Acupuncture points on the human body

In Russia today, the acupuncture technique is very popular and in demand, despite the fact that modern medicine still does not recognize it. Let's first understand what it is and what this therapeutic technique is based on.

general information

The term itself comes from two Latin words: acus - a needle and punctura - prick or sting (from punctum - prick, dot).

Acupuncture is a method of ancient Chinese medicine, which consists in influencing certain points on the human body in order to relieve pain, treat various diseases and mental disorders. Stimulation is done with needles, so this area is also called acupuncture or reflexology. It is believed that each point corresponds to a specific human organ or some part of the lymphatic, circulatory, nervous, digestive and other systems of our body. Accordingly, if you exercise the necessary pressure on it, then you can affect the mental and physical condition of a person, changing him for the better. For example, the acupuncture method, according to his adherents, is able to restore psychological balance, calm the nervous system, increase immunity and normalize the work of various internal organs.

Reflexology should be performed only by a qualified specialist who not only understands where which point is and what it is responsible for, but also correctly conducts the acupuncture procedure itself, observing all hygiene rules. But you can independently stimulate the necessary zones by massaging or pressing on them with your fingers - this is called acupressure. It is only necessary to know their exact location so as not to harm themselves and get the desired effect.

Acupuncture procedure

In total there are over 400 acupuncture points on the human body. But even professionals are actively using only the 150 most effective.

The places of their most dense congestion are the hands, feet, and facial area, especially the ear area. Consider these areas in more detail, but first get acquainted with another important concept.


The human body can be represented in the form of a geographical atlas, which is pierced by several meridians. These are special channels through which our vital energy flows, saturating various systems of the body with life-giving power. It is on the meridians that the acupuncture points are located.

There are 12 such channels in total. One of the most important is the cardiac channel: energy flows through it to our main life "motor". Therefore, in order to improve the work of the heart, it is necessary to massage the points available on the corresponding meridian. There are also digestive, reproductive, renal, pulmonary and other energy channels.

Detailed locations of all meridians and points can be found in the atlases of acupuncture points. There are a fairly large number of them, however, with a difference in supply, they contain almost identical information.


Despite the fact that pressure on acupuncture points has a wide range of therapeutic effects, there are a number of limitations for the application of this technique. Here is a list of the main contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy and the postpartum period of breastfeeding.
  2. The presence of tumors in the body, especially malignant.
  3. Severe nervous or physical exhaustion.
  4. Cardiovascular problems.
  5. Pulmonary insufficiency.
  6. Rheumatism.
  7. Tuberculosis in an open form.
  8. Blood disease.
  9. The presence of an inflammatory process in the acute stage.
  10. Age less than 2 years and over 75.

Front points

On the front of the head there are points that correlate with different internal organs, so the targeted effect on them leads to good therapeutic results. You can also relieve muscle tension, achieve tangible relaxation of the whole body, feel more alert and energetically strong. And for the beautiful half of humanity, there is another good reason for the activation of acupuncture points on the face - aesthetic: massage of these places will relieve wrinkles, increase skin tone and elasticity, therefore, prolong its youth.

AT on the face

Main areas

  1. If you draw a line from the upper edges of the ears to the crown, then in its center you can feel the so-called intersection point. Its stimulation is recommended for neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and sleep problems.
  2. "Clear light." This point is located on the inner corners of the eyes, at a distance of about 0.4 cm from them. It improves vision and relieves eye strain. It also helps to get rid of a cold.
  3. Between the eyebrows exactly in the middle there is the so-called third eye. This is one of the most effective acupuncture points for stopping headaches. Pressing it enhances blood circulation and oxygen supply to the body.
  4. A point is located at the inner edge of the eyebrows, the massage of which leads to a decrease and relief of pain in the front of the head, if their cause is in the vessels. The bamboo thread also performs the same function - a point at the outer edge of the eyebrows. It is also recommended to stimulate it to increase vision.
  5. By making circular rotations with your hands around the outer edge of the eye, you will alleviate the condition of a migraine.
  6. If you have kidney problems, which also appear in the form of circles under the eyes, then lower eyelid massage will help reduce swelling and have a positive effect on the entire urinary system.
  7. The nose is the area of ​​the liver, so rubbing it, we improve the functioning of the corresponding organ.
  8. Massaging the area from the nose to the temples along the cheekbones is recommended if there are problems with the stomach, for example, you are concerned about pain, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea and so on.
  9. The meridian of the colon passes between the outer corners of the mouth and the base of the nose. Exposure to it throughout its duration is effective for diarrhea and constipation, and also relieves the body of toxins.
  10. The anti-stress point is located in the middle of the chin. If you are gripped by severe anxiety or panic, then massage of this zone will help reduce it. The chin is also believed to represent the pelvic organs. And the impact on this area helps with infertility and other female diseases.
Facial reflexology

Ear points

On this part of the body, the density of biologically active zones is huge - almost every vital organ has found its reflection here. The number of significant acupuncture points on the ear exceeds a hundred. But to know all of them is optional: since the auricle is small in size, it will be enough to bypass your entire surface with your hands, and this will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. It is advisable to use different types of effects: circular movements, pressure, patting and stroking. If you need to find out the location of a specific area, then use the atlas of acupuncture points. But the general principle is this: the earlobe corresponds with the area of ​​the head. The central part is our body and the organs located on it. And the edge of the ear is the genitourinary system and everything below it.

Auricle massage

Useful Tips

  1. To get rid of fatigue and get a boost of vigor, it is better to massage clockwise, and if, on the contrary, you need to calm down and relax, which is especially important before bedtime, then perform rotational movements in the opposite direction.
  2. The projection of the main vital organs (heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, etc.) is concentrated in the auricle cavity, so rubbing this zone will contribute to their more favorable functioning.
  3. The middle of the earlobe is the location of the visual organ. In case of eye fatigue, it will be useful to perform several light pressures in this area.
  4. Toothache will become weaker or even go away if you rub the upper edge of the ear on the corresponding side for 5 minutes.

Acupuncture points on the arm

On the hands there is a large accumulation of energy points, which are correlated with many organs of our body. Their stimulation leads to the normalization of the mental state and improves the activity of one or another part of the body.

It is important to know that the outside of the palm corresponds to the back, with the spine in the center, and the inside is a reflection of the front surface of the body. The upper phalanx of the thumb corresponds with the head, and the nail acts as a projection of the nape, and the pillow denotes the face. Therefore, often with a headache, it is advised to massage this area. The lower third of the finger is the neck, its massage leads to an improvement in the work of organs located in this bodily zone. The chest with its heart and lungs on it “registered” on the thumb hill. And on the palm is the digestive system.

AT on the hands

Useful Tips

  1. For concentration, it is useful to massage the point located in the center of the inner side of the palm, doing it calmly and measuredly. You can also connect the upper phalanges of the index and thumb to close the meridians that pass through them. So you can fully concentrate on the work that you are doing in order to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  2. For severe headaches, as well as a nervous condition, massage of the He Gu point will help (translated as “entrance to the valley”). It is located in the cavity between the first and second fingers on the back of the palm. Also, its stimulation increases the body's protective resources and energy potential.
  3. It is very effective for insomnia and for strengthening the nervous system point "Nei Guan" (or "inner passage"). It's easy to find it - you rise from the base of the palm up two fingers. In general, there are significant acupuncture clusters on the wrists that can help with difficulties with falling asleep, so before going to bed, vibrate movements over their entire surface.
  4. The “Hou Xi” point helps restore the nervous system after severe stress and great physical exertion. Its location is the outside of the palm at the base of the little finger.
Hae gu point

Acupuncture points on the foot

AT on the feet

The feet are characterized by a very high concentration of biologically active points, responsible for almost all human organs. Therefore, foot massage is so popular , because it allows you to harmonize the work of the whole organism.

If you draw a parallel foot with the whole body, it will be easier to understand by what principle points are located on it. The outer surface of the feet is a projection of the front of our torso, and the back, on which we step when walking, acts as an analogue of the back. Thus, the heels will correspond with the buttocks, and their inner part - with the genitals.

The spine is projected onto the inside of the feet, and the head onto the finger area. The area of ​​the sole between the middle and index fingers is responsible for vision, and their large "brother" acts in the "role" of the brain.

Thus, massage of the index finger of the inner part of the foot where the Tai-By acupuncture point is located will improve brain activity and increase concentration.

And if you need to urgently calm down, remove anxiety and panic fear, which can also lead to problems with sleep, then refer to the point located in the cavity between the 4th and 5th fingers. It is called Xia-si.

Foot massage

Keep in mind that the left foot corresponds to the same side of the body and the points located on it are a reflection of the organs located in this bodily zone, similarly to the right foot.

Weight Loss with Acupressure

Acupuncture can also help in solving such a common and important problem especially among women as weight loss.

Knowing certain acupuncture points on the human body and acting on them in one way or another (using needles or simple pressure), you can achieve the following results:

  1. Decreased appetite.
  2. Acceleration of metabolism in the body.
  3. Restoring a favorable hormonal background.
  4. Faster elimination of toxins and other waste products from the body.
  5. Decreased blood sugar.
  6. Improvements in the functioning of all digestive organs.

There are several acupuncture points for weight loss. A good effect can be achieved not only by applying the acupuncture technique, which is not recommended to be done on your own, but simply by tapping or massaging each of them for a certain amount of time. Consider the main "miraculous" zone.

1. "Guan Yuan."

Point guan yuan

This point is the most important: its stimulation leads to real weight loss. It is located at a distance of 3 fingers from the navel (in men - 4). Do the procedure in a supine position. The technique is very simple. About 10 minutes you need to massage this area at an average pace, while the stomach should be as relaxed as possible. It is advisable to perform the procedure in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. Over time, you will notice how your appetite has decreased, and then the weight will begin to melt.

2. "Tai Chun."

It is located on the outside of the foot in the fossa between the joints of the first and second fingers. For 30 seconds, you need to press on this point and do this 30 times. Then switch to a similar zone, but with a different leg.

3. "Lau Gong."

It is located in the very center of the palm, its massage helps to reduce appetite and improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. "Yes Zhui."

This point is located below the back of the head, between the cervical and thoracic regions. To find it, you need to tilt your head back and find a hole, which will need to be massaged for several minutes. Its stimulation promotes muscle relaxation and the disappearance of hunger.

5. "Shao Shan."

To find it, it is necessary to count 3 mm down from the nail plate of the thumb. You can massage this point or press on it for a couple of minutes every day. In addition to weight loss, stimulation of this zone helps to mobilize the body's defenses and boost energy.

6. "Gian Jing."

This point is located on the back, between the shoulders and neck. To find it, you should go down 5 fingers down from the cervical vertebra. It improves blood circulation and leads to tangible weight loss.

7. "Zu San Li."

This is a very effective zone, stimulating which you can lose up to 500 grams per week, however, subject to a daily 20-minute massage. It is located under the patella on the inside. In addition to normalizing digestion, the body's resistance to external negative factors will also increase.

8. "Yu Pe".

Massage of this point will help to cope with hunger. Its location is the outside of the arm between the shoulder and elbow joints. We make medium-intensity rotational movements of half a minute for each of the hands several times.

The stimulation of the acupuncture points presented is better combined with physical activity and proper nutrition, then the result will be even more impressive!

Acupressure technique, or how to properly conduct self-massage

If there is no possibility, time or desire to visit a reflexologist, then you can independently, at home, act on the acupuncture points you need. To do this, you need to know not only their location on the body, but also have the proper massage technique to bring the expected result. The procedure, however, is very simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. It is advisable to massage on a horizontal surface so that you can relax well. So, first of all, sit comfortably on a sofa or bed, face up.
  2. You should not be distracted by extraneous noise, so it’s better to choose the time when you are alone, and also close the windows so as not to be distracted by street sounds. It is recommended to do massage before going to bed.
  3. Cover your eyes.
  4. Concentrate on breathing, on inhaling and exhaling - so you can achieve maximum relaxation.
  5. Squeeze your hand into a fist, but the index finger must be left straight, looking forward. It is to them that we will carry out all movements.
  6. Find the desired acupuncture point and push it. It is important that the pressure is moderate and does not cause you any unpleasant, especially pain, sensations.
  7. We make rotational movements, trying not to take your finger from the skin.
  8. Massage one point on average 5 minutes.
  9. After the procedure is completed, it is necessary to gently stroke the zone that was pressed.

If you do not know where exactly the point responsible for the organ whose condition you want to improve is located, then do not despair. Just as thoroughly as possible massage your feet or hands, passing over their entire surface - because they are a projection of the body in miniature, as already described above.

The technique for stimulating human acupuncture points is unconventional and still does not have a medical status. However, the opinions of those who used it, as well as some scientific studies prove that it really works and brings positive results, especially if you sincerely believe in its effectiveness.


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