What is easier to relate to life? How to learn to relate to life easier?

The world is a huge ocean with many currents and characters of its "inhabitants". Plunging too deep, sometimes we just lose ourselves, our guides. Fuss and routine, stress and fears become our companions. In order for the ocean not to turn into a swamp, you need to know how easier it is to relate to life. And this does not mean splashing around in shallow water. This means rational immersion with a minimum of consequences and maximum pleasure.

how to relate to life easier

What is the reason?

Selfless attitude to the outside world is a very useless and meaningless exercise. It resembles a treadmill, once stepping on which, it is already difficult to stop. To solve the problem and find the shutdown button for this program, you need to find its cause. Only soberly realizing it, you can design your further behavior and understand how to relate to life easier.


Very often we become hostages of fears. And fears, as you know, paralyze, prevent us from moving forward easily and confidently. They are different in size and manifestation. These can be fears for loved ones, fear of making a mistake, failing, getting condemnation, etc. Despite the motive, fear always carries destruction, stagnation, apathy. That is depression.

We will deal with everything in order to objectively evaluate our capabilities and obstacles to their implementation.

how to relate to life easier


Life is a huge laboratory for all kinds of experiments. Absolutely all people make mistakes in it. Someone more, someone less. Some of them are significant, while others have small mistakes. Nevertheless, they are and we must learn from them. To be afraid means to go with the flow of a fragile straw in anticipation of a new whirlpool. As you can see, this is pointless. Therefore, mistakes can and should be made, but done wisely, drawing conclusions and not returning to unsuccessful experiences anymore.


The problem with many people is that they are responsible more than is required. For relatives, for friends, for colleagues, for children, for neighbors ... This list goes on and on. In part, this may be justified, for example, in relation to young children. But in aggregate, such an overload not only burdens, but also destroys a person. But it’s enough to be responsible for one’s life, choice, actions.

There is another side to the liability problem. When a person blames others for his failures, failures, unfulfilled desires. If you do not like work and a small salary, then a bad and greedy boss. If family relationships over the years have not brought happiness, then of course the fault is the spouse who took the beauty and time ... It's simple, absurd, but does not change the situation in a positive way. But we ourselves once made our choice and now must be responsible for it. Only for some reason we forget about it when it is convenient for us.

how to learn how to relate to life easier

Bad habits

This is not about smoking, alcohol and other addictions, but about such phenomena as envy, irritability, gossip. They also became bad habits of most people. To become their hostage means to waste time in vain. And we have only one life. And is it worth it to squander on such nasty little things? All three phenomena are interconnected and give rise to one another. As a rule, they arise because a person is dissatisfied with his life, but, trying to compensate for his own failures, he goes to great lengths in order to denigrate his neighbor. That's just his life does not get brighter from this. Constant surveillance and the gossip of someone else's life destroy our own. If the neighbor is so bad, is it worth it?


Another point that prevents us from answering the question of how to relate to life easier is the condemnation of others. We are afraid to take a step forward in fear of how others will respond. At the level of psychological processes, this can be described as follows. Many plants have been vaccinated to us since childhood by parents or loved ones. These thought forms at the subconscious level decide for us what is right and what is not, what is shameful and what is honorable. And when a person, contrary to these attitudes, decides to act differently, there is a fear of condemnation, shame, self-flagellation, etc. Only life is ours. And it's up to us to decide how and from which to build it. Therefore, do not worry about the opinions of others. Yes, sometimes it is useful, it must be taken to look at the situation from all sides.

how to start living easier

Psychologists advice

How to relate to life easier? Psychology has long formulated rules, recommendations, and continues to create them, taking into account the multifaceted nature of the premises of the problem.

  • Often we ourselves complicate everything and create problems for ourselves. It is necessary to accept the world around with many of its options, paths, you need to set goals and strive for them. This does not mean shutting off from other people and acting alone. Just do not participate in other people's scripts, do not let you manipulate fears and imposed attitudes.
  • Reflection and relaxation will help determine how to begin to relate to life easier. Release all unnecessary from your head. And focus on the specific case. If the situation cannot be resolved, you should change your attitude towards it. Home life and work routine will not go anywhere. But is it worth it to always focus on them? Try to answer the question, why and why does it bother you for such a long time? And perhaps the answer is already on the surface. It just needs to be caught.
    quotes how to relate to life easier
  • Faced with serious problems in life, we often ask the world: for what? Remember, everything that happens to you is only for the best. And not at all, but contrary. If you were fired from work, perhaps this is a chance to find a new, more interesting and profitable one. If a loved one abandoned you, maybe he was never worthy of you, and true love lies ahead. If you are seriously ill and your friends have turned away from you, then you need to put things differently and think about those whom you can now trust. Take any turn as a positive experience.
  • Never spare yourself! This is a waste of energy. It will only aggravate your situation and drag you into even greater internal conflict. If the depressive mood still captures you, then psychologists advise you to make a "shock switch." Films about people with a difficult fate with a motivating context “take life easier”, quotes from successful people, participation in charity, will help. In such a contrast, your problem may seem like a trifle. And this will become an incentive for a more positive and easy attitude to your life.
  • Living easier means living in harmony between the heart and the world. To achieve it will help the ability of active and effective love. Do not skimp on kind words, hugs and good deeds. If someone comes out better than you, do not despair and do not envy. On the contrary, rejoice and praise your neighbor. Perhaps your time has not come yet and you need to work on yourself. Or this activity is not for you and it is worth revealing your talents in another field. Think about it! And negative emotions should be extinguished immediately.

take life easier quotes

  • To quickly learn how to learn how to relate to life, you must accept the golden rule. Live here now. Rejoice at every moment. In the busy rush, we often forget how wonderful it is to breathe, walk, feel, eat, drink. Meet every morning with a smile and gratitude. Please yourself and your loved ones with trifles. After all, it is precisely from them that our life consists. The more you fill each moment with optimism and joy, the easier it becomes for you to realize how easier it is to relate to life.
  • To achieve the goal you need to believe in yourself and in your strength. But faith without work is nothing! You can sit and wait by the sea weather endlessly. Therefore, you must also be a decisive person. Do not be afraid to take risks (for reasonable purposes) and commit stupid things. Of course, the opinions of others are valuable, but not paramount. If you make mistakes, treat them like experience. And it is necessary to draw a valuable conclusion from it, so that your next attempt becomes a victory.

On the example of great people

Many prominent scientists and artists had difficult destinies and circumstances of life. But this did not stop them from overcoming difficulties and becoming famous. Today, their quotes, as it is easier to relate to life, serve as useful guidelines for us. These are the same rules and psychological techniques that were created by other people's bitter experience. But, as a rule, they are fully realized only after their own disappointments. It’s worth listening to the advice of successful people. To adopt optimism, zeal and determination from predecessors will not hurt. But you will still have your own path and mistakes.

how to relate to life easier psychology


To understand how it is easier to relate to life, you just need not to perceive more and more than it is. It is necessary to cultivate a positive worldview in oneself, to soberly assess the situation and one's capabilities. To commit insanity is not a shame, and sometimes even useful. Making mistakes is normal. Change your thinking, be open to everything new, listen to others, but live with your heart. And you will not notice how the space around you changes, and life will become freer and easier.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37670/

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