Dare: meaning of the word, synonyms and sentences

We are well aware that the courage of the city takes. But the same idea can be expressed in another way. For example: "Boldness causes the citadel of the capitals to fall." Slightly awkward. The main thing here is that we consider the meaning of the word โ€œdareโ€. As always, there will be synonyms and sentences.


Fist up

The style of the object of study is immediately recognized. Of course, the verb belongs to the book vocabulary. For example, we see a knight who says: "And who dares to challenge me?"

Now, it seems, few people say that. Let's check our intuition and open the explanatory dictionary:

  1. Feel free to strive for something noble, high, new (high style).
  2. Dare at anything (obsolete and book).

In the example of a knight, we used the second meaning of the word โ€œdareโ€. Naturally, to determine the content of the concept, we resorted to the interpretation of the dare infinitive.

It is clear that the XIX century was very fond of this word, then the second meaning was not outdated. And the first certainly appealed to the Soviet era, when people lived in harmony with the Olympic motto: โ€œFaster, Higher, Stronger!โ€. Now people also have a motto, but it cannot be expressed lapidary. And the ballad of self-realization is a separate issue.


Archery man

Why is it sometimes so hard to dare? Because the effort is connected with the willpower, and people want to live a relaxed life, but we dare and make sentences with the word:

  • It seems unfair that only young people are allowed to dare. Perhaps the older generation is even more in need of good, bright ideals than their children and grandchildren. Because when a person retires, his psyche is tested.
  • If the subordinate dares to answer the boss to his rudeness, then he risks being left without work at the same moment.
  • You need to dare, go to the goal, strive, and then everything will be fine.

Yes, the proposals were very imperative, that is, with the word "should." What is there to do? After all, the focus is on the ideals of aspiration, and they are inconceivable without service and overcoming.


Last on the list, but not by value. And for someone, perhaps the first. Because each person is individual, and the mechanism of remembering information is bizarre: someone needs long reasoning and examples, and someone only needs synonyms for the word โ€œdareโ€:

  • to attempt;
  • to decide;
  • take a chance;
  • to dare;
  • dare;
  • to dare;
  • to go.

The advantage of substitutions over the object of study is that they are more familiar to the reader and modern. Behind the obsolete word is only aesthetics, but beauty does not always save the sentence. Therefore, be careful with the meaning of the word โ€œdareโ€. Life is needed in order to dare and decide. Without courage, nothing can be changed in the world and in yourself. But man is always afraid. Fear must be overcome with the great power of the verb "dare." The meaning of the word is great not only for the dictionary, but also for human consciousness!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C35020/

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