Zmievskaya TPP, Kharkiv Oblast

Zmiev Thermal Power Plant is one of the most powerful thermal power plants in Ukraine. The heat and power supply of three regions depends on her work : Poltava, Sumy, Kharkov. Design capacity reaches 2400 MW. Currently, the enterprise is undergoing large-scale reconstruction in order to transfer the station to gas coals.

Zmievskaya TPP


In 1955, near the city of Kharkov, the construction of a basic state district power station began, which became the main energy supplier for the industrial centers of the region. The first unit was commissioned in 1960, the station reached its design capacity only in 1969.

For that time, the station's capacity - 2,400 MW - was a record. For a long time Zmievskaya TPP was one of the flagships of the USSR energy. By 1979, 200 billion kilowatts had been generated, and on 9.02.2006, the bar reached 500 billion kilowatts. And today the importance of a thermal power plant is difficult to overestimate. She is one of the top 5 energy generating companies in Ukraine.

Zmiev Thermal Power Station


The most advanced technologies in the industry were introduced at Zmievskaya TPP. The first head unit allowed generating 200 MW - it was a European record. Also, for the first time in the country, the modernization of the pulverized coal block was carried out with an increase in capacity to 275 MW. At the same time, an automated control system (ACS) was introduced, which allows remote control of each technological process: from the moment of start up to a complete stop. Unlike similar plants, the Zmievskaya thermal power plant does not have a significant environmental burden due to the installation of the most advanced filtration systems and treatment facilities.

TPP allows using anthracite coal, fuel oil and gas as fuel. But it is precisely the anthracite mined in the neighborhood in the Donbass that is the main raw material. One kilometer from the station, the Komsomolskoye energy village was built, with a population of more than 17,500 people.

PJSC Centrenergo

Problems and their solution

The conflict in the Donbass led to a catastrophic shortage of anthracite, which is the main type of fuel for Zmievskaya TPP. According to technological standards, gas coals cannot be poured into boilers without structural changes. Anthracites are fundamentally different from the coals of the gas group. When applying the method of pulverized combustion safety standards for them are completely different.

Anthracites are a poorly flammable, low reaction raw material. Gas coal, on the contrary, has qualitatively different conditions for ignition. When burned, there is a danger of flare-up and explosion in fuel preparation systems.

The solution to the problem lies in the costly reconstruction of boilers and equipment. Since March 2017, the Zmievskaya Thermal Power Plant (Kharkov) has been decommissioning and dismantling the equipment of the 2nd unit. In the near future, the dismantling of equipment will begin on the 5th block. A project is underway to transfer power units of thermal power plants to the burning of coal from the DG and G gas groups instead of anthracite.

The reconstruction option required a separate calculation of the volumes of replacement of boiler units and parts (manufactured in the 60s at the RSFSR plants) and an assessment of the cost of measures to operate on new explosive and fire hazardous fuels.

Harkov city

Modernization plans

Every year, Ukrainian TPPs and TPPs consume about 9 million tons of anthracite. Re-equipment of only two TP-100 boilers with a capacity of 200-300 MW at Zmievskaya TPP will allow replacing about 1 million tons of anthracite with a coal gas group. According to the project, the launch of the re-equipped 2nd block is scheduled for September 1, 2017, and the 5th - on October 15 of this year.

The implementation of the innovation project contributes to:

  • Improving the reliability of the functioning of the Ukrainian integrated energy system.
  • Diversification and reduce dependence on interruptions in the supply of coal raw materials.
  • Stimulating industrial production by attracting Ukrainian manufacturers and contractors to carry out technological work on the re-equipment of boiler units.

At the moment, Centrenergo PJSC and all contracting organizations have developed the necessary documentation for the transfer of blocks No. 2 and No. 5 to the burning of brand ā€œGā€ coal. Kharkov boiler-and-mechanical plant manufactured separate units for boilers, the total weight of which reaches 540 tons. The construction of equipment for supplying, storing, receiving coal was carried out by the Kharkov Institute "TEP-SOYUZ". The design of structural changes to the structure was also completed, fire-fighting measures were approved.


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