Beautiful oriental female names and their meaning

In eastern countries, it is customary to joyfully celebrate the birth of a boy, because this is the future head of the family, the earner and continuer of the surname. At the same time, the Qur'an says that girls should be happy on their birthday. But under any circumstances, having a baby is a great happiness, and the next crucial step is choosing a name.

Name Matching Rules

Modern parents no longer attach much importance to the name of their offspring. Most often they are guided only by the beauty of the name, a good combination with the middle name. This is neither good nor bad. However, in most countries in the East they are anxious about this issue.

Naturally, parents look at the sound of the name, but the main emphasis is on femininity and attractiveness, suggesting that in this way the girl will grow up tender and kind.

Family photo

Oriental female names and their meaning

Before the advent of Islam in the East, Arabs did not treat their children very well, especially girls. And their attitude was transmitted through the name, for example, Baghida meant "despicable", and Jusama - generally a "nightmare".

In many families, girls began to pick up the names that are mentioned in the Qur'an and associated with the Prophet. Also, often a daughter receives a name that means a beautiful plant or flower.

The desire to name a daughter in honor of a close relative is usually suppressed, as it is believed that she will inherit not only the name, but also the fate of the woman in whose honor she will be named.


This oriental female name is quite popular among Muslims and Arabs. The name comes from the male - Amir. Mean lady or princess. In the Arab world, rulers were called emirs, which is akin to our “prince” status. Amira literally means "the wife of the emir." For some peoples, Amir means "blooming" or "prosperous."

Girls with this name are characterized as moving and cheerful children, kind and sociable. Amirs are a little shy and embarrassed at the praise they received. Girls usually have a lot of talents, they dance and sing beautifully.

Weaknesses include health, usually problems with the heart and kidneys, but at a fairly mature age.

In the Orthodox church calendar, such a name does not appear.


Basim is also a fairly popular oriental female name. It is believed that girls with this name have a predisposition to the life of an ascetic, they are ready to make sacrifices so that the person nearby is happy. On the one hand, this is an excellent quality, but on the other, Basim should have a permanent object of worship, for which any sacrifice can be made.

However, owners of this name may face loneliness due to excessive requirements for a partner. Often love for such women comes already at an advanced age.

Ward or rose


This oriental female name translates as rose. As a rule, girls with this name are very amorous and affectionate. They strive for ideal in everything and demand from others the same attitude to life.

Wards can sincerely love and surrender to this feeling at 100%. Moreover, the main support in life is only faith in oneself.


The next in the list of oriental female names should be noted Gulnara, translated from Arabic as “flower-like”, or more precisely, “pomegranate flower”. In our country, this name is often found in the republics of Bashkiria and Tatarstan.

The owners of this name are restless and very active, have a great sense of humor. Girls do not like loneliness. Studying for them is a rather complicated matter, but they have a wonderful memory. With age, emotions subside, but sociability does not disappear.

Gulnars dance beautifully and love sports. They have good immunity, but prone to fullness.

Jannat or Garden of Eden


This beautiful modern oriental female name is quite common throughout the world. Means "Garden of Eden". The main characteristic of girls with this name is that they are very contact, they constantly make acquaintances. With age, the character practically does not change, but the ability to soberly evaluate people around them appears. Therefore, Jannat prefers long-term relationships in all areas of life.

Owners of this name usually carefully monitor their figure, so there are no special preferences in clothes, because any one suits them. Relations with a partner are built on tenderness and even to some extent on obsequiousness.


The name has several meanings, but most often translates as "bright, shiny, beautiful." Arabs compare the name of Zuhra with the name of Venus. And if you look into the Uzbek dictionary, the name translates as "radiant or radiant."

The character of the girls can be described as moody and a little hysterical. Children with this name achieve their goal under any pretext. But they are very purposeful and have not only set goals, but also achieve them.

Zuhra has great intuition, but often avoids problems, like an ostrich.

Girls born in spring are sensitive, and those born in winter are stubborn and impulsive.

Camille means perfect


Another beautiful oriental female name is Camille, literally translated from Arabic means "perfect". Such girls are very demanding of themselves, their clothes and keep order in everything. They do not tolerate rudeness. Outwardly, they are usually attractive, charming and polite, so there is no end to the fans. But the choice of a partner is based on clear requirements and rules, since Camille chooses a person for life.


This name is interpreted as “tender” (in Arab countries) and can rightfully be called international. Therefore, there is still much debate about its origin. It is found in ancient Greek and Roman mythology. There is also an opinion that this is only an abridged version of some names.

The character of girls with that name is secretive and independent. These are future ladies. As a rule, in childhood, a daughter conflicts strongly with her mother. At a young age, Lina already argues as an adult, is able to perceive a huge amount of information and quite artistic.

Malika is a little mistress


A very beautiful, modern oriental female name is Malika. There are also several versions of its origin, depending on the stress it can change its meaning. If emphasis is placed on the first syllable, then in translation it will mean “angel”, and if on others (3 or 4), then it is already interpreted as “queen” or “mistress”. In any case, this is a female version of the male name - Malik, which means "king" or "monarch".

There is even a theory about the Slavic origin of this name and education from the root "small". The Slavs have a similar name - Malika, Malush or Malukha.

Girls with this name really appreciate the traditions of their people and family. They strive for stability in all spheres of life, are trustful and easily amenable to deception. Although girls born in winter are characterized by a fighting character and courage. Born in the summer are softer and more tender. But all Malik are united by such a character trait as impressionability.


This oriental female name translated from Arabic means “jewel”. Owners of the name are unpredictable and feminine creatures. At the same time, they have an iron will, and they can do any job.

In childhood, Nadira is mischievous, at school they are not excellent students, because they are more interested in pursuing their hobbies than attending school. Turning into a young girl, Nadira constantly catches admiring glances on herself. They love attention and play sports. Growing up, Nadira becomes a purposeful and highly moral nature. And to be healthy, the girl is not recommended to drink alcohol and smoke.

Sabira - Patient


Another unusual female oriental name, which is also very beautiful, is Sabira, which means “patient” in translation.

Women with this name are ready to sacrifice absolutely everything for the sake of a loved one. However, excessive custody bothers others, this applies to children and spouse. Very often, girls with this name do not marry, because they are too devoted to their father’s house.

At the same time, it is a bright personality, legible, but ready to abandon their plans for the sake of the family. And this is a big risk of "spraying" on trifles and not achieving your own goal.

Modern Oriental Women

Popular beautiful oriental female names and their meaning

In the last decade, there has been a fashion for soft-sounding names, for example, Manal, Amal, Iman and Mona. Along with this, the statistics of Egypt, Jordan and a number of other Arab countries highlight other names:


Means softness and tenderness. In the history of eastern countries there is not a single significant person with that name, although according to statistics for 2009 in Jordan, the name took fifth place in the list of popular names.


This name in the same 2009 in Jordan took 2nd place in the list. It means “fresh fruits” and is mentioned in the Qur'an.


Literally translated as "the need for dominance." This need does not disappear with age, but rather, the fear of a strong rival does not scare.


Translated as "cell honey"

Apparently, modern parents from the East choose names more in tune than they are guided by the principles of their great-grandfathers. Although it is still not customary for these peoples to call their children the names of infidels, that is, infidels. As for the same Slavic peoples, many eastern names are generally not suitable because of the complexity of pronunciation and sound in Russian or other Slavic languages.


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