Combined and separate spelling of prefixes in adverbs: rules, examples

“Combined and separate spelling of prefixes in dialects” is a very important topic of the school subject “Russian Language”. Thanks to her study, not only a child, but also a fully grown person will be able to understand why some words are written this way and not otherwise.

combined and separate spelling of prefixes in adverbs

In addition, having studied this topic in detail, people are able to learn to distinguish an adverb from the nominal parts of speech (for example, nouns, adjectives, numerals and others), combined with a preposition. This will allow them to correctly write not only the dialect itself, but also other words, as well as more accurately understand their meaning.

basic information

Combined and separate spelling of prefixes in adverbs is determined in different ways. It should be especially noted that, in comparison with other parts of speech, such cases are most difficult and cause a lot of questions during their writing (especially among schoolchildren).

Many dialects are an exception to the current rules of the Russian language. Therefore, most teachers are encouraged to memorize them or just to remember.

negative adverbs

Adverb spelling rules

What is an adverb? Any teacher will say that this is an independent part of speech (unchangeable), which indicates a sign of action, of an object. What questions does she answer? Words of this class can be identified by asking the following questions: “Where?”, “How?”, “Where?”, “Why?”, “When?”, “Why?” and where?".

To correctly write an adverb, you should know all of its spelling rules. At the same time, the school curriculum devotes a lot of time to the following topics: setting a soft sign ("b") after the words hissing at the end (jump, completely, wide open, married, already unbearable), as well as the letters "o" (hot, fresh naked).

In addition, it is very important to know in which cases the considered part of the speech should be written with a hyphen (in a friendly, in a new way, in a wolf manner, in my opinion, as before, apparently, in an empty way). However, for the longest time, schoolchildren study continuous and separate spelling of prefixes in dialects. This is due to the fact that such a topic is more difficult to understand and requires the memorization of many words that were excluded from the general rules.

prefixes and not in adverbs

When should you spell words together?

Adverbs of adverbs, the table of which is presented in this article, can be different (for example, na-, s-, v-, and others). To understand how such words are written (together or separately), it is necessary to determine from which source part of speech they were formed. To do this, refer to the basic rules for spelling adverbs in Russian.

So, the mentioned part of speech is written together if it was:

  • It is formed by combining such prepositions as “on” and “in” with collective numerals. Here are a few examples: three, four, four, five.
  • It is formed by the prefix method from other dialects. We give an example: on the contrary, until now, the day before, through and through.
  • It is formed by the suffix-prefix method from the names of adjectives. Here is an example: close, often hard-boiled, continuous.
  • It is formed by the prefix method from nouns if they do not have other explanatory words (for example, down, first, left, up, there, right).

It should also be noted that those dialects that were put in a comparative degree are written together. These words include: better, newer, worse, prettier, more attractive, simpler, older, faster and so on.

Separate spelling of words (basic rules, examples of adverbs)

"Combined and separate spelling of prefixes in dialects" is a rather difficult topic to understand. However, almost everyone will be able to know it. And it doesn’t matter if you are a schoolboy or have long since graduated from a general education institution.

adverb spelling rules

About in which cases this part of the speech is written with prefixes together, we described above. However, there are also such rules in the Russian language that speak of separate writing of adverbs. Such spelling of the considered part of speech also depends on the way the word is formed. Consider the basic rules right now:

  • Adverbs are written separately, which were formed by combining prepositions (except for “on” and “c”) with collective numeral names. We give an example: three, two, one at a time.
  • Prepositions with adverbs are written separately if they were formed from nouns, at the very beginning of which there is a vowel letter. For example: point blank, armful, until you drop, all the way and so on.
  • Adverbs are written separately if they were formed from a preposition combined with the collective name of a numeral ending in -th or -th. For example: for three, for two, for six. It should be remembered that such adverbs, such as, firstly, thirdly, secondly, fifthly, sixthly, etc., are written only through a hyphen.
  • Prepositions with adverbs that were formed from the names of adjectives, at the very beginning of which there is a vowel letter, are written separately (for example, in open, inverse, etc.).
  • Adverbs that are formed from combinations of nouns with prepositions should also be written separately. For example: (abroad, on the fly, under the arms, on the fly, from under the arm).
  • Adverbs are written separately, which are formed from combinations of two identical nouns with prepositions. For example: side by side, after all, face to face.

Negative adverbs

What is such a part of speech? Negative adverbs are words that deny anything. How do they differ from other words? Such adverbs are characterized by the presence of prefixes ne- or ni-. Writing them correctly is very important. It should be noted that a large number of people have no idea about the spelling of such words.

prefixes adverbs table

So how are prefixes written in non and adverbs? According to experts, under stress in such words is written non-, and in an unstressed state - ni-. It should be especially noted that in both cases the prefixes are written together, except for those when they are separated by any excuse.

Negative adverbs examples

  • I have no time to deal with these matters, as I have never dealt with them.
  • In winter there was nowhere to hide, and they were not hiding anywhere.
  • Nowhere to rush, we are not in a hurry.

How do you prefix with adverbs?

As mentioned above, adverbs with the prefix -are written together if such words were formed by combining the preposition “” with collective numeral names. Let's give an example: double, triple. However, it should be noted that there are also such words that are also written together, although they have nothing to do with the above rule.

adverbs with prefix in

So why are all adverbs with the prefix - written (examples of such words will be presented later)? According to experts, such adverbs include words formed by combining a preposition-prefix with a noun, into which a definition cannot be inserted without changing their meaning, and also if a case question cannot be posed to a noun . Let’s give an example: wade, in addition, fly in, loose, together, lease, instantly, in vain, on time, again, headlong, right up and down, subsequently, half-and-half, half seriously, really, half, right, scattered, for the future, differently, quickly, contrary , out loud, wail, dry. The same applies to prefixes such as na-, za-, po, s-, etc.


Speaking about the continuous writing of an adverb with the prefix -, it should be noted that depending on the meaning and context (that is, the presence of explanatory words), many of the above words can act as a combination of a noun with a preposition. In this case, they are written separately. For example: wade or wade, act in secret or keep secret, learn by heart or try it by the teeth, be really happy or believe in the truth, beat head on or put on your head, have the right to act or not to doubt the law and so on.

adverbs with prefix in examples

Special information

It should be noted that part of this category of words includes adverbs with a prefix in a conversational style or professional nature. As a rule, such words have a finite syllable –ku. All of them are written together. Here are a few examples: catching up, grabbing, pulling, grabbing, re-twisting, trimming, slipping, shifting, shifting, shifting, shifting, interleaving, stretching, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, tightly, end-to-end, end-to-end, end-to-end, end-to-end, back-to-back, back-to-back, back-to-back, to-end, back-to-back, back-to-back, back-to-back, back-to-back, back-to-back, back-to-back, out-to-back, out-of-mouth, to-out.


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