How to become insensitive and cold?

More and more people, especially teenagers, are interested in how to become insensitive. Emotion is good. But not always. Life is unpredictable, there are ups and downs in it. And just the last of some particularly emotional, kind, sympathetic and vulnerable people can seriously injure. If this happens regularly, you have to somehow ignore the situation. And the question of how to become cold and insensitive comes to the mind of many. Just in order to no longer feel pain, not to feel the sorrows of failure. This is not the best solution, but in some situations the only way to be saved. There are some tips that will definitely help you bring this idea to life.

how to become insensitive

Not everything is given

Just take your time. To begin with, think carefully about whether you want to rid yourself of emotions. Often, restoring them is more difficult than eliminating them. By the way, not everyone is given to be insensitive.

Remember: the true lack of emotion is few. Usually cruelty and composure in a personโ€™s blood. If there is a predisposition to these traits, then solving our today's question will be easy and simple. Otherwise, you will literally step on the throat of yourself and your internal structure.

Often how to become an insensitive person, responsive kind people think. Moreover, the unforgettable. They will have to seriously work on themselves. As practice shows, such people are not capable of realizing the idea. Unless for a while. And then inside there will be a feeling of guilt. But true composure does not allow this.

Return to misery

The first rule that can only help is a return to your suffering. Each person has some kind of memories that bring pain or huge resentment. It is to them that you will have to turn in the subconscious mind every time you are covered with positive emotions.

Usually at first it becomes very painful to experience negative moments. But at one point this feeling disappears. And you do not care. Once you achieve this, it will be easier to solve the task.

how to become cold and insensitive

Try to remember all the negative events at once, in bulk. Only in this way can you fully answer how to become insensitive. Yes, this may seem impossible, but with prolonged practice, you will notice obvious changes in your behavior.

Lack of attention

The second rule is to ignore nothing. Neither for people, nor for any events. Forget about holidays, about relatives, about friends. Itโ€™s enough sometimes not to wish someone a happy birthday once, so that they begin to consider you cold-blooded.

Yes, at the very beginning it will be difficult. Especially when your favorite holiday comes or some bright, pleasing, emotional event occurs. But you should not just ignore him, but meet with complete indifference. Until you learn this, it will not work to become an insensitive person. After all, such people usually rarely show their emotions. Most often, their faces show complete indifference to everything.

Say no to help

A very interesting fact is that refusing to help someone instantly makes you a cruel, bad person. Even if you really are simply not able to help or refuse for some specific, justified reasons. So, to figure out how to become an insensitive creature, you just need not to help people. That is, in general. Absolutely. Even the little things. Remember: helping is very unprofitable. Especially close people. They often require you to do something that will harm you. In addition, help in practice evokes positive emotions. And you donโ€™t need it. After all, the main task facing you is to completely get rid of emotions.

how to become an insensitive person

Please note that you must always refuse. And even if help is vital. Initially, this will not be easy. But with time you will get used to it. By the way, very often this step makes life much easier. You will not do anything to the detriment of yourself.


Are you often offended? Or maybe you just succumb to eternal emotional tyranny? Gather strength and courage ... and mirror the behavior. Do not be afraid to hurt your offenders for life. However, like all other people.

What does it mean? Treat your offenders exactly as they treat you. Anyway, who is this relative or just a friend / acquaintance. Take an example from people who hurt you. They are usually just perfect role models. After all, the ability to offend for the living is a good skill for a cruel person.

What to do with those who communicate with you with kindness and friendliness? Mirroring will not help here - it is a charge of unnecessary positive emotions. Therefore, just take an example from your offenders: try to distance yourself from such personalities, constantly tell them something offensive, unpleasant. Over time, this will become your habit.

how to become cruel and insensible

Full control

And here is the golden rule that you should always remember. If you want to understand how to become insensitive, you need to take control of all your emotions. How to do this? There is no exact algorithm here. Just a few tips.

To get started, choose a profession that makes you suppress emotions. For example, a doctor. There you will be able to teach some things that will help bring our current idea to life.

Also a good way to control emotions are a variety of psychological courses and trainings. They are called - "Emotion under control." True, they learn more to restrain the negative. But similar principles can be interpreted for positive feelings.

In the end, try to keep everything good inside yourself and suppress it yourself. Think: "Everything is bad." And repeat it to yourself constantly. Even if everything is just wonderful. Sooner or later, you will notice how you learned to control emotions. In this case, it remains only to always maintain a stone, emotionless face when communicating.

how to become insensible creature

It's all. Just before you become cruel and insensitive, think carefully about whether you really need it. It will be more difficult to regain emotions. Pain is always easier to survive than to drown out.


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