How to make a men's haircut: ways, ideas, step by step instructions, photos

Many men still hold very conservative views regarding visits to beauty salons and hairdressers. In their opinion, the usual home haircut "under the typewriter" is able to replace all other procedures with professionals. Of course, such representatives of the stronger sex will always be concerned about the question of how to make a male haircut at home correctly and without unnecessary difficulties.

Choosing a Hair Clipper

A good hairstyle begins with the choice of a quality machine. Choosing the right model is not so difficult. The main thing is to know a few particularly important criteria when choosing:

  • Ergonomic convenience: a rubberized grip and the correct position of the speed switch under the thumb.
  • Sufficient power of the machine, from about 25 watts. Less power will not allow comfortable shaving long thick hair.
  • The blades on the machine should be adjustable within a few positions along the length and have the ability to self-sharpen, and the presence of a large number of limiter nozzles is welcomed in the kit.
  • Such additional functionality as direct cleaning under running water and a built-in vacuum cleaner will never be superfluous.

It is worth noting that with an independent haircut with a machine, some time must pass to finally fix and understand how to make a man's haircut, that is, simply "fill your hand."

A man is cutting a machine

Technique of male haircut machine

There are a few simple rules that are common when making any haircuts with a typewriter. The process should always start from the back of the head, gradually moving to each of the temples in turn. After smoothly moving to the parietal region. The edging is done at the very end and is the final stage in the creation of any images. In addition, you must wash and dry your head. The hair should be dry and clean. However, there are models of machines with the ability to trim even wet hair.

The minimum set of tools in the "home" salon

If a visit to the master does not seem more expedient than an independent home haircut, then you should consider that you need to know not only how to make a man's haircut, but also what you will need, except for the machine itself.

So, the gentlemanly set of a novice hairdresser includes:

  • Conventional and thinning scissors. The second can come in handy if you need to thin out thick hair.
  • Comb with different frequency and length of teeth. Or at least one comb.
  • Powerful hair dryer for quick drying and styling.
  • Hairclip. It will be useful if the length of the hair on the crown is large enough.
Scissor and comb haircuts

Description of standard men's haircuts for nozzles

Stylists have identified several well-established male images using nozzles of a certain length.

The minimum hair length of 1 mm (haircut "under the unit") creates a strong and brutal image, but is suitable only for men with the correct shape of the skull. The transitional haircut under 2 mm includes shaving the temples and the nape under the nozzle of 1 mm with a smooth transition of 2 mm in the parietal region.

Popular hairstyles for semi-boxing and boxing are usually created using a 3 mm nozzle, and a hedgehog with a 4 mm nozzle. The famous beaver requires a 6 mm nozzle. The following nozzles in 9 and 12 mm are designed for more sophisticated men - they require some knowledge and experience on how to make a smooth transition in the men's haircut from the temporal and parietal zones to the center of the head.

Using scissors in men's haircuts

Sometimes the task is to only shorten the bangs at home, with which the machine will cope not in the best way. To do this, you need to understand how to make a shorter bang in a men's haircut with scissors. The main point is to cut out the control strand, along which in the future it will be necessary to adjust the length of all the other strands.

Too thick hair should also be thinned with special thinning scissors. The strand is pulled perpendicular to the head, and then comes off with a comb. The cut is done on a comb, so the cut line is more even and clear. When creating a hairstyle in the style of a semi-box, the control strand should be taken along the parting.

How to make a transition in a man’s haircut with a machine

Without a transition, it will not work to create such popular haircuts now as boxing and semi-boxing. The secret of the attractiveness of these hairstyles lies precisely in the smooth execution of the transition between strands of different lengths.

The simplest and most obvious option for a beginner is to use only one nozzle. For example, a nozzle of 2 or 3 mm. All hair is cut completely, and then the temples and neck areas are reprocessed without the use of nozzles.

How to trim the temporal zones

Professionals note that whiskey is one of the most important parts of a hairstyle. It is this element of the image that focuses all attention on itself and creates the first impression of the hairstyle as a whole. There are a number of tips from hairdressers:

  1. When processing temples, you need to use a nozzle smaller than the one that was used for all other parts of the head.
  2. The machine should be pressed to the temples with a slight pressure, as the irregularities and softness of the cheekbones can interfere with uniform shaving of the hair.
  3. Shaving hair on the temples is necessary in the area of ​​arches on the cheekbones. So the temporal part most organically fit into the image.
  4. Each longitudinal movement of the hand with the machine should be absolutely smooth, no hasty jerky swings should be done.
  5. At the same time, there is no need to press the machine too hard with your hand when creating transitions from the crown of the head to the temples. In this situation, the machine is held at an angle to the head. And smoothly moves from the temporal to the parietal zone.
Shaving temples with a machine

The most popular types of men's haircuts with a machine

Having figured out the question of how to make a man’s haircut with a machine, it remains only to choose the suitable option from the most relevant, among which:

  • capricious underker,
  • promising canadian
  • sports beaver
  • classic caesar
  • military.

