Modern aviation. Modern military aircraft - PAK-FA, Mig-29

Since the first use of aircraft in the field of military confrontation, their role in the battle has become increasingly widespread every year. The importance of aviation in a military conflict has been particularly dynamic over the past 30-50 years. Combat aircraft each year receive more advanced electronic systems and more powerful weapons. Their speed and versatility are increasing, and visibility for radars is decreasing. Modern aviation can single-handedly decide the outcome of a military conflict, or have a key impact on it. In the military history of past years, they could not even think of such a thing. Today we will find out what modern combat aviation is and what planes are at the head of domestic weapons.

Modern aviation

Role of aviation

In the Yugoslav conflict, NATO aviation resolved the situation with virtually no intervention by ground forces. The same can be observed in the first Iraqi company, when the Air Force ensured the final defeat of the army of Saddam Hussein. Destroying the air force, US and allied aircraft with impunity destroyed Iraqi armored vehicles.

Modern military aircraft are so expensive that only wealthy countries can afford their development and construction. For example, the latest generation American F-22 fighter costs about $ 350 million. Today, this military aircraft is a real crown of scientific and technological progress.

The current state of aviation

Today, all the leading powers are concerned about the development of the fifth generation fighter. America is an exception, for it already has such aircraft in its arsenal. These are the F-22 and F-35 models. They have successfully passed all tests for a long time, launched into serial production and were adopted. Meanwhile, China, Japan and Russia are somewhat behind America.

Modern combat aircraft

At the end of the twentieth century, the Soviet Union kept pace with America. The fourth-generation Mig-29 and Su-27 aircraft were not inferior to the American models F-15 and F-16. However, when the USSR collapsed, not the best of times came for military aviation. For many years, Russia suspended work on the creation of new fighters. America, meanwhile, was actively developing its aviation, and in 1997 the F-22 was already created. It is noteworthy that this model is forbidden to sell to other countries, and even to allies. For them, on the basis of the F-22, American designers created the F-35 aircraft, which, according to experts, is inferior to its prototype in many ways.

Russian answer

Modern aviation in Russia can counterbalance American success in the first place with the modernized Mig-29 and Su-27 models. To mark their military affiliation, military workers even came up with a separate classification. Mig-29 and Su-27 aircraft belong to the 4 ++ generation. This suggests that they are quite a bit lacking to claim a place in the fifth generation. And this is not an attempt to “play with muscles”. Airplanes are really good. The latest versions have improved engines, new electronics and navigation. However, this is not the fifth generation.


PAK FA airplane

In parallel with the modernization of the good old fighters, the Russian aircraft industry was working on a true representative of the fifth generation. As a result, such an aircraft was developed. It is called PAK FA, which stands for “a promising front-line aviation complex”. The second name of the model is T-50. In its futuristic form, it is similar to the American flagship. The model first flew back in 2010. Today it is known that the aircraft is being finalized and will soon go into mass production.

Before comparing the T-50 with its American counterpart, let's find out what requirements modern fifth-generation aircraft must meet. The military clearly outlined the main advantages of this technique. Firstly, such an aircraft has a low level of visibility in all wavelengths. First of all, it should not be detected in the infrared and radar range. Secondly, the 5th generation fighter must be multi-functional and extremely maneuverable. Thirdly, such a device is able to go to supersonic speed without afterburner. Fourthly, he can conduct all-round fire and shoot rockets at a great range. Well, fifthly, modern military aviation is necessarily equipped with "advanced" electronics, which can greatly alleviate the fate of the pilot.


The aircraft PAK FA, compared with the American F-22, has large dimensions and wingspan, therefore, it will be a little maneuverable. The T-50 has a maximum speed a little more, but cruising - less. The Russian fighter has a greater practical range, and less take-off mass. However, by stealth, he loses to the "American." Modern aviation is famous not only for weapons and aerodynamics, an important role is played by electronics, on the work of which the vital activity of all systems of the device depends. Russia has always had a lag in this regard. On-board equipment of the PAK FA model also leaves much to be desired. Small-scale production of the aircraft was launched in 2014. Soon, a full-fledged release of the model should begin.

Now let’s look at other Russian planes that have high hopes for success.

Su-47 (Golden Eagle)

This rather interesting model was developed at the Sukhoi Design Bureau. To date, it still remains only a prototype. Thanks to the reverse sweep wing, the machine has excellent maneuverability and new combat abilities. In the Berkut case composite materials are widely used. The model was created as a prototype of a 5th generation fighter. However, he still does not reach the requirements for such aircraft. Su-47 can not develop supersonic speed without the inclusion of afterburner. In the future, designers intend to solve this problem by installing a new engine on the plane. The first flight of the "Golden Eagle" took place in 1997. One instance was created, which to this day is used as a test aircraft.

Modern aviation of Russia


This is a new aircraft, which, unlike the previous one, has already entered service with the Russian Air Force, in the amount of 48 copies. The model was also developed at the Sukhoi Design Bureau. It belongs to the 4 ++ generation, but in terms of its technical and combat parameters it almost claims to be in the fifth generation.

The plane is not much different from the T-50 model. The main difference is the lack of Stealth and AFAR technologies (active phased antenna array). The aircraft is equipped with the latest information management system, a motor with a controlled thrust vector, and a reinforced glider. The Su-35 fighter is capable of developing supersonic speed without afterburner activation. With proper pilot skills, the machine can withstand the American F-22 aircraft on the battlefield.

Modern military aircraft

Strategic bomber

To date, work is underway at the Tupolev Design Bureau to create a new strategic bomber that will replace the Tu-95 and Tu-160 models. Development began in 2009, but only in 2014, the design bureau signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense. Accurate information about the characteristics of the model is not yet available, it is only known that it will be subsonic and will be able to arm more strongly than the Tu-160 aircraft. It is assumed that the new bomber will be carried out according to the design of the “flying wing”.

The first machine, according to the forecasts of the designers, will be released in 2020, and five years later it will go into mass production. The Americans are working to create a similar aircraft. The Next Generation Bomber project is developing a subsonic bomber with a low level of visibility and a large radius of action (about 9000 km). According to media reports, such a machine will cost America $ 0.5 billion.

Transport aircraft IL-112

Today, a new light transport aircraft is being developed at the Ilyushin design bureau, which will replace the obsolete An-26 models used by Russia until now. The contract between the Design Bureau of Ilyushin and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was signed in 2014, however, work on the creation of the machine was carried out since the 90s.

Modern military aircraft

The serial production of IL-112 is due in 2018. The device will be equipped with a pair of turboprop engines. Its carrying capacity will reach six tons. It is noteworthy that the aircraft will be able to take off and land not only on equipped runways, but also on unpaved airfields. In addition to the cargo version, designers also plan to build a passenger modification of the device. She, as conceived by the creators, will be able to operate in regional airlines.

New MiG

According to Russian and foreign media reports, Mikoyan’s design bureau is working to create the fifth generation of the acclaimed MiG fighter. According to the Director General of the Design Bureau, his subordinates are actively working in this direction. The basis of the new machine, most likely, will be the MiG-35 aircraft (another representative of the 4 ++ generation). The new MiG, according to the creators, will be radically different from the T-50 model, and will take on slightly different functions. There is no talk about any dates yet.


Today we learned what modern aviation is and what aircraft models are considered the pinnacle of design excellence. Of course, aviation is the future of the military industry and one of its most promising sectors.


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