How to lay a long bang? Options and photos

Well-groomed hair always adorn a person. But they need to be constantly monitored. This also applies to bangs. She can change her face beyond recognition. It suits very many people, because it is able to emphasize the eyes and the shape of the face.

But when the bangs grow back, problems begin to arise with it. Many people just don’t know how to lay a long bang. You should consider the most successful types of styling and deal with this issue.

Bangs can transform any person

Bangs are always associated in people with youth. The girls and guys who wear it look fresh, bright and interesting. That is why, if a person wants to look younger, he should think about cropping his bangs.

girl with bangs

In addition, with its help you can hide some of the imperfections of the face. For example, acne on the forehead or uneven skin. Of course, many problems must be fought, but such a trick can help to cope for a while.

Girls can experiment with their hairstyles regularly. And the bangs will help them with this. She will complete the image and make the girl more attractive and seductive.

You should understand how to beautifully lay a long bang so that you always feel confident and young. After all, inept styling can ruin the whole impression of a person. Therefore, special attention must be paid to it.

Types of Long Bangs

Bangs can fit any face shape. She is able to make an elongated face rounded, and a rectangular or round one already.

Straight bang

There are several types of bangs. These include:

  • straight;
  • symmetrical;
  • bangs to one side;
  • torn;
  • picabu;
  • feather and others.

Each girl will be able to choose the option that suits her face shape.

What is necessary for styling?

Before you understand how to lay a long bang, you need to prepare all the necessary tools for styling. These will include:

  • Invisibility
  • comb;
  • varnish;
  • elastic;
  • curling iron;
  • ironing;
  • hair dryer;
  • hoop and others.

In each case, you may need a variety of tools. But they should be prepared in advance so that there are no problems with styling in the future. It is better to keep them always in one place, because her owner will have to put bangs daily.

Also, girls should take a look at a variety of silk scarves, hairpins, scrabies, hoops and other decorative elements.

Bangs on its side

They will help answer the question of how to put a long bang, photo. You can look at the hairstyles with her and just repeat them. A little advice will help with this.

The easiest way to lay

When a girl comes to the salon, they make her a beautiful hairstyle. But after returning home, she often does not know how to monitor her hair herself.

How to lay a long bang? This question is often asked by people who are waiting for it to grow back. Perhaps now is precisely the period when all the strands have not yet become equal. And you need to come up with something for this period.

You can remove the bangs using a regular hair hoop. He will immediately open his forehead and face. In addition, you can just stab the bangs back with the help of invisibles. This will help to work or study quietly. The bangs will not get into the eyes, which means that you can avoid unpleasant sensations.

Side laying

How to lay a long bang on its side? This question is of interest to most modern women.

The bangs on one side look beautiful if laid so that it does not close the eyes of a person. Before you start styling, you should apply varnish on the hair. After this, it is necessary to draw a hairdryer from the bottom up.

You can lay your bangs to one side with the help of an ironing and comb. Such a hairstyle will look beautiful and is suitable for going out or a regular walk.

Styling bangs

Bangs can also be simply curled along with all the rest of the hair. This can be done using curlers, curling irons or other means.

Double sided

I wonder how to lay a long bang on two sides beautifully?

You can lay the bangs by dividing it into two equal halves with the help of invisibility. For example, such a hairstyle will look beautiful with a low tail.

Long bangs can easily be laid along with the bulk of the hair. This allows you to create a wide variety of hairstyles.

It is worth paying attention to curls. Wavy hair always looks beautiful and romantic. Such installation will require a little time, but the effect of it will justify all the costs.

Bangs on two sides

You can twist with a curling iron only bangs or all hair at once. This option looks very beautiful and elegant. You can twist bangs both on behalf of and to him. At the same time, you can fix the hairstyle with varnish or other fixative.

Pigtail styling

There are completely different ways and techniques of styling bangs. One interesting option is braiding a braid. To do this, you need to divide the bangs into several strands and alternately weave them into the bulk of the hair. This is how you can create a braid "waterfall".

It will also look beautiful bangs, braided on both sides with plaits. Such a hairstyle will look romantic and feminine. Every girl can go on a date with her.


It looks beautiful and fashionable. It can be easily created with a comb and varnish. To do this, comb the hair and sprinkle it with varnish. You can fix such a hairstyle with a hairpin, invisibility or a hoop.

Beautiful girl with bangs

All remaining hair can be collected in any hairstyle. For example, you can make a tail, a pigtail or loose curls.

Styling tips

Understanding how to lay a long bang is easy. You just need to follow simple tips and tricks, and then you can get one step closer to your dream.

Put bangs should be daily. It is necessary to devote at least 5-10 minutes a day to this process. Only in this case, the woman can always remain beautiful and well-groomed.

You need to buy only quality products for styling. Particular attention should be paid to combs. They must always be clean. In addition, they should be convenient to use.

Wash and dry your hair before styling. It is best not to use a hair dryer, as it severely injures the hair. Ceramic-coated irons should also be used.

With regular styling with varnish and mousse, you must constantly wash your hair. This will help to avoid sticking hair and an ugly appearance.

In order for the bangs to always be beautiful, you need to monitor it every day. Girls should always wear a mirror and a comb in their handbags. You can look and straighten your hair there.


A long bang will look beautiful only if it is properly laid. In this case, she will not close her eyes, which means that she will not lead to vision problems. At the same time, on the contrary, it will decorate the face.

Before styling, wash your hair well. After that, they must be dried and only then go to the bangs.

You can lay bangs in many ways. It should be experimented, and then it will be possible to achieve the most optimal result. Every day you can create a new hairstyle and at the same time always remain beautiful.


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