A do-it-yourself car for quails and do-it-yourself chickens. Reviews of the feathering machine for quail PM-2M

The quail and hen feather is removed quite easily. For this, carcasses are pre-treated with boiling water in a basin. Then remove the feather with pinch movements in the direction of growth. One chicken can be processed this way in no more than 3-5 minutes. However, if there are a lot of birds on the farm, during mass slaughter, plucking carcasses often turns into hard work and takes a long time. In this case, a special feathering machine for quail and other birds will help. This type of unit can be purchased ready-made or assembled with your own hands.

quail remover

Design features

The arrangement of this type of machine is not particularly complicated. The pick-up units work on the principle of a centrifuge. Their main structural elements are:

  • metal or plastic cylindrical body;

  • a rotating disk (instead of the bottom) of a slightly smaller diameter, mounted below;

  • electric motor with a belt drive;

  • stationary base on which the housing is mounted;

  • rubber bite fingers, responsible for actually removing the pen.

A quail and chicken rearing machine works very simply. The poultry carcass is scalded with boiling water, the electric motor is turned on and thrown inside. During rotation, the processing object strikes against the beat fingers evenly distributed over the walls of the body and is freed from the pen. This happens pretty quickly. Costing machines cost about 25-35 thousand rubles.

Types of lifting machines

Equipment of this type may differ primarily in engine power, body volume and, accordingly, productivity. Expensive models are used to clean several carcasses at once. Small units used in the household are designed for one.

What you need for assembly

In order to make such an assembly as a feathering machine for quail and chickens, independently, first of all, of course, you need to prepare all the necessary components. In most cases, homeowners simply buy special kits designed to assemble such devices. They cost less than ready-made machines (10-20 thousand). Assembling a scraper yourself is not difficult in this case.

quail scraper reviews

Buying such a kit is easiest via the Internet. The cost of it, as, in fact, of the removal machines themselves, depends primarily on productivity. Usually the kit includes:

  • drive shaft;

  • pulley under the shaft;

  • driven pulley;

  • bearing units;

  • housing;

  • drive belt, etc.

If the farm has an old electric motor and a plastic barrel, you can save at all by buying only your thumbs. Making the latter yourself is quite difficult. In addition, one such finger costs only about 10 p. There are usually about a hundred of them per car.

do-it-yourself quailing machine

What tools will be needed

To assemble a device such as a quail and quail bird picking machine , you will need to prepare a drill and a hammer with your own hands . Also need bars of 50x50 cm to assemble the base under the body. You can connect them together with screws or nails. A barrel for the case is best suited with a diameter of 60-70 cm and a height of 1 m.

How to assemble a car

So, let's see how a do-it-yourself quail removal machine is made. You can make a similar unit as follows:

  1. In the bottom and sides of the selected barrel to a height of one third, you need to drill holes at a distance of about 4 cm from each other. Their diameter should be such that the beater fingers subsequently held in them as tight as possible.

  2. Next, a wooden stationary frame is knocked down. It is assembled very simply. The legs of the same length are made of four bars. Then they are connected by cross members, two on each side. It is to the latter that a barrel will be attached in the future.

  3. Fingers are inserted into the prepared holes. This work is quite long and laborious, quite doable.

  4. The bottom is carefully cut from the barrel. You also need to insert your fingers into it.

  5. The bottom is connected by a sleeve with another circle, which should be cut from a piece of thick plywood or durable plastic. You can use thick nuts.

  6. From below, a disk is put on the sleeve, which should be connected to an electric motor by means of a belt drive .

At the final stage, the barrel is fixed in a downed wooden frame.

quail and chick scavenger

Portable units

The mobile feathering machine for quail, chickens, geese, etc. is also very popular in the market. This equipment is an ordinary cylindrical drum with beating fingers inserted over its entire surface. The principle of operation of such portable units is exactly the same as that of conventional machines. The only thing, in this case, the source of rotation is not an electric motor, but an ordinary drill.

Reviews of the scraper PM 2M

There are many brands of such units in the market today. Many owners like it very much, for example, PM 2M is a high-quality and productive quailing machine. Reviews about it in specialized forums are very good. This is not a very expensive device, designed to handle poultry weighing up to 2.5 kg. That is, at the same time about 2 partridges or one broiler chicken can be plucked in it. The advantages of this machine primarily include not too high cost. Pay for such an unit will have only about 10 thousand rubles. This unit works from a network of 220 V, and therefore it suits the household very well.

quail perming machine pm 2m

The quailing machine PM 2M is, therefore, the most popular among homeowners. However, good reviews are available, of course, about other brands of such devices. For example, a good opinion among the owners of the houses has developed about Spennapolli ESTERINA machines made in Italy and about domestic โ€œPlyukaโ€ and โ€œPrincessโ€. They are also reliable units that process carcasses as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37681/

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