The microphone does not work on the laptop

Some people immediately after making an expensive and long-awaited purchase wonder why they don’t have a microphone on their laptop, which was purchased several hours ago. But the problem may not be in the equipment at all, so do not rush to run to the store with angry exclamations, but read our recommendations.

At the moment, there are several laptop makers, as well as dozens of models they produce. Each of them differs in technical characteristics of productivity, screen sizes, weight and so on. Most laptops have built-in web-cameras and microphones, allowing users to access the main advantages of mobile computers immediately after purchase. However, despite the availability of the necessary equipment, it is sometimes simply impossible to use them. This may be due to a number of reasons of a different nature.

the microphone does not work on the laptop

If you don’t know why the microphone doesn’t work in your laptop, first go through the main system settings. Open the appropriate tab using the standard "Start / Control Panel" path, and then check the microphone status. There you can adjust the sensitivity of the device, noise reduction and other useful indicators. If this does not work, perhaps the microphone itself is not selected as the default recording equipment.

why the microphone does not work on a laptop

When the microphone does not work on the laptop, the problem may lie in the sound card - the key connecting module necessary for converting sound information into an understandable system form. Sometimes the sound card is not correctly connected to other boards inside the laptop, and such cases occur even during factory assembly, so you should not be surprised at this turn of events. But do not rule out the possibility of damage to the hardware. In any case, if you have suspicions about any marriage in the sound card, you should immediately contact the service center, describing in detail all aspects of the problem to its employees. Only a thorough inspection will establish the true reason for the lack of some functions.

And if after buying you have extra money left, then you can resort to a more expensive way to get out of a predicament. Due to the unique ability of computers to work with various components, the user is able to simply replace damaged or inadequate parts. If your microphone doesn’t work on your laptop, you just need to buy an external sound card or an external microphone. This high-end equipment, in addition to correcting the mistakes of its "predecessors", will greatly improve the sound quality or voice recording. Although, given all the growing demands of manufacturers, even the most harmless modification can fly into a pretty penny. Therefore, it is better to always make sure that important parts are operational immediately after purchase. And do not forget that the insidiousness of laptops lies precisely in their mobility. Small size is often achieved by soldering the key components of the system as close to each other as possible. And an overly large addition to the standard circuit may affect the convenience and compactness of a computer.

the microphone does not work in the laptop

As you know, when a microphone does not work on a laptop, it may not be the ill-fated equipment at all. Try to delve into the settings by checking the basic reactions of the system to an attempt to record sound.

If all else fails, don't be discouraged. With almost 100% probability it can be argued that going to the service center will solve all problems with the microphone. And even if a gross mistake was made when assembling the laptop, the company most likely will simply give you a normal computer instead of a broken one. But in the case of buying a used car, the situation can take a very sad turn. But even then you can always ask the previous user why the microphone does not work on the laptop.


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