calendula (for blond hair). After such regular procedures, your hair will be thick, long and shiny!

How to become beautiful at home? This is not difficult. The main thing is to love yourself and wish to be beautiful in any conditions!


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