Cities of Finland - modern entertainment and ancient attractions

Finland is a state in Northern Europe with a population of just over 5.5 million people who speak two languages: Swedish and Finnish. The capital of the republic is the city of Helsinki. The country gained its independence only in 1917, it borders with Norway, Sweden and Russia, there is a maritime border with Estonia. Russians love to come to Finland, first of all, to celebrate the authentic New Year, because these are deers, northern lights and Santa Claus, whose name in the language of this country is almost impossible to pronounce immediately. In addition , these are beautiful baths, ski resorts, and the whole country is an excursion treasury of the world.

Province of South Karelia

The region borders on the Russian Federation and it includes 9 communities, 2 of which are urban. Lappeenranta is the city of Finland and the cultural, administrative, economic center of the province. Only 72 thousand people live here, but it is a truly tourist city on Lake Saimaa, which is the fourth largest in all of Europe.

The city was founded in 1649, and in 1741, Russian troops defeated the Swedes under this settlement. In the XIX century, the resort opens, the Saimaa Canal, and begins the rapid development of tourism. What to see in the city?

Lappeenranta Fortress

It was built as a border fortress, which was part of the fortification between Finland and Russia. Fights were constantly waged for her, it was occupied either by the Swedes, then by the Russians.

South Karelian Museum

Earlier in this building were artillery depots. Here you can find out a lot of interesting things about the Karelian Isthmus and the history of South Karelia.

Orthodox Church

It was founded in 1786 and to this day, the evening ringing “Karelian hills” is heard here in the evenings.

Aeronautics museum

This is a new aviation museum, opened in 2000. There are many airplanes and other aeronautical related items.

There are many more interesting places here: Lauritsala Church, Hinkanranta Beach and a sand castle. In this city of Finland there are many shops in which Russians leave about 200 million euros (14 billion rubles) for a year.

Imatra city

Imatra is a small city with 30 thousand inhabitants, but travelers have been visiting it for several decades. There are many ski resorts, the total length of all pistes is more than 100 kilometers. The longest route on the slope of Mellonmyaki, but professional athletes can afford such entertainment. But the main attraction is a waterfall surrounded by avant-garde monuments. There are also rapids here that have somewhat lost their attractiveness after the construction of the hydroelectric power station, but here, according to the schedule, they let the water go under the magnificent light and musical accompaniment.

Turku city

Varsinais-Suomi Province

These places are also called true Finland. The region includes 28 communities, 11 of which are urban.

It is in this province that the interesting city of Finland is located - Turku. After all, it is the former capital of the country and in importance it is the second city. It is here that the port is located, where communication with the Åland Islands and Sweden is carried out. And Turku Airport is the second largest in the country in terms of air cargo.

For the first time there are references to the city from the 11th-12th centuries, already in the 13th century there were 2 schools operating here, and in 1640 the first Finnish university appeared.

Where tourists are waiting for:

  • Turku Castle, the oldest part was erected back in 1280. And in the XVI century it was the residence of the Swedish king.
  • Museum of crafts “Luostarinmäki” on Monastery Hill, where 18 houses and 30 workshops have been preserved.
  • The Aboa Vetus Museum is a whole medieval quarter where you can walk and look through the windows of houses.
  • Museum Diorama, located from the islands to the hills of Lapland. Here in wildlife there are 130 species of birds and 30 species of mammals.
  • The Cathedral of Tuomiokirkko is the main temple of the country.
City Tempera

Pirkanmaa Province

This area is located in the southwestern part of the country. The province has 22 communities.

One of the most attractive cities in Finland in this area is Tampere. On the territory of the village there are about 200 lakes and ponds. This is the first industrial city of the state, and in 1879 at the Finlayson factory the first bulb in all of Scandinavia was lit.

In the central part of the city is the church of St. Alexander and St. German (1896-1899). There is a viewing tower "Nyasinneula" 168 meters high, which is a symbol of the city. In Tampere there is even a Lenin Museum, this is the first such institution that was opened outside the USSR.

Mikkelli City

South Savo Province

This area is considered the most environmentally friendly region of the country. The most famous in the list of cities in Finland is Mikkeli. There is a monument to the pedestrian Gustav Mannerheim. In the very center of the city there is the Naysvuori observation tower, surrounded by a market square and several parks. The streets of the village are almost all flat and decorated with fir branches or flowers depending on the season. Mikkeli is the festival capital of the country and the city at the intersection of 5 roads. It is here that tourists from Russia often come, and from here they already travel all over Finland.

Kuopio is a relatively small town surrounded by northern lakes, combining the history of the state and modernity. The first mention of this city of Finland is in the annals of 1549. Here you should definitely visit Mount Puyo, which is located in the central part and is covered with dense forest. Another attraction in the open air is the “Kuopio Quarter”, where there are 11 houses, the interior of which is reproduced exactly the same as that of the local merchants of the XIX century. And on the island of Vayayasalo, just 15 minutes from the city there is a wine plantation, where you can not only look at the plantations with grapes, but also taste local wine and national cuisine.

Capital of Finland


The largest city in Finland is Helsinki, where more than 630 thousand people live. The capital is located in the southern part of the state on the Gulf of Finland. Together with satellite towns (12 communes), the metropolitan region has 1.3 million people.

The foundation date is considered to be 1550, therefore, in the village there are many interesting places:

  • Senate Square and the Cathedral (1852). Also here are the university, a monument to Alexander II, the Senate building.
  • Assumption Cathedral (1868).
  • The fortress of Suomenlinna (1748).
  • Museum Island of Seurasaari.
  • Church of Temppeliaukio.

Among the modern entertainments at the guests' service: rock club "Tavastia", water park "Serena", zoo "Korkeasaari" and amusement park "Lynnanmyaki".

Finland - the country of a thousand lakes - is ready to receive tourists at any time of the year, it has many attractions, ski resorts and magnificent forests.


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