Nonsense: what is it or who is it?

Some words in Russian are of non-Slavic origin. They are called borrowed. Some of them came from English, in which they, in turn, could come from Latin. One such word is nonsense. What is nonsense, and where does this concept come from? The word came to us from English (nonsense), and in English from Latin (non - "no" and sensus - "meaning").

Nonsense: what is it?

To find out the meaning of an incomprehensible word, an explanatory dictionary should be opened. From it one can learn that nonsense is the absence of a stable structure in something, in simple terms, this is a complete lack of meaning.

Nonsense is

In addition, nonsense is the name of a literary device when the meaning of a narrative, image, poem, musical work is deliberately destroyed and sometimes reaches the point of absurdity. So, the classic universally recognized model is the novel by Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland." Also, examples of nonsense in the literature include the work of Korney Chukovsky - β€œConfusion”.

For a more complete demonstration of the meaning of the word below will be given options for sentences with its use:

  • What you say now is complete nonsense.
  • This is not an opening word, it is some unimaginable nonsense.
  • What is happening, the theater of the absurd, nonsense!

Morphological characteristics, part of speech

The word "nonsense" is a common noun and inanimate masculine noun. Like all masculine nouns ending in a consonant, it tends to be of the second type.

CaseQuestionExamples of offers
NominativeWhat?This is absolute, complete nonsense!
GenitiveWhat?The history of nonsense as a literary device dates back more than one century.
DativeWhy?I assure you, Ivan Demyanovich will react very negatively to such nonsense.
AccusativeWhat?I cannot appreciate this nonsense - there is no other way to call this meaningless undertaking.
Instrumental caseThan?At that moment, Margarita's proposal seemed to me just nonsense.
PrepositionalAbout what?I find nothing touching in this ridiculous nonsense.

Nonsense: synonyms

Synonyms are words that are close in meaning. They are the best help to understand the meaning of an unfamiliar concept, to fix it in memory.

Can this word be replaced by synonyms? What is nonsense, in other words?

Nonsense is:

Nonsense: synonyms
  • Absurd. Reviewers defeated the work to smithereens, calling it absurd.
  • Ridiculous. What an absurdity!
  • Nonsense. You don’t even want to waste time on such nonsense.
  • Nonsense. For you, this is nonsense, for him, everything is very serious.
  • Nonsense. Enough to carry nonsense, this is no longer funny.
  • Gibberish. Gleb had no desire to understand this gibberish.
  • Abracadabra. Some abracadabra was written on a piece of paper.
  • Rave. This is not a work of art, but the ravings of a madman.


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