Herbs to enhance immunity. Folk recipes to strengthen the body

It has long been no secret that his overall health directly depends on the level of human immunity. Modern medicine offers a huge number of medicines whose action is aimed at strengthening it. However, taking them, many people completely forgot that there is a certain list of available herbs to enhance immunity. The advantage of such a medicine is the absence of harm to the body, as well as the minimum cost of the ingredients that can be found in almost any pharmacy. So, let’s further consider the effects of which herbs are most aimed at providing full immunity, as well as health for the entire human body.

Herbs to enhance immunity

For adults

First of all, you should consider the main list of herbs to increase immunity in adults. This group of plants includes not only the upper ground parts, but, in some cases, even the roots. In order to improve the immunity status of an adult, many experts in the field of traditional and traditional medicine recommend daily use of infusions made on the basis of field chamomile, ginseng, and pink rhodiola.

Ginseng is a remedy that has been known in folk medicine for a very long time. In addition to the fact that the tincture from the root of the plant perfectly strengthens the immune system, it also helps to increase the mood in a person, as well as overall performance. If there are minor skin lesions on the body, it is enough to just put a swab moistened with ginseng tincture on them - the problem area will immediately begin to heal. To increase immunity, you need to take such a tincture for a whole course - 20 drops three times a day. The duration of such a course should be no more than a couple of months.

Medicinal chamomile develops protective properties in the whole body. Tinctures from this herb to increase immunity in adults are absolutely harmless, so pregnant women and children can use them. The composition of this plant contains a high content of oils, fatty acids and vitamins that are beneficial for the body. Use this tincture in the form of tea, pre-brewing dry grass with inflorescences in boiling water for 20 minutes.

Pink Rhodiola is a herb, the tincture of which not only enhances the body's immunity, but also allows you to maintain normal and improve mental development, as well as physical activity throughout the day. People who regularly use such a remedy of traditional medicine very often notice the cheerfulness that accompanies all day. It is recommended to use such a remedy three times throughout the day, before meals (30 drops each).

Herbs for increasing immunity in adults

Herbs for children

What herbs to drink to increase immunity for children? Specialists in the field of medicine recommend the most thorough approach to this moment, since the child’s body is more susceptible to stress caused by improperly selected medications and drugs. The impact of folk remedies is also affected.

Doctors do not recommend using those products that are based on alcohol (tinctures). As a means intended for use by children, it is advisable to use only those herbs (or a mixture thereof) that are recommended by a pediatrician. Among them, celandine, aloe, ginger root and echinacea most often appear. In addition, we should not forget that miraculous properties are possessed by such plants as nettles, rose hips (fruits), St. John's wort, black currants (berries and leaves), lingonberries, ginseng. Of all these herbs, it is possible to create fees that must be periodically steamed by pouring boiling water and insisting for 15-20 minutes. To use decoctions is best in the form of tea, with the addition of lemon, sugar and honey.

Herbs to increase immunity in children under 3 years old

Special attention should be paid to this particular group of patients. Such recommendations are related to the fact that the body of a child under the age of 3 years is very sensitive to the effects of traditional medicine, however, if you select them correctly, they will be able to have the very expected and completely harmless effect.

The safest herb that can be used in the creation of medicinal teas and tinctures, according to pediatricians, is echinacea. Many experts recommend making decoctions from it when observing the first sign of colds, as well as with flu symptoms. One of the best herbs for enhancing immunity in young children is astragalus. According to experts, it is completely harmless even with prolonged use. Observations in the field of traditional medicine have shown that the regular use of homemade decoctions of astragalus contributes to the development of excellent resistance to diseases. Especially often it is recommended to drink for children in the winter.

When compiling a collection of herbs to increase immunity in a child, many pediatricians recommend paying attention to nettle leaves, as well as chamomile. They are also completely harmless to any organism.

One of the most effective plants that enhance immunity is considered garlic. Using it in a small amount, the baby will be protected from various fungi and infections. You can also take it in the form of capsules, which are sold in pharmacies of the city.

Herbs to enhance immunity

Herbs for increasing immunity in oncology

It's no secret that at a time when the body is struggling with cancer, its immunity is sharply weakened. There is a certain list of plants that possess qualities that contribute to improving the condition of the body or at least maintaining it at the same level. The most effective herbs include ginseng and echinacea. It should also be noted that the regular use of tinctures from the plants in question significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.

In addition, during the course of the disease, its treatment and during the recovery period, decoctions prepared on the basis of licorice root and ginger will have a very beneficial effect. These plants do an excellent job with the destruction of toxic substances that can enter the internal environment of the human body.

During the treatment of cancer, maintaining the level of immunity at the proper level helps the chicory root, eleutherococcus, calendula, propolis, aralia, tansy and immortelle.

All of the above plants should be added to tea, and they can also be brewed separately. To strengthen the effect, it is recommended to lay a small slice of fresh lemon in the broth, which will give not only useful properties, but also a pleasant aroma and special taste.

There is a specific list of herbs to increase immunity in HPV. These include lemon balm, chestnut, and also Ivan tea. Specialists in the field of traditional medicine assure that with papillomas, decoctions prepared on the basis of spruce needles especially help to maintain immunity.

In the presence of the problem under consideration, a decoction made on the basis of fresh walnut leaves has a particularly good effect on the human body. Such a tool is recommended to be used once a day, 50 ml each. It is very useful to combine such a decoction with the kernels of this nut.

