The labor potential of an employee in Russia

The employee’s labor potential is a combination of the employee’s spiritual and physical properties, which will contribute to the achievement of optimal results of his professional activity in the current conditions. It also includes the ability to improve oneself, to solve new problems that arise in production.

The labor potential of the employee contains:

  • Psychophysiological level, that is, a person’s inclinations and abilities, his state of health, endurance, performance, type of nervous system and so on.
  • Qualification level. It includes the volume, depth and versatility of special and general knowledge, labor skills, which determine the ability of an employee to professional activities of a certain complexity and content.
  • The personal level includes the level of his civic consciousness and maturity, especially the employee's assimilation of norms and value orientations in relation to work. An important place will be occupied by his needs, interests, and requests in this area.

Assessment of the labor potential of an employee in Russia should be carried out through the prism of all three levels. Consider their content in more detail.

If we talk about the psychophysiological potential, the incidence and mortality rate in our country is higher than in European countries and the United States. The main reasons for this are:

  • low quality food;
  • unhealthy diet (few vitamins and proteins, but a lot of complex carbohydrates);
  • prevalence of bad habits (smoking and drinking);
  • the presence of adverse working conditions.

The labor potential of an employee from the point of view of the qualification level includes his preparedness for fulfilling increasingly complicated labor duties and working conditions. He must form attitude to the profession, discipline and improve his professional qualities. The qualification level is classified according to the following criteria, which reflect the individual qualities of each employee:

  • level of training (education, specialization and profile);
  • creative abilities (theorist, experimenter, organizer, mixed type);
  • floor;
  • type of nervous system;
  • work experience (general, by specialty);
  • labor activity (performer, creative worker);
  • mobility;
  • effectiveness, efficiency and quality of labor;
  • ability to rationally use your time.

The labor potential of the employee is also determined by the socio-personal level, which consists of the following basic elements:

  • ability to cooperate, work in a team and interact (communicative);
  • creativity (creative);
  • value-motivational qualities (moral and ideological-ideological).

Moreover, the potential, prospective or “unused” opportunities of the employee are more important. Therefore, considerable attention is paid to the employee’s ability to self-development and self-transformation, which is determined by his motivation. The higher it is, the higher the development of labor potential.

Human resources management, taking into account the foregoing, should be based on the solution of three basic tasks.

Firstly, it is necessary to form such productive abilities of a person that will meet the requirements for the quality level of the workforce at a given place.

Secondly, it is recommended to create such socio-economic and industrial-technical conditions in production, in which there is an optimal use of the employee's abilities for this type of labor.

Thirdly, the management process should not harm the interests and personality of the employee.


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