Mistletoe white: medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews

White mistletoe belongs to the shrubbery plants of the mistletoe family. Mistletoe grows on trees, being partly a parasite, as its roots penetrate deep into the wood. Most often, white mistletoe is found on deciduous trees such as oak, acacia, plums, apple trees, pears. Less commonly, mistletoe can be found on conifers, such as fir and pine.


Plant description

White mistletoe is an evergreen perennial resembling a shrub in its shape. Outwardly, it looks like a ball up to twenty centimeters in diameter, consisting of long, woven branches, green, sometimes with a brown tint. They are very fragile. At the tips grow thick, oval five-centimeter leaves with a pale green tint.

In early spring, a white mistletoe blooms. She has yellow-green flowers. In early autumn, the fruits ripen - these are false berries, with a diameter of about one centimeter, of oblong shape. Mistletoe seeds are carried by birds. Plants grow rapidly, as soon as the seeds penetrate the crack of the tree bark, mistletoe grows from there.

Mistletoe has many other names. They called her a witch’s nest for her uniform. Her name is also oak berry, cross grass, grass kisses, bird hazel, winter seeds.

How to harvest raw materials

Due to its unique properties, white mistletoe is used in folk medicine. It is harvested in autumn and winter. At this time, the balls are clearly visible on the crowns of the trees. For medicinal purposes, leaves, fresh twigs, berries are harvested: they simply break off along with twigs.

The collected raw materials are dried in a warm place, spread out on paper or fabric with a thin layer. You can dry the raw materials in special dryers at a temperature of no higher than 40 degrees.

Harvested material is stored in bags without direct sunlight with good ventilation. The collected mistletoe is stored for no more than two years, but it is better to collect fresh raw materials every year.

The plant is found in central Russia, the Caucasus, in some CIS countries.

Contraindications mistletoe

Some myths and legends

Many stories and legends are associated with mistletoe. It is considered a magical gift of nature and has always been highly valued. In ancient legends, the plant was called the golden branch. Druids collected raw materials in a special tradition: they cut branches with a gold knife or sickle. In their opinion, plants growing on sacred oaks were of particular value. Druids believed that mistletoe drink was a universal antidote.

The ancients believed that the properties of white mistletoe help withstand evil forces, since this plant has a mysterious energy. Amulets were woven from the branches, helping in procreation and giving well-being. The shrub is considered a universal master key capable of opening any doors.

In the countries of Scandinavia, there was a custom: when meeting enemies under the trees on which the mistletoe grew, it was necessary to lay down arms. Branches of plants adorned the doors of houses, which was considered a symbol of peace, protected the owners from thunder, lightning, evil forces.

The healing properties of white mistletoe were described in the writings of Pliny. He described the plant as a way to get rid of epileptic seizures, dizziness. In the Middle Ages, the plant was used to treat wounds, abscesses, ulcers, to stop bleeding.

The chemical composition of the bush

According to reviews, the medicinal properties and contraindications of white mistletoe should be known, since the wrong dosage can lead to poisoning. This is possible due to toxic substances that are part of the composition: improper dosage leads to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Also, according to reviews, the healing properties of the white mistletoe are impressive. In this plant, there is an alkaloid viscotoxin, which is active in the treatment of cancer pathologies, and also enhances the body's defense.

Triterpene saponins have a hemolytic effect that can increase hemoglobin.

Choline, B vitamins, help in the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies, CVS.

Acetylcholine is indispensable for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

White mistletoe contains many organic substances, such as gamma-aminobutyric, oleic, linoleic and other acids.

The plant includes histamines, vitamins, terpenoids, alcohols, plant flavonoids, rubber, minerals and other useful elements.

Mistletoe in nature

How is the plant used in folk medicine

According to reviews, white mistletoe helps to normalize the work of the heart, to cope with vascular pathologies, including hypertension. This plant copes with atherosclerosis. Means prepared on the basis of raw materials help lower blood pressure, dilate blood vessels, normalize sleep, and improve general condition.

Mistletoe has a positive effect on the nervous system, is able to reduce excitability. Medicines prepared from the plant help with hysteria, hypochondria, epilepsy, and cramps.

Mistletoe has a strong hemostatic effect. Due to this property, the plant is used for uterine, pulmonary, and gastric bleeding. It can be used externally for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, various types of abscesses. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Mistletoe ointments help with dermatitis, muscle soreness, and radiculitis.

Good, according to reviews, mistletoe white for weight loss, as it is able to improve intestinal motility, has a diuretic property. Also, the plant is used in the treatment of pathologies of the kidneys, including with jade.

Mistletoe in folk medicine

Numerous studies have shown that medicines based on raw mistletoe help fight cancer cells and prevent the development of metastases. Due to this feature, it is often used in the treatment of neoplasms.

Infusions, decoctions and other folk preparations are used in the treatment of female diseases. Alternative medicine uses freshly squeezed juice to help treat infertility. The use of baths with the addition of mistletoe helps to combat hemorrhoids and various pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Knowing the healing properties and contraindications of white mistletoe, you can get rid of many diseases. This plant helps fight hyperthyroidism, asthma, headaches, joint pathologies, medicines prepared from it remove parasites, relieve diarrhea, and help get rid of pancreatic diseases.