HPV Herbs

For pregnant

Special attention should be paid to issues related to increasing immunity during pregnancy. You need to understand that during this period, the woman’s body needs special support, which should be carried out by supplying the right amount of vitamins, minerals and substances that support the immune system. For this purpose, you can use completely harmless herbs, among which experts include, first of all, medicinal chamomile. Also useful in this case are the fruits of hawthorn, rose hips and green tea.

Specialists in the field of medicine do not recommend consuming decoctions of herbs for too long - a three-week intake is enough to achieve the desired goal. After the specified time, a woman can take a week break, and then start using a decoction from another plant. It is this technique, according to doctors, that is the most effective and does not harm both the body of the woman herself and her fetus.

Herbs for children 3 years old

What herbs can I drink to boost immunity yet? How to cook decoctions? Next, we consider several effective recipes that include the use of herbs purchased in a pharmacy to increase immunity.

Ginseng honey infusion

Very pleasant to the taste and incredibly aromatic is the infusion made on the basis of ginseng and honey. It takes a couple of weeks to prepare it, but the result is worth all the expectations.

To create a folk remedy to increase immunity from herbs, you should take crushed ginseng root, which can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city in a ready-made form. Separately, in a water bath, melt liquid honey and mix it with a vegetable ingredient so that a homogeneous and non-liquid mixture is obtained. After carrying out simple manipulations, the mass should be covered, and then sent to a dark and cool place for 14 days. After this period, you should start using the prepared mixture, rich in vitamins and useful components that positively affect the strengthening of immunity.

Rosehip tea

A drink prepared according to the described method can successfully replace the tea familiar to many families. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of pre-chopped rose hips, put them in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. After this, the container must be closed and left for a couple of hours. After this time, all the liquid from the thermos should be drained and add new boiling water again. This is how you can get the most concentrated infusion, which will have the most beneficial effect on the body's immune system.

In appearance, such a tincture, rather, resembles tea. You can use it several times a day, for no more than 2-3 months.

Tonic tea

This is another recipe for making tea. Undoubtedly, such a drink will become a favorite in many families, since when ready it has not only an amazing taste and wonderful aroma, but also tonic properties, which makes this type of self-made healing drink incredibly popular in the evening.

To prepare tonic tea, you should take in equal proportions herbs that can be used both dried and fresh: lemon balm, sage, as well as wild rose and viburnum berries (it is better to take dry). All the ingredients must be mixed to a homogeneous consistency, and then brew from this calculation: a tablespoon of the mixture of berries and herbs in a glass of boiling water. The mass should be left to insist for a couple of hours (under the lid), and then consumed as a drink.

Many fans of decoctions prepared on the basis of herbal preparations prefer to use them with the addition of honey, cinnamon, as well as sugar and lemon.

Herbal tinctures to enhance

Infusion of sage and lemongrass

What herbs to drink to enhance immunity? Specialists in the field of traditional medicine assure that infusions, which include sage or lemongrass, have excellent properties. So why not combine these beneficial plants together?

To create a healthy decoction, combine dried lemongrass and sage in a 3: 1 ratio. As for lemongrass, it is best to use its shoots to make a drink - it is in them that the largest number of useful components are concentrated. A teaspoon of the created homogeneous mixture should be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then let the mass infuse for an hour, after covering it with a lid. After the preparation is complete, the infusion must be filtered and, adding a spoonful of honey to it for a more piquant taste, drink half a glass every day (in the morning, after eating).

Echinacea infusion and tincture

What herbs to increase immunity do experts recommend eating most often? Among these, the leading position is Echinacea, which is widely used in traditional medicine. That is why we will consider further how to prepare an infusion from it.

To create a healing drink, you need to take pre-ground echinacea (can be used in dry form) and pour it with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 3. After this, the broth should be insisted under the lid for half an hour and consumed.

Also, from this type of plant, you can prepare a tincture based on alcohol. To do this, you need to take fresh echinacea, chop it, and then pour vodka. The container with the future product must be tightly corked and left in a cool place for three weeks. After the specified time, the finished tincture can be consumed in a small amount (15-20 drops), diluting it with water.

What herbs can I drink

How to understand that immunity is lowered

Many people prefer to use healthy tinctures from herbs to increase immunity (for prevention), periodically adhering to the established course. However, there are certain symptoms that indicate that the start of taking healing broths is simply necessary. Such situations include those cases when abscesses begin to appear on the body, and lymph nodes become inflamed. As a rule, a person whose immunity is seriously impaired has very frequent colds, recurring about 4-5 times a year. In this case, a slightly elevated temperature is often observed, which for a long time stays at the level of about 37-37.2 degrees.

A person whose immunity is seriously weakened has constant drowsiness, fatigue, and there is practically no good high spirits. In parallel with all this, a sensation of aches in the joints can be observed. Common signs of impaired immunity are problems associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the event that on a permanent basis a person manifests at least one of the listed symptoms, this is already a serious reason for contacting a doctor. It should also be remembered that most of the worst diseases begin to develop only when a person's immunity finally weakens. It is in order to stay as healthy as possible and significantly extend your life, you should pay attention to this indicator, try to maintain it normal. This can be done completely without harm to the body with the help of decoctions prepared by the methods discussed above.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C35023/

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