Oncology treatment with soda: treatment procedure, admission rules, doctors' opinions and consequences

Recently, oncology treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin is gaining more and more popularity. It not only shows high effectiveness in cancer, but also is a good prevention method that reduces the likelihood of its development. Let's take a closer look at what this system is and how it works.

About oncology

Every year more and more often people are diagnosed with malignant tumors. In the later stages, when metastases appear, the only way out is surgical intervention followed by a course of chemotherapy. This method has many disadvantages, because in addition to the benefits, great harm is done to health. In almost 100% of cases, patients develop various side effects. However, in the early stages of the development of the disease, there are less radical methods of therapy.

general information

treatment with soda for oncology with a prescription nonmyvakin

This article will describe in detail the treatment of soda in oncology with a prescription Neumyvakin. But first, we will understand why sodium bicarbonate and what is its secret. Understanding this will allow us to form the most detailed picture of the system and dispel any doubts about its inefficiency that may be present in many people.

According to a number of scientists and doctors, cancer and soda are closely interconnected. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of the development of oncology, it is necessary to start preventive measures involving the use of various compounds in which the main component is sodium bicarbonate.

As noted above, oncology treatment with soda has recently become widespread. The Italian doctor Simoncini created his own unique system. For the purpose of prevention or in case of confirmation of the diagnosis, he prescribed soda, lotions and compresses, as well as intramuscular injections to his patients. According to him, such therapy has proven itself in the fight against lung cancer. It not only prevents further damage to the soft tissues, but also has a detrimental effect on carcinoma.

It is worth noting that there are also ardent opponents of this system. Many qualified professionals openly declare its absurdity. Simoncini was forbidden to practice in Italy, after which he opened a clinic in Albania, and in 2012, a 27-year-old patient died from brain cancer in it. In 2018, an Italian doctor was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison for manslaughter. Andrei Pylev, chief oncologist at the European Clinic, calls the method pseudoscientific, and his colleagues support this opinion.

However, there are many patients who voluntarily consent to the use of soda. The results, in their opinion, are simply amazing. In many cases, cancer was completely defeated without surgery and the use of chemotherapeutic drugs, which are a very strong poison for the body, affecting not only cancer cells, but also healthy cells.

The treatment of oncology with the soda of an Italian doctor can be applied regardless of the form and stage of the course of the disease. With timely diagnosis and a well-designed treatment program, cancer can be defeated. However, it is necessary to take into account the clinical picture of the disease, as well as the presence of any other pathologies, since this technique has certain contraindications. They will be described in more detail below.

Indications for appointment

baking soda treatment for oncology

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Ivan Neumyvakin is a well-known Russian oncologist, doctor of medical sciences, who devoted his life to the study and development of innovative methods of combating cancerous tumors. On his account there are many new healing techniques. Among them is the treatment of oncology with soda. According to the results of numerous studies of the scientist, sodium bicarbonate allows you to fight the following types of cancer:

  • malignant epithelium of the skin;
  • bronchogenic carcinoma;
  • uterine cancer;
  • digestive system oncology.

But that is far from all. The Neumyvakin system, he said, is also applicable for the following problems:

  • radiation damage;
  • metal deposition in the body;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • alcoholism;
  • drug addiction;
  • radiculopathy;
  • joint inflammation;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • chronic metabolic disturbance;
  • candidiasis;
  • the formation of stones in various organs;
  • psychical deviations;
  • high blood pressure;
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • keratoma;
  • dehydration;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • any kind of fungus.

Methods of treating oncology with soda of Professor Neumyvakin, reviews of real patients will be presented at the end of the article. But this is not the only area of โ€‹โ€‹application of the system. It can be used to combat many pathologies of various origins. With its help, you can extend the years of life, as well as increase the mental and physical indicators of a person.


This aspect should be given special significance. The fact is that treatment with baking soda in oncology can be prescribed not to all people. Due to the chemical properties of sodium bicarbonate and its effects on the body, there are some contraindications. The technique is not recommended in the presence of the following health problems:

  • increased or decreased acidity;
  • diabetes;
  • acid-base imbalance;
  • disorders caused by hormonal failure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • stage 3 cancer;
  • individual intolerance.

In other cases, treatment of oncology with soda is possible. Reviews about the technique are mostly positive, but pregnancy should be added to contraindications. This is due to the fact that expectant mothers have a hormonal background disorder, so doctors can not accurately predict the possible consequences of such therapy.

The essence of the technique

soda treatment oncology

So, what is it and what is its peculiarity? Professor Neumyvakin has been practicing cancer treatment with soda for quite some time. He considers sodium bicarbonate a universal substance that can create real miracles. The main idea of โ€‹โ€‹the method is that as a result of malnutrition or irregular diet, poor lifestyle, abuse of tobacco products and alcohol, constant exposure to stressful situations and a number of other factors, people have an acid balance, which makes them more susceptible various diseases. Similar changes affect the well-being of a person.

The following symptoms may appear:

  • Dizziness
  • persistent drowsiness;
  • prostration;
  • periodic loss of consciousness;
  • gagging;
  • loose stools or prolonged constipation.

With the help of sodium bicarbonate, you can return the pH level to normal, as a result of which not only improves the overall health of patients, but also reduces the risk of developing many serious diseases. Thus, treatment with soda of oncology is a truly unique technique that opens up enormous prospects in modern medicine.

How to take sodium bicarbonate

Soda is an acid salt formed as a result of a chemical reaction from carbonic acid and sodium. For a long time it was used in folk medicine for heartburn. In addition, it was used as an antiseptic for various diseases of the oral cavity. But Professor Neumyvakin significantly expanded its scope.

How to take soda in oncology? This question is of interest to many people who have been diagnosed with a malignant tumor. The doctor has developed a whole scheme that must be strictly observed in order to achieve a positive result. Sodium bicarbonate is used to prepare a drinking solution and baths, as well as perform enemas.

In most cases, the basis for the drug is ordinary drinking water or milk. For 100 milliliters of liquid, 1/4 of a teaspoon of soda is taken. It is very important that the solution is warm and well mixed. You need to take it immediately after the cessation of hissing about half an hour before eating. Young people should drink two each day, and representatives of the elderly generation - three glasses of the drug. This solution can be taken in violation of the acid balance, as well as for the prevention of various pathologies.

Cancer Technique

Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. Treatment of soda with oncology according to the prescription of Neumyvakin is very effective at various stages of the course of the disease. However, with extreme caution, the method should be used by people who have been diagnosed with the third stage of cancer. It is preliminary recommended to consult with a qualified doctor and agree on a therapy program.

As a result of numerous studies and experiments conducted by leading experts around the world, it was possible to find out that the alkaline environment has a detrimental effect on cancer cells. Therefore, in the fight against malignant tumors, it is very important to create suitable conditions in the human body, which is facilitated by treatment with soda. How to take sodium bicarbonate in oncology will be described in detail below. But it is equally important to find out what will be more - benefit or harm.

Sodium bicarbonate allows for therapy taking into account the localization of pathology. However, the technique will not be effective in every case. In the first stage of cancer, the most optimal option is surgery. This is due to the fact that the tumor is limited in size, so you can remove it without any serious consequences. The use of sodium bicarbonate is possible, but it is likely to cause the body more harm than good. The same applies to the second stage of cancer, in which surgery is the most optimal option. Treatment of oncology with soda according to Neumyvakin will be justified in the presence of metastases. But there are pros and cons.

how to take soda in oncology

The third degree of a malignant tumor refers to complex cases involving not only a surgical operation, but also a course of chemotherapy and radiation. Soda, unfortunately, is powerless here. It can be used as an auxiliary method to increase the effectiveness of basic therapy.

Doctors prescribe nothing to patients with the fourth stage of cancer. With it, in the vast majority of cases, an extensive lesion of the internal organ and soft tissues occurs, therefore, removal of the tumor and chemotherapy are simply useless. In this case, the treatment of oncology with soda will be most justified, since it creates the least negative impact. The Neumyvakin technique helps to stop the further development of carcinoma and create conditions conducive to the death of cancer cells.

How to use soda in the treatment of oncology? The recipe is pretty simple. It is necessary to drink a solution every day shortly before meals, for the preparation of which they take 1/5 of a tsp. sodium bicarbonate and 100 milliliters of hot water. Gradually, the dosage and daily rate increase. Ultimately you should go for 1/2 tsp. soda and three meals a day. If at the same time you will experience any discomfort, then instead of water, you should start using milk.

This technique has many advantages. The main ones are:

  • normalization of acid-base balance;
  • improved metabolism in cells and soft tissues;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • there is no need for chemotherapy, which deals a huge blow throughout the body;
  • when a positive result is achieved, there is no need to go to the operating table.

Thus, the benefits of such treatment are quite obvious. With it, you can fight any form of cancer in the later stages, the diagnosis of which previously sounded like a sentence. And in combination with drug therapy, doctors manage to achieve amazing results and put even seriously ill patients on their feet.

The combination of soda and hydrogen peroxide

Today, there are a huge number of different ways to use sodium bicarbonate for medical purposes. The treatment of oncology with soda and peroxide developed by Neumyvakin is considered one of the best. These, at first glance, the usual components that are in the house of every person, are capable of creating real miracles.

According to scientists, in the body of healthy people a special acid is produced, identical in its properties to hydrogen peroxide. But due to the natural aging process and a number of other factors, its deficit over time occurs. This contributes to the development of various diseases. The technique of Professor Neumyvakin allows not only to solve this problem, but also to strengthen the protective functions of the body. According to him, in oncology, treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide has a positive effect on the whole body. With prolonged administration of the solution, the following improvements are observed in patients:

  • normalization of cholesterol in the blood;
  • liquefaction of blood clots;
  • cell rejuvenation;
  • the breakdown of kidney stones and the removal of sand with urine;
  • increase of immune forces.
Oncology treatment with soda and peroxide

However, it is very important that the treatment of oncology with soda and peroxide is carried out in compliance with certain rules. Everything must be done sequentially and gradually increase the dosage. The essence of the method is that a medicinal solution is prepared according to the recipe described above. Hydrogen peroxide is added to it. You need to start with 1 drop, adding one more daily, until the total amount reaches ten.

The solution should be taken 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment has no clear time limits. Neumyvakin himself recommends not to stop taking the solution. However, it must be borne in mind that such treatment can adversely affect the alkaline balance. If such a problem occurs, consult a doctor.

Baths and enemas

Oncology treatment with soda (people's reviews confirm the effectiveness of the technique) can be carried out in different ways. Professor Neumyvakin practices not only the administration of a medicinal solution orally and rectally, but also in the form of baths. These manipulations will allow you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, as well as increase the protective functions of the skin.

To prepare a solution for an enema, you need to dilute 2 tablespoons of soda in 400 milliliters of hot water. Bowel washing is performed every evening for 3 days, after which they take the same break and repeat the treatment course. This technique improves the digestive system and intestinal motility, as well as improves immunity.

Baths show good results in the treatment of various dermatological diseases. They are especially effective for acne, papillomas and pigmentation of the epidermis. To carry them out, you need to dilute a pack of soda in 50 liters of hot water. Procedures are performed within 15 minutes over five days. In addition to the therapy of the main pathologies, baths have a beneficial effect on the health of the skin, removing irritation and improving its color.

VLGD technique

Widespread in modern medicine has received the VLGD technique. It is aimed at alkalizing the blood, due to which it is saturated with oxygen. Thanks to this, the internal organs begin to work better, as well as a general healing of the body. Strong-willed elimination of deep breathing allows doctors to deal with diseases, which include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • noise in ears;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • Vegeto-dystonic type crises;
  • thermoneurosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • fibroma;
  • tachycardia;
  • vasospasm;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • flatulence;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • obesity;
  • histotoxic hypoxia;
  • metabolic disorders in soft tissues.

How to take soda in lung cancer? The technique involves the intravenous administration of 500 milliliters of a 5 percent solution of sodium bicarbonate. The therapy is carried out in 4 cycles lasting 6 days, between which similar breaks are made. After this, the patient is assigned to computed tomography. Based on the patientโ€™s clinical picture, doctors decide on further treatment, making the necessary adjustments to it.

A similar technique can slow down the further development of a malignant tumor. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, a passing intake of mineral supplements and vitamin complexes is recommended. As a rule, in the vast majority of cases, a positive result is achieved and the disease not only slows down its course, but also acquires a lighter form in which it becomes much easier to cure it. A similar pattern is used to combat a wide variety of forms of cancer.

Therapy of malignant tumors of the digestive organs

how to take with oncology

As mentioned earlier, sodium bicarbonate is a universal tool that can defeat many diseases of various etiologies. The most effective is the treatment of digestive organs with baking soda. However, according to many qualified specialists, it cannot completely replace modern methods of therapy. Despite the known facts, when people managed to cope with cancer using sodium bicarbonate, self-medication without consulting a doctor can be very dangerous and cause the development of many serious pathologies. This is especially true of the fourth stage of cancer, in which there is an extensive damage to the internal organs.

In the early stages of a cancer, treatment with soda can be effective. This is claimed not only by Russian, but also by many foreign experts. The course of therapy lasts one month, and it is based on taking a drink, which includes the following components:

  • purified drinking water - 200 ml;
  • honey - 3 parts;
  • baking soda - 2 parts;
  • lemon juice - 1 part.

It is worth noting that this tool can not be stored, because it completely loses all its healing properties. Before each use, you need to prepare a fresh drink. It is taken three times a day half an hour before meals. Water must be warm so that all components dissolve well.

Soda and milk

This is another common cancer control method. It is especially recommended for people who, after taking a drink made with plain water, feel discomfort or feel unwell. Oncology treatment with a soda solution is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. On the first day, half a cup of warm milk should be diluted 1/5 of a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and drink it 30 minutes before breakfast.
  2. Then every day the content of soda and the number of receptions gradually increase.
  3. The increase in dosage ceases when it reaches 1/2 teaspoon.

It is worth noting that a positive result can only be achieved if you drink the solution on an empty stomach. In addition, it is forbidden to drink any liquid and food for 30 minutes after ingestion.

Other medicinal uses for sodium bicarbonate

As has been repeatedly mentioned in this article, treatment with soda oncology shows very good results. Especially if it is combined with modern methods of therapy and passes under the strict supervision of a physician. However, the scope of sodium bicarbonate does not end there. It helps with the following problems:

  • Constipation Large amounts of soda, diluted in ordinary water, have a laxative effect on the body.
  • Worms. Taking Piperazine tablets and making enemas with sodium bicarbonate solution, you can quickly get rid of parasitic worms;
  • Intoxication. Baking soda helps to cleanse the body in case of severe poisoning with heavy metals, mercury, ethyl alcohol and many other dangerous substances.
  • Degassing. Sodium bicarbonate in combination with caustic soda and ammonia neutralizes the action of chemical warfare agents.
  • Nicotine addiction. Rinsing the mouth with a strong soda solution causes a strong aversion to tobacco products.

This is only a small part of the problems that sodium bicarbonate can help to cope with. This is truly a magical substance, the value of which many remain underestimated.

Possible side effects

Nevertheless, oncology should be approached very carefully with baking soda. It, like any other therapy, can cause certain side effects. According to patient reviews, the most common are the following:

  • discharge of blood in the mouth;
  • perforation of the stomach;
  • extreme exhaustion of the body;
  • squeezing of blood vessels;
  • the development of infection in a malignant tumor.

If any of the above problems occurs, you must immediately stop treatment and go to the hospital. These manifestations may be the result of various serious diseases requiring urgent medical attention.

What patients say about Neumyvakin's technique

Reviews about the treatment of oncology with soda are mostly positive. Many people who have been diagnosed with a malignant tumor have tried the method on themselves. According to them, even after a short period of time after the start of therapy, significant improvements become noticeable. And this applies not only to general well-being, but also to the extent of the oncological disease.

Many doctors who practice traditional medicine also respond very positively to the system developed by their colleague. If you use it in conjunction with other modern methods of therapy, you can achieve much better results in the treatment of cancer. Therefore, despite the high level of development of modern medicine, treatment with baking soda still takes place. But doctors are extremely skeptical about the method as an independent one, considering it only as a prophylactic.

oncology treatment soda reviews

Be that as it may, in no case should you self-medicate, especially when it comes to such serious ailments as oncology. First of all, you should seek help from specialized medical institutions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C35027/

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