How to become independent and self-sufficient?

“I want to become independent” is a thought that appears in the head of almost every person. Many people strive for self-sufficiency. But this is not always easy. To live independently and be free from others, you need to make a lot of effort and be patient.

Material independence

Material independence begins with the full provision of needs using only their own finances. You can become independent only when you have enough money. Therefore, for starters, you need to find a job so as not to depend financially on your parents or other relatives.

how to become independent
When you are employed and understand that your salary is enough for everything you need and even more, you need to get your own home. If you don’t have enough money for a separate apartment, then rental housing is suitable for you. It can be a house, apartment or room. In this case, you need to solve this taking into account your income. It is worth remembering that the path to an independent and independent life is very difficult and not everyone can go it. After all, not everyone can immediately find a well-paid job that will satisfy and please. You may first have to take a temporary position in order to have at least some kind of income. You need to be prepared for the fact that the first time there will be not enough money for everything you need. Therefore, you have to save. Often, parents, worrying about their child, offer help. There is no need to refuse it, especially at first you will need it.

you can become independent
However, do not abuse the financial assistance of parents. You can take only a small amount if you see that your money is not enough for the most necessary.

How to plan finances?

To learn how to overcome financial difficulties, it is necessary to properly distribute your income. When receiving money, immediately save the necessary amount for rental housing and utility bills. If you need to buy something from clothes or shoes, then save extra money. Then distribute the remaining funds to products until the next wage. You need to learn how to acquire only the necessary things, save and be able to distribute your income. Only one who has gone through this knows how to become independent, and almost anyone can say that it is not so simple and takes time.

How to become self-sufficient

To be self-sufficient means not only to have financial independence, but also not to depend on society as a whole. Many people understand how to become independent, but in order to become self-sufficient, it is also necessary to make some efforts. To begin with, it is necessary to exclude any material dependence, and then emotional. Try to make sure that you have no debts to anyone, pay off with them, if any. Learn to solve money problems without borrowing even small amounts from anyone. After all, duty in itself means that you are dependent on someone and you have a duty to this person. It is also necessary to always trust only your own opinion, not to take into account what others say about you.

I want to become independent

When a person is independent of other people's opinions, it is easier to decide what he really needs and what he wants. Do not be afraid of loneliness, as self-sufficiency does not imply that you should become an outcast in society and not communicate with anyone. You need to be in harmony with yourself, then it will be easier for you to solve important issues, since you will have time to think them over. You also need to consider that if you decide to become a more independent person, now in any life situations you will have to trust your own feeling.

Listen to yourself!

In order not to need the advice of others, you need to learn to listen to yourself and do what you think is right. If you can solve problems yourself, not have material dependence, not depend on the opinions of others, then you know how to become an independent person, and you can become one.

How self-sufficiency affects life

Independence does not oblige one to be lonely and estranged from society. Like most, you must have relatives, friends, and family. You need to understand that independence requires only that now you will not need someone’s financial assistance, the advice of others, you will be able to make decisions on important issues yourself. Do not show your independence among your friends. This does not have to boast. After all, your independence is not an achievement to be proud of. You are changing the way of life for yourself, and not in order to have something to brag about to others. Even if you can now provide yourself financially, do not forget that your parents are also directly involved in this. Do not develop selfishness in yourself, remember your relatives and help them.

Do not guard against others!

Many, having achieved any success, forget about their friends or cease to communicate with them. But it's not right.

Instead of protecting yourself from the society of people who have not yet managed to achieve any results, give them advice from personal experience on how to become independent. Many men and women who have become quite independent have problems with personal relationships. After all, they begin to search for a mate like them.

help you become independent

Unfortunately, these people are not so common. Living together and having relationships with two independent and self-sufficient individuals will be very difficult. Since in the family someone should take care of something else. And when making any decision, someone will have to concede, which is unusual for an independent person.

how to become an independent person
Most people strive for independence, but do not know how to become independent, without having a well-paid position. However, everything consists not only in material support, but also depends on the nature of the person. Some are brought up in such an environment that they do not even have the thought of independence. They are ready to live at the expense of others all the time. First, they depend on the parents, then on the husband or wife, and then shift everything to the children. Sometimes excessive care leads to the fact that a person is not able to independently take place in life and is constantly waiting for help from others.

If you want to be self-sufficient ...

Some people say: "We will help everyone become independent." But I would like to say that any person can become such, the main thing is to have a desire. And what is needed for independence and self-sufficiency?

  • Find a job to have financial independence.
  • Choose the appropriate option for a separate residence (purchase of your own home, rental apartment or room).
  • Get rid of dependence on others, have your opinion.
  • Learn to solve your problems yourself, without the help of others.
  • Rely solely on your own strengths.

become a more independent person


Now it’s clear how to become independent and self-sufficient. This is what many should strive for. Sooner or later, a person must realize that he cannot exist permanently at someone’s expense, satisfy his needs with the help of money earned by others. Everyone needs to understand how difficult it is - to provide for their life without outside help, and also to learn how to solve the problems that arise on their own.


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