Tank "Scorpion": detailed description

Tank "Scorpion" is one of the most numerous military vehicles of the British army. Its production ended in 1996, but many armies still use it. In accordance with many classifications, "Scorpio" refers to infantry fighting vehicles, but it is distinguished from them by powerful weapons.

History of creation

The tank "Scorpio" was needed by the British army in the early sixties of the twentieth century. This was due to a change in the military doctrine of the kingdom. At this point, Britain had many military groups around the world. Thousands of soldiers stood in the colonies. As a light armored vehicle used mainly "Ferret" and "Saladin". However, the need to maintain foreign contingents increased their costs.

scorpion tank

With the development of aviation, the General Staff decided to revise the main points of the military doctrine. A new strategy has been developed for foreign contingents. Instead of numerous parts on the ground, it was decided to create separate quick reaction groups, which, if necessary, would be transferred to the right place by air or sea transport. This caused the need for a new type of armored vehicles.

Tank "Scorpio" began to develop in 1960. The General Staff instructed to create a machine that could support the infantry on the battlefield, withstand the enemy’s heavy tanks and be light enough. Engineers for four years designed different models of tanks. However, all of them, even being design samples, were more than thirteen tons in weight. Therefore, the military slightly changed the requirements, and as a result, lightweight combat vehicles left the assembly line.

First samples

The first experimental tank "Scorpion" was created in 1965. The body was made of aluminum alloy, as were the tracks. Also, British designers have developed an individual engine - a six-cylinder with a carburetor fuel supply system.

light tank scorpion
The engine came out quite powerful - one hundred and ninety-five horsepower. This allowed the development of the Scorpion tank speed of up to seventy kilometers per hour. The suspension was also individual. The design of the nodes provided the tank with great mobility and the ability to overcome obstacles and climbs with an angle of up to thirty degrees.

Installed weapons

The light tank "Scorpion" has a 76 mm gun. Type of loading - semi-automatic. The gun is installed in front of the tower. Mounted on pivot pins. It is a coaxial installation with a machine gun. This design provides vertical guidance from minus ten to plus thirty-five degrees. Change of position is carried out manually or using a special screw mechanism.

canadian scorpion tank

Standard ammunition includes 40 shells. British cars are most often equipped with twenty high-explosive shells and another twenty with a deformable head. The Canadian tank "Scorpion" is equipped mainly with high-explosive shells.


The crew of the car is three people. Observation by the driver is carried out through the hatch, which gives him a complete overview of the terrain. This makes it easy to maneuver on the march. In combat conditions, observation is carried out through the periscope. At night, a night vision device is installed. The gunner inspects through a periscope sight. It provides a 180 degree view. The tank commander has the ability to look at several periscope instruments, which gives a full circular view. Communication between crew members is via a walkie-talkie. The German Scorpion tank, purchased by Germany in limited quantities, also had a backup radio station for internal negotiations.

Combat use

The main task of Scorpio is to conduct reconnaissance and quick strikes against the enemy. Its main advantages are high mobility and cross-country ability. In general, this is a universal combat vehicle. Initially, the "Scorpions" guarded cities near Ireland. At that time, the separatists from the IRA were preparing a series of armed attacks on the royal troops. However, the first truly baptism of fire "Scorpions" received on the Falkland Islands.

german scorpion tank

Fighting vehicles became part of the invasion groups. They quickly overcame impassable terrain and went on the flank of the Argentine forces. High maneuverability of tanks was noted. Also, the machines performed well in battle, supporting infantry. According to some reports, one "Scorpion" even managed to bring down an enemy attack aircraft.

After the Folklands, tanks were used extensively during the Gulf War. But even then their age affected. Therefore, the British headquarters decided to remove the machine from production. Also, "Scorpions" were massively used in hostilities around the world under the flags of other states. At the moment they are in service with eighteen countries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37654/

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