Steel 40x. Its description and scope

Steel is one of the most important structural metals. It has found wide application in construction, engineering, as well as many other industries. This metal has many different brands, and they all differ from each other in characteristics. Steel 40x is a structural alloyed grade of this material. And here we talk about it in more detail.

40x steel

In addition to the usual impurities, the brand 40x contains a certain number of elements that are specially introduced. Due to this, special properties are provided. Here, as an alloying element, chrome is used. It is because of him that the letter X is present in the steel marking.

This steel has a feature - it is difficult to weld. In this regard, 40x steel is heated to 300 ยฐ C during the welding process, and after it is subjected to heat treatment. In addition to this feature, there is a tendency to tempering ability, as well as flokensensitivity.

Steel 40x specifications has the following:

- elongation relative - 13-17%;

- impact strength - up to 800 kJ / sq. meter;

- tensile strength - up to 900 MPa.

steel 40

There are other features characteristic of this steel grade :

- endurance is quite high;

- the ability to carry out processing by cutting, by welding or under pressure;

- resistance to warping and decarburization during thermal effects.

For all such materials, these are the most important properties. It is they that allow the use of 40x steel in the engineering industry.

When forging steel of this grade, the temperature at the beginning of the process is 1250 ยฐ C, and at the end - 800 ยฐ C.

Very often, this steel finds application in the manufacture of improved parts that are characterized by increased strength. These are products such as plungers, spindles, axles, shafts, rings, pinion shafts, crankshafts and cam shafts, bolts, half shafts, racks, bushings, sponges, mandrels and other necessary details.

Steel 40 is widely used for the manufacture of taps, drills, files. As you can see, these are all the tools that you have to work at low speed, and the heating temperature is no more than 2000 degrees. These products are rods with a circular cross section. They are made according to GOST 5950-2000.

40x steel specifications

If you need steel that is resistant to corrosion, you need to pay attention to the brand 40x13. This is stainless corrosion resistant steel. It acquires corrosion resistance after hardening, because in this case carbide is completely dissolved. Steel 40x13 is produced in induction furnaces, as well as open arc type. The resulting material is perfectly deformed at a temperature of 850-1100 ยฐ C. And so that there are no cracks, heating and subsequent cooling should be carried out slowly.

Finally, it is worth giving a recommendation to buyers. It is best to buy 40x steel, as well as products from it, directly from manufacturers. Here, the cost will always be without extra charges, because you "bypass" the intermediaries. Also, products can be made according to your ordered parameters. In addition, factories often offer discounts to wholesale customers, and there is also a guarantee of product quality. And in case of marriage you will know who to contact.


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