Undercut haircut is not so much complicated in execution as in further daily care. Not every man is able to constantly maintain a hairstyle in proper shape, since it is necessary to style hair every morning. Although, on the other hand, all efforts should be justified, because this hairstyle is one of the most attractive for men - that is exactly what most representatives of the opposite sex think.

The basis of the undercut haircut is that the hair in the central zone of the head remains an order of magnitude longer than the hair at the back of the head and temples. Laying is done upstairs, with a bang raised, or on one side. A significant element along with long hair is shaved whiskey. There are five popular shapes for temples in anderkat: straight, beveled, triangular, to the middle or to the earlobes.

Undercut haircut

Canada, according to legend, came from hockey players from Canada, who in the 1970s noted with such a haircut in the countries of the former USSR. The Canadian is trimmed quite simply: the whiskey and the nape are shaved with a 1 mm nozzle, and hair about 4 cm long is kept on the crown. The skill here is to be able to smoothly switch from shaved parts to the crown.

To this day, Beaver remains popular with fans of active sports. It resembles an underscore in some ways: rather long hair remains in the center of the head at the crown and crown of the head, while the temples and the back of the head are cut with a machine with several nozzles. As in Canada, you need to have some skill in creating smooth transitions from short to long hair. The length of the hair on the crown of the head and crown may be shorter or longer depending on personal preference.

Caesar is an indisputable classic among men's haircuts for a typewriter. It differs from the above by the presence of a small bang, which is cut exactly in a straight line. Hair in other parts of the head is cut at the same length. The maximum allowable hair length in Caesar is about 4 cm.

Military as a special type of male haircut machine

Military style hairstyle

This type of men's haircut, like military, stands apart from others and has simply stunning popularity for its qualities among men of all professions and ages. The name refers to the army origin of this style, which hints at the convenience, ease, simplicity and strong image of a brutal man. With the arrival of the military in world trends, professionals have identified five styles: hedgehog, boxing and semi-boxing, playground and nulevka.

Many men get acquainted with a hedgehog haircut, while still boys. There are two types of hedgehogs. Short and medium. Active or, conversely, older people are advised to choose a short hedgehog, which requires less care and attention. Hedgehogs of medium length are more moody and are stacked daily with special mousses, foams and gels.

In addition, there is no need for any special preparation. For a short hedgehog, minimal knowledge of how to do men's haircuts is required, as well as just one nozzle of the desired length, which applies to all hair. But the average hedgehog usually implies shorter hair on the back of the head (sometimes on the temples) than in the central part of the head.

Modern sports haircut

No less versatile is the haircut boxing. Natives of the Soviet Union appreciated the ease of cutting and the ease of subsequent care for such a haircut. To this day, boxing and semi-boxing are considered suitable for men with any face shape, appearance types, lifestyles and ages.

Problems with how to properly make a man's haircut boxing should not arise in any person who at least once held the machine in his hands. Classic boxing is short hair at the crown and crown of the head. In combination with completely shaved temples and a nape. The half-box, in turn, differs from ordinary boxing with slightly longer hair in the central part of the head.

A haircut like a platform is built on contrasts and attracts attention at times with very torn transitions between different hair lengths. The nape and temples must be cut completely, while the crown and crown remain covered with long hair. Often the "torn" effect is achieved by adding fringes between sharp transitions along the length.

Military Short Haircut

Men's haircut under zero

This is the easiest choice for beginners. Without a doubt, few will be interested in detail how to make a male haircut under zero. However, it should be warned that such a "hairstyle" is not suitable for everyone. It is necessary to check your skull shape first, it must be correct and not have much noticeable injuries and scars.

Intimate male haircut machine

Experts advise turning to professionals for the first time, because an intimate haircut is very delicate and has many nuances. At the same time, the salon will talk in detail about how to make a male intimate haircut and how to care for it. The most popular intimate haircuts using a typewriter: “dollar”, “eagle”, “playboy”, “Mercedes”, “Soviet quality mark” or just “baby”, that is, shaved bald.


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