Strategic planning

Strategic planning is a whole range of special measures aimed at developing specific development strategies. The strategic planning system includes four areas of activity for making management decisions. This is the distribution of all resources, their adaptation to the external environment, coordination of their interaction with each other and strategic foresight. In the process of strategic planning, many production issues will be resolved, such as the choice of customers and markets, external components and the production of new products, the need to attract additional resources (financial, labor and technical).

Moreover, it should be noted that the competitiveness of any production, any company depends on it. It is important that strategic planning allows you to recreate a single integral mechanism that works to achieve specific plans, allowing you to unleash the full potential of the company and its team. The advantages of its implementation are obvious. Strategic planning carries out strict concentration on critical parameters, minimizes future risks, improves all measures for the use of existing resources of the enterprise, sets priority directions, reduces the negative impact of outstanding tasks on the overall process.

The lack of strategic planning leads to a loss of competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole, leads to a management crisis, when the movement becomes chaotic in a large number of different directions and strongly influences from the outside.

The most difficult is strategic financial planning. Time and money are always limited, and therefore financial planning (distribution of money by individual sectors) should be carried out based on the principles of strategic urgency and importance.

Strategic marketing planning has its own functional structure, which includes such areas as production planning , sales, promotion and pricing. So, for example, the planning of a new product release necessarily includes the setting of individual priority tasks, the allocation of responsibility centers, financial support for product promotion and the training of staff. This is a logical chain of sequential actions for selecting activities and setting goals, choosing strategies and implementing measures to achieve them over a strictly defined time period. Marketing planning includes various approaches and strategies for generating income (profit): it is an intensive strategy, slow, fast and passive.

An intensive strategy is used if a wide circle of customers knows the product a little and requires considerable funds to promote it. At the same time, buyers who have already tried the quality of the goods are ready to pay for it at an increased price.

A slow profit strategy is used if the market capacity is small and there is practically no competition. Moreover, the product is familiar to most potential buyers and they are ready to buy it at an inflated price.

A quick strategy is applied when the market capacity is large enough, there is high competition in the market, the product is little known to the buyer, and with an increase in production volumes the price of the product decreases.

A passive strategy is used when competition in the market is low and the market itself is large, the product is widely known and inexpensive.

Strategic planning as a whole is a choice of a business area, a detailed analysis of existing opportunities and external risks, an internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses, the formation of a specific strategy, its development, support, monitoring and implementation.


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