Repeshka - application

Field male, five-leafed, valetovye lice, pigtail - all these are the names of the healing plant repes. Grass repeshka came to us from ancient times, but, despite this, it is still very popular among the population. Repeska grass grows in the Balkans, in Europe, in North America, and, of course, in Russia, where there are arid meadows, forest edges, overgrown hills.

Repeshka grass has a rich history in the medical field. Many peoples, despite the continent where they lived, considered a repeshka the only panacea. The population of North America, Ancient Greece used decoctions and infusions from this plant for the treatment of diseases such as diarrhea, inflammation of the gallbladder, eye diseases and much more. The experience of healing with the help of medicinal herbs was passed down from generation to generation and, ultimately, reached us.

The herb, collected in the summer months, gives the greatest positive effect in the fight against diseases. For medical purposes, only the aerial part of the plant is used, or rather, flowers and leaves.

Repeshka - application

Application repeshka can be internal and external. Repeshka, the use of which is carried out externally, helps with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. If a person was bitten by a snake, bee, wasp, bumblebee, or there was a splinter under the skin, the repose disinfects the wound, and also allows you to remove the edema from the affected area. An excellent healing effect of the reposhka is in the treatment of wounds received during falls, fractures, and ulcers.

Internal use of common reposhka is practiced for colds, digestive disorders, accompanied by acute pain in the stomach, diseases of the joints (arthritis), in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body (rheumatism). Often, patients with urolithiasis prescribe grass repes. The use of this plant helps to dissolve stones and sand in the bladder and kidneys. People with diabetes also use repes, as it can significantly reduce blood sugar.

Recent studies on the development of medicines against diseases, which today carry away a huge number of the population, have revealed the beneficial effects of common agrimony in the fight against cancer. Modern medicine has adopted a replica, the use of which is prescribed for patients with cirrhosis, with cholecystitis and hepatitis. After the use of preparations based on reposhka, a positive dynamics of the course of diseases was revealed in patients.

The reposhka plant is actually very versatile, as it has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent, anthelmintic, diaphoretic, hemostatic, blood-purifying effect. Grass onion helps to overcome the male half of humanity such a rather serious disease as stones in the prostate, which causes great torment, pain and discomfort. Thrush - a disease found in almost every second woman, after a couple of days of applying the decoction of the repeshka completely disappears. The broth is prepared very simply: you need to take 100 grams of leaves or flowers of a repeshka and pour 1 liter of water, after which boil water for 1/3 on the fire.

The use of the plant common acupuncture can cause side effects, which are expressed in the form of constipation and other disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the fact that the composition of the pulp contains tannins, which have the listed side effects when the dose is exceeded. To avoid these effects, read the instructions before use.


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