Real reviews: "Club of millionaires"

More and more people today come to the conclusion that it’s not necessary to be born with some skills: you can learn absolutely everything in the world. You can get rid of communication problems, learn to organize your time, generate interesting ideas - all these skills are acquired not in the walls of educational institutions, but in a variety of trainings. They say that you can even learn to be rich. There are dozens and hundreds of trainers with their own patented methods, one of them is Temchenko’s Club of Millionaires. Reviews and only reviews will help to understand how effective this particular approach to obtaining wealth is.

Project Author

Let's start with the personalities. Maxim Temchenko positions himself as a financial consultant, entrepreneur and trainer in various fields. The scope of his activity is really surprising: it is training of personal effectiveness, and the extreme development of physical abilities (up to practices that are subject to yogis, such as walking on coals and dancing on broken glass), and various business schemes.

reviews club of millionaires

Temchenko works with neurolinguistic programming, that is, he has a documented ability to influence people and inspire them with certain thoughts. Of course, every his program collects numerous reviews. The Club of Millionaires was no exception.

About what

So, what is the Secret Club of Millionaires, the reviews of which have spread far beyond the community of people interested in training? This technique is designed for three months and, according to the promise of the author, allows those who have passed it to learn how to set goals correctly and thereby improve their financial condition in a short time. People are attracted through seminars in which the founder of the program shares his own experience.

How exactly does it go

But without understanding what Temchenko’s Club of Millionaires is, it’s too early to discuss reviews, is it? The program is aimed at developing a financial way of thinking, which is more often inherent in bankers, exchange players and other people who are constantly spinning in the business world. Therefore, the training begins with classes in financial literacy: it is difficult to operate on a completely unfamiliar field. The next step, following the methodology, is the restructuring of cash flows, that is, an understanding of where the money comes from, where it goes, and amending the current state of things in this area.

club millionaires temchenko reviews

Further, students will learn how to optimize their costs. And then the secret "Club of millionaires", reviews of which clearly attract the attention of potential listeners, will teach you to increase your active income. The final stage of training will be a blitz investment course, in which the best investment methods will be considered. The technique is structured and clear, it remains to understand how effective it is.

The benefits of training

Of course, how many people have so many opinions: the Millionaires Club reviews are the most controversial. Many students note that the trainer's persuasiveness really helps to believe in oneself and begin to change something in this life. In addition, the very presentation of information, the construction of the course, and, most importantly, the large number of authoring exercises conducted as part of the trainings, help students maximize their potential and learn such volumes of information that usually seem overwhelming. The author’s ