How to cut a ladder hair: step-by-step instructions, techniques, professional advice

What characterizes a person as stylish and beautiful? Far from everyone can correctly answer this question. After all, often we begin to list external data and the style of dressing, but we completely forget about the hairstyle, haircut or styling. But they also play an important role in shaping the right one - a spectacular image.

In this article, we will tell the reader how to cut hair with a ladder. Indeed, because of ignorance, you can do anything with hair. Although actually cutting is quite simple.

Necessary tools

According to the advice of professional stylists, the first thing to think about in the preparatory phase is the right tools. After all, if you make a mistake in them, the haircut will turn out to be sloppy or even uneven. Which, of course, will not allow to achieve an ideal image. That is why, before starting to study the instructions on how to cut a hair with a ladder, you should understand what tools will allow it to be carried out correctly.

how to cut a ladder beautifully

So, to complete the haircut, you need to prepare:

  • good, comfortable, light scissors with long ends;
  • plain comb comb;
  • atomizer;
  • several elastic bands or hair clips;
  • a special cloak or ordinary sheet.

When all this is ready, you can safely proceed to the next stage.

We divide the hair into zones

First you need to comb your hair well. Famous stylists mention that if the prepared comb fails to do this (the hair is too thick), you can use a more convenient brush. After generously wet the hair with a spray bottle. Water should not flow, but dry areas should not be left. Otherwise, the haircut will be uneven.

how to cut the ladder features

So how to cut hair with a ladder? It will not be possible to answer this question correctly if you do not understand the technology of dividing hair into special zones. This is often said by professional stylists. And all because in different haircuts zones can be your own. It all depends on the specific option. We need to select only three areas on the head. To do this, take a comb comb in our hands and make partings with it:

  • from temple to temple;
  • from ear to ear.

As a result, we have three zones:

  • parietal;
  • upper occipital;
  • lower occipital.

We fix each with an elastic band or a clip and proceed to the next step.

How to achieve a beautiful edge

How to cut a ladder? This question is asked not only by amateurs who experiment with their hair and those that belong to relatives and friends without special skills, but also beginner stylists who only recently received the coveted β€œcrust”, confirming the passage of special courses. Therefore, further we will highlight this process in detail, of course, based on the recommendations of professional hairdressers.

how to cut a ladder for beginners

The first step is to evaluate the length of the hair. If the cut is inconvenient - the curls reach the shoulders or fall below, then it is better to add a few more elastic bands or clips. To worry about their number is not worth it. After all, you can place accents with a small interval. The main thing is that the hair is pulled. This will ensure a smooth cut.

How to cut hair to get a ladder

Now go to the direct instructions on how to cut the ladder yourself:

  1. We take the scissors in our hands and, pulling the curls up at a right angle, we draw a comb several times over them. This is necessary in order to smooth out broken hairs.
  2. Then we squeeze the strand between the fingers, adjusting the level and making sure that the curls located along the edge serve as a guide. When the desired length is determined, we make a smooth and confident cut.
  3. Then we carry out the described procedure with the two remaining zones.

Is it possible to make a ladder on my hair myself

Each person has moments when a certain thought has completely mastered him, and it takes a very long time to wait for help, so it’s easier to solve everything on your own. And then we are frantically looking for various ways in which, in simple words, it is said about how to cut your hair with a ladder yourself.

how to cut a ladder technique

However, most of the instructions are too complex and barely executable. But not only is its own hair at stake, but also beauty and attractiveness. Which is also important. As a result, the task seems impossible, the mood deteriorates and pleases nothing. But we wrote this material to help the reader. Therefore, we assure: you can cut your hair yourself. And then we will tell you in detail how.

Determine the desired zone

To contrive and cut your own hair is not so simple. Therefore, professionals say that the primary task of the studied haircut is to minimize the technology. And to do it is very simple. How to cut a ladder to yourself? We will talk about this later.

how to cut a ladder yourself

So, to achieve the goal it is necessary:

  1. Moisten hair. And it’s best to put your head under the shower, and then wipe the excess water with a towel. This will allow you to saturate the curls as well as possible and prevent misfires when cutting.
  2. Comb your hair well. In this case, professionals are also advised to use a comb brush. This is especially convenient, because it will be possible to control the strength when combing.
  3. Lower your head down and collect hair in a high tail. It is important to carefully monitor the presence of "cocks." To get a perfectly smooth staircase, they must be completely removed. Therefore, it is possible that the tail will have to be redone repeatedly. But the result is worth it.
  4. Then fix the hairstyle with an elastic band and wear several more along the entire length, depending on the length of the curls.
  5. Finally, take the scissors and make an even cut. In this case, also the side strands will become the desired reference point. Although, if desired, if you want to get a shorter haircut, you can go over the line and cut off the longer ends.

That's the whole technology, how to cut your hair with your own ladder.

Features of cutting front strands

On the Internet there are a huge number of hairstyles in which the length of curls located near the face is much shorter than those on the lower part of the head. Such haircuts look more gentle and elegant. And all thanks to a smooth transition. Making it at home is also very simple. You just need to know how. But with the answer to this question, we will gladly help the reader by telling how to cut the ladder in the face.

how to cut a ladder technology

First you need to separate the locks of the desired width. Professionals note that if the model has a bang, you can navigate it. If not, place a parting with an interval of two fingers from the forehead. Moreover, it is important to note that it should end in front of the ears, and not behind them. It is very important. Then you should pull the locks forward to the height of the eyebrows and trim, holding the scissors perpendicular to the floor.


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