How to develop a sense of humor: tips and tricks

Very many of those who believe that he is deprived of a sense of humor will agree that wit-humorists cause them white envy. People who know how to joke are welcomed in any company, they cause delight and sympathy, they listen to them and admire them. But for those who do not know how to do this, there is consolation - there are tips on how to develop a sense of humor. Some of them are described below.

It’s important to be funny. People deprived of a sense of humor, by their very nature pedants, they plan their day every minute, or even per second. And any deviation from this schedule leads them to a stressful state. These people are able to believe in prejudice and superstition. For example, they are sure that the day will be ruined if a black cat crosses the road. Therefore, it is very important for such people to understand that a sense of humor in an unexpected and unpleasant situation is just a protective reaction that can neutralize stress and develop stress resistance in the future. Many people ask how to develop a sense of humor? The advice is simple: learn to find funny in any trouble. Look from the side at yourself and imagine how you would laugh in the situation that you yourself were in. And this is just one of the tips on how to develop a sense of humor.

They become wits. To attract attention, it is important to learn how to poke. Not a single wit would refrain from commenting on any episode; they do not sit quietly in a corner, and if they do, they will immediately draw attention to themselves with a witty joke. And that's it, the whole audience will move from the center of the room to the corner, closer to the wit. How to develop a sense of humor? Learn to joke in any situation! Wit allows a person to show himself, to hide constraint behind a joke, this is a disguise of shyness. No one will guess that the wag has complexes or that he has low self-esteem, or alone with someone they become silent, and you won’t get the word out of them. They can be as timid in life as children. It is this contrast that shows that they are not born witty, they become them, the main thing is to understand how this is done. After all, you learned how to play tennis or checkers, or chess. So wit can also be learned. And, having learned this, the one who used to be inconspicuous aside, has every chance to become the soul of the company. And any company. You just need to know how to develop a sense of humor.

Witty people differ from others in the ability of associative thinking. A funny association of what he sees or hears instantly forms in his head. Although such thinking is more characteristic of creative people, an inveterate techie can also learn to come up with funny associations if he tries hard.

How to develop a sense of humor and thinking based on associations? For training, it is better to choose an inanimate object, for example, a director’s tie. Draw in your imagination his image in a tie. Consider the tie, its color, shape, how it is tied, and write down on paper all the associations that you associate with it. Let it be even a toad, a python, an icicle or a rope. Write everything that comes to mind first, in one breath, not stopping. You are given the right to write more than one sheet, do not spare paper. After writing, read all your strokes and cross out those that seem unreasonable. Read again and cross out those that are not funny in your scrupulous view. Leave only those that you could be proud of. Now try to say something witty about the director using these words. Naturally, not out loud, but to myself. For example, if the pattern on his tie is polka dot, then he is King Peas, and his secretary is the Princess and the Pea. Be vigilant and do not rush immediately to try your joke on the director, he may not understand it. Start joking with those people who are loyal to criticism. If such a person smiled, then you are making progress. Train and the result will not be long in coming. And smile more often to develop a sense of humor.


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