Dema River: geographical features

Dema is a river flowing through the territory of Bashkortostan and the Orenburg region. It is one of the tributaries of the Belaya River and belongs to the Kama basin. The origins of Dema are on the northern spurs of the General Syrt hill . The length of the river bed is 535 km, and the catchment area is 12,800 square kilometers. The flow rate is, on average, 35 cubic meters per second.

Geographical features of the river

The Dema River flows through the territory of Bashkiria and flows into the Belaya River near Ufa. The river flows from southwest to northeast. The climate of the region is temperate continental, with warm summers and cold winters. The landscape is mostly flat, the course is quite calm. The level of the Dema River depends on the amount of precipitation and is mainly quite stable.

Dema River

The river valley is wide, looped. In the lower part of the channel there are channels and elders. The largest settlement on the bank of Dema is the city of Davlekanovo. The modern mouth of the Dema River does not correspond to the natural, as it was changed at the end of the 19th century. The channel was straightened, and in the place of the former a string of reservoirs formed.

Dema River in the history of Russia

The river has long attracted travelers. From its ancient times, kumysolebnitsa were located on its banks. They treated people with tuberculosis. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the quality of service left much to be desired. But in Soviet times, modern equipment appeared here, and the hospitals themselves were reconstructed. After that, patients' feedback on the quality of treatment was only positive.

Koumiss production is organized in the immediate vicinity of these establishments. In special farms they breed horses and make koumiss. It is considered an effective tool in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Dema River Level

In addition to the production of koumiss, the region has developed agriculture. The only exception is the Oktyabrsky district, where, in connection with oil production, industry is developing.

Beautiful places on the Dema River in Bashkiria

The river flows through the plains, so it has a calm disposition. In this, it differs from most other rivers of Bashkiria. The sources of the river are in the Orenburg region. As is usually the case with large rivers, one of its banks is low, flat, and the other (eastern) is elevated, and in some places even steep. The maximum height of the hills on the high bank of the river is 284 meters (Mount Yashyktau). It is located near the river itself.

Dema Ufa River

The only large settlement near the riverbed is the city of Davlekanovo, which is the center of the milling industry. Platinum was built across the river in front of the city. Near this settlement, the channel becomes very winding, with a lot of old women and bays. There are deciduous forests along the coast.

Downstream, over 50-60 km, lowland deciduous forests and thickets grow along the river, which the locals call urea. The river in this section is wide, spilled. Here is a picturesque village, near which a road bridge is laid across the river. These areas are also known for the fact that in 1919 there were intense battles of parts of the Red Army (commanded by Mikhail Frunze) with the White Guards.

Dema River in Bashkiria

Downstream, the river narrows, but it becomes even more picturesque. The shores here are higher, bordering the channel. After 35 kilometers down the river there is a very beautiful park, in which there is a sanatorium for the treatment of nervous and cardiovascular diseases.

Below the sanatorium, the channel expands again, and the river spills over a large area. Along it are woody thickets (urema). Among the trees, birch, elm, and aspen dominate, less often, oaks, which are much larger in size and height.

The lower part of the current Dema

In the lower part of the stream is the village of Zhukovo. The old channel has turned into many reservoirs of old people. Together with the surrounding vegetation, they formed a good recreation area. Here is the mouth of the Dema River. Ufa is already very close, so the residents of this city love to relax here.

Thus, the Dema River is one of the most picturesque rivers in Bashkiria and the Ural region as a whole. It is distinguished by a slow course, tortuous channel, low anthropogenic load. It is ideal for those who want to spend time calmly and take a walk. But lovers of extreme entertainment, it will not be interesting. For them there are many other rivers flowing nearby, but already from the Ural Mountains.


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