The benefits and harms of white mistletoe


There are contraindications for mistletoe white, which is why it should be taken with caution. This plant is very toxic, products made from it can not be taken for a long time. When treating mistletoe, it is important to follow the courses of treatment and dosage, since it contains toxins that can accumulate in the body, poisoning it. If you can not cope with the pathology in one course, then you need to take a break of several weeks.

Mistletoe can not be used by pregnant women, as well as:

  • with hypotension;
  • with hypothyroidism;
  • with pathologies of the liver.

To know exactly whether it is possible to use the plant, you need to consult a doctor, he will help determine the course of treatment and the exact dosage.

Traditional medicine recipes

There are a huge number of different recipes of traditional medicine that help to cope with pathologies. For each of them, healers, druids, herbalists use certain dosages and special methods of preparing the medicine. To find out if this dosage and method of treatment is appropriate, consult a specialist.

White mistletoe on a tree

Against hypertension

To get rid of hypertension, you need to take two teaspoons of twigs and pour them with half a liter of boiling water. Night remedy is infused. Take two tablespoons in small sips twice a day before meals. The treatment lasts no more than three weeks, then a seven-day break is made and the course is repeated.

In case of circulatory disorders

Fighting ten grams of shoots, everything is poured with a glass of boiling water, put on fire. You need to warm up just a couple of minutes, then let stand for half an hour. Take the remedy for violation of bleeding in a tablespoon after eating three times a day.

From prostate adenoma

There are several ways to make medicine for mistletoe.

  1. In a seven hundred gram jar the leaves of the plant are placed and poured with a half liter of vodka. The composition is infused for three weeks, after which it is filtered. Twenty drops are taken three times a day.
  2. Take a tablespoon of shoots and pour a glass of alcohol. The tool is infused for two weeks in a dark place. Periodically, the composition shakes. After filtering, fifteen drops are taken three times a day.
Mistletoe White Berries

Mistletoe for weight loss

The lack of significant, according to reviews, contraindications of mistletoe white allows the plant to be used to remove toxins, improve metabolism. This plant is used together with linden according to the following scheme:

  1. First day. Take four tablespoons of linden blossom and pour a liter of boiling water. The composition is infused for two hours. The resulting broth is taken during the day.
  2. Second day. Brew three tablespoons of mistletoe and insist in the same way as linden on the first day.
  3. Day Three In a liter of water, the mistletoe and linden are brewed in equal parts.
  4. Day four. The infusion is prepared as on the third day and a spoon of honey is added to it.
  5. Fifth day. In a liter of water, two tablespoons of mistletoe and linden are brewed, and the same amount of honey is taken. The composition is added the juice of one lemon.

For more than five days, mistletoe should not be taken for weight loss. A second course of purification is allowed to be carried out no earlier than a month later.

Methods for preparing medicines from mistletoe

Teas are made from white mistletoe to help raise vitality. To prepare them, you need a teaspoon of raw materials to brew a glass of boiling water and let it brew for ten minutes. It is taken a cup once a week.

To prepare the tincture, a capacity of 0.7 l is taken, in which mistletoe shoots are placed. They are poured with vodka to the edge. The tool is infused for three weeks in a dark place. Periodically, the composition shakes. Before using the composition, it is filtered. Accepted for various pathologies, 15-30 drops, 2-3 times a day.

Powder is made from mistletoe. It is used to treat gynecological pathologies, in oncology. Before use, the powder is mixed with honey in equal amounts and balls are rolled from the pulp, their size should be no more than a pea. Take these balls one three times a day (the weight of the ball is no more than two grams).

With mistletoe make lotions, compresses. It helps fight warts, lipomas, treats abscesses, gout. To make the medicine, take a spoonful of raw materials and brew a glass of boiling water. The composition is infused under the lid for an hour, then filtered. He moistened gauze, rolled up in several layers. It is applied to a large place for 20-60 minutes twice a day.

Mistletoe disease treatment

Douching with mistletoe infusion

With erosion of the cervix, secretions, it is necessary to take three tablespoons of raw materials and pour them with a liter of water. The composition is simmered for fifteen minutes, then infused for half an hour. Half a liter of warm boiled water is added to it. This tool is douched 1-2 times a day.

Mistletoe Seated Baths

With female pathologies, hemorrhoids, sitz baths with mistletoe are recommended. This tool also helps with heavy menstruation, uterine fibroids, early menopause. To prepare the bath, a mistletoe broth is first made. For it, you will need three tablespoons of raw materials pour a liter of water and simmer for five minutes. Then let the composition infuse for twenty minutes, strain. The broth is poured into a basin with warm water. A sitz bath is taken for fifteen minutes.

It is not for nothing that the white mistletoe is called a witch plant, because with an overdose and improper intake it can cause severe poisoning. Therefore, it can not be used uncontrollably, but only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, recovery can not be expected.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37664/

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