How to understand that people are lying? Practical advice of a psychologist

All people, without exception, lie, only the regularity and extent of the lies differ. One man will tell his mother that he was late in the store, casually keeping silent about a minor accident on his way home, and another will tell a long and fascinating story, invented from beginning to end. Yet in some situations, finding out the truth is almost vital. How to understand that people are lying, and bring them to clean water?

Important Signs

How to understand that people are lying
If you really want to get to the bottom of the truth, get ready to watch and listen carefully. It is important to evaluate what and what your interlocutor says. But not only words matter, pay attention to gestures, facial expressions and postures. Only a comprehensive analysis and the presence of several signs of lies will help to avoid mistakes. How to understand whether a person is lying? This is not always easy, if you have a real expert in lies, he can hide all the signs quite qualitatively and behave quite naturally, telling a lie. And yet, some trifle will surely betray him. But inexperienced liars are quite easy to recognize.

What will the face tell?

How to understand whether a person is lying
Even if a person holds himself confidently, with a false story he will still be excited. Note liars rarely look in the eye. However, the movements of the eyeballs can be controlled. How to understand whether a person is lying or not, if he looks in the eyes? Due to the release of adrenaline into the blood, the pupils will be dilated. However, this symptom is more likely indirect, since it can be observed with pleasant emotions or because of the peculiarities of lighting in the room. Another evidence of a lie - often blinking, even thoughtful deception - this is serious stress, to which the body will necessarily respond. Some liars automatically bite their lip, but, of course, this action also cannot be considered as a wholly symptom of untruth.

Sign language

How to understand whether a person is lying by his facial expression
The truth-telling person should be calm and relaxed, if there is an unreasonable increase in sweating, redness or pallor of the skin - there is reason to doubt the honesty of the interlocutor. With excitement, many mechanically tug in their hands some object or too often straighten clothes. How to understand that people are lying? There is nothing simpler - see if a person’s leg is twitching, or maybe he beats some rhythm with his fingers? Some experts argue that lying provokes quite physical itching in the neck and lower face. This means that a liar during his story will scratch this area, fiddle with his chin or straighten his shirt collar. Another typical sign of untruth is the desire to cover your mouth with a hand that speaks as if ashamed of your words.

Methods for determining untruth

How to understand whether a person is lying or not
We have all seen spy films in which they love to show a lie detector. Such devices exist in reality. During their work, they evaluate the non-verbal reactions of the body during responses or narration. And yet, their results cannot be considered absolute. Experts to the question: “How to understand that people are lying?”, Answer that it makes sense to try specialized pharmacological drugs or hypnosis. In practice, experienced psychologists using these tools can not only reveal a lie, but also get to the bottom of the truth. A similar method can be tried in everyday life. Create the most comfortable conditions for the interlocutor - offer him tasty food, relaxing tea or alcohol. Try to also win sympathy, and your chances of knowing the truth will increase significantly. But hypnosis and “tablets of truth” are not recommended for non-professionals. However, medicines that suppress the will, you are unlikely to find in a regular pharmacy.

How to understand that people lie: we put into practice the advice of a psychologist

How to understand whether a person is lying by correspondence
The abundance of minor trifles and details in the story may indicate the speaker's desire to distract from the main problem. Liars love to completely translate the topic. This technique can be used against them. Offer to talk about something else yourself. The interlocutor should not have obvious relief and joy at such a turn of the conversation. You can confuse a person who is telling a lie by clarifying the details. It is advisable to do this after a while. Go back a few sentences and casually ask: “So how do you say you got there?” or "And why it went that way - I did not understand." The answer will most likely be received, but it will also take some time to think it over, and it will not work to hide such confusion. You already know how to understand whether a person is lying by his facial expression, but you can additionally use a simple exercise. Memorize the entire story in detail or even record it on the recorder. Return to this conversation later and ask to tell again. Clear differences in reproducing the same story are a clear sign of untruth. You can go the other way, after completing the story, ask to retell everything again, but backwards - from the result and the end of the story to its very beginning. But remember, this will only work with your absolute memory. In addition, even if differences are identified in the story, the liar will try to convince you that the first time you listened to him inattentively or misunderstood. If you suspect a lie, try also to ask unambiguous questions that can only be answered with "yes" or "no." With liars, everything is usually bad with specifics, the answers will be slow, tortured, and the excitement will increase.

How to understand whether a person is lying by correspondence?

All the signs and tips described above are most suitable for personal communication. And how to calculate a liar during correspondence? You can try using some of the tips in the previous paragraph, but remember that even instant real-time chat gives you a few seconds to think. In virtual communication, we will have to evaluate only words and phrases. First, extra assurances of the truthfulness of what was said should be alerted. If your interlocutor has used several times, “I tell the truth,” “have I ever lied?” or "do not want - do not believe!" before you rebuke him for lying, then there is reason to doubt. Watch out if the letter is too emotional - with an abundance of exclamation marks and text emphasis.


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