How to replace Philadelphia cheese? - The question is backfill, but we are not backing down

The periodic question "How to replace Philadelphia cheese?" Especially worries for sushi lovers, because the composition of the famous Philadelphia rolls of the same name is a must. Our skilled housewives, of course, can acquire real Philadelphia. But, firstly, it is quite expensive. Secondly, there isn’t everywhere, you need to look, but it’s simply not delivered to many regions. Thirdly, I want it now both immediately and preferably faster.

There is no direct replacement for this famous arch, as Philadelphia is rennet cheese made from whey when it is re-coagulated. The taste of this cheese is not sweet, the creamy consistency. There are varieties with and without additives.

Consider some of the options for replacing the famous Philadelphia, found and put together on the Internet.

1. The simplest answer to the question "What kind of cheese to replace Philadelphia?" - processed cheese "Friendship" or "Amber" in plastic jars. This is perhaps the easiest and most convenient way to replace an expensive component. Suitable for rolls and cakes, where you need Philadelphia.

2. Cream cheese “President” and “Viola”, cream, are not bad as a substitute for Philadelphia.

3. Curd cheese Rama Creme Bonjour - no additives.

4. Any cottage cheese like Almette will be a good answer to the question "How to replace Philadelphia cheese?"

5. Curd cheese Violette, according to the hostesses, perfectly fulfills the role of Philadelphia.

6. In special branches at women's forums, where the question “How can I replace Philadelphia cheese?” Is discussed, for cakes that include this notorious cheese, they suggest using cheese like “Parisian Burenka”.

7. Some craftswomen replace this component in rolls with fetaki curd cheese and assure that it turns out very, very good.

8. Processed cheeses "Merry Milkman", "Plyvych - Gouda" are affordable and in taste proportions.

9. Homemade Philadelphia

If there are no processed cheeses at hand, there is no desire to follow them, but there is cottage cheese, the answer to the question "How to replace Philadelphia cheese?" begs itself: we will make of cottage cheese.

Put the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, wipe through a sieve or beat in a blender. Separately, cook custard and whip the butter. If the cream is sweet, then beat the butter without sugar. If the cream is not very sweet, then add sugar to the butter and whisk until white. Instead of sugar, it is better to take powdered sugar. Cool the cream, mix with cottage cheese, add the butter and whisk again a little. The perfect Philadelphia replacement is ready.

10. Homemade Philadelphia - 2

We prepare the cottage cheese, as in the previous recipe. Custard also remains, but instead of butter with sugar we take condensed milk. The total mass is more tender and less oily.

11. Homemade Philadelphia - 3

In a mass prepared according to numbers 9 or 10, you can introduce beaten egg whites, which when baked will give a stable shape and a peculiar shade.

Regarding Nos. 9, 10 and 11, it should be noted that such Philadelphia substitutes are intended for baking and are absolutely not suitable for rolls. Well, that’s their dignity.

12. Philadelphia "at home"

As a peculiar answer to the cry of the soul "How to replace Philadelphia cheese?" confectioners offer real, very fat sour cream (“so that the spoon stands!”).

If there is none, then you can make the sour cream “folded out”: pour the sour cream in a dense canvas bag and hang over night over the liquid drip tank. As a result, from 1000 g of medium-quality store sour cream, you get about 500 g of dense sour cream, very oily and “standing”.

13. Philadelphia "at home" - 2

Mix approximately the same amount of cream cheese (such as “President”) and regular cottage cheese. It is advisable to choose cottage cheese not granular, but softer, closer to the creamy state, with small particles. This mix is ​​perfect for rolls as well as for baking, where a Philadelphia prescription is required.

14. Many housewives offer to try a mixture of fat cream and homemade cottage cheese (in a blender). Add cream gradually, following the consistency.

They say that it turns out very close to the original.

In general, it turns out that there would be a desire to cook a dish with Philadelphia, and with what to replace it, we always come up with. There are no more creative and resourceful housewives than our women anywhere in the world!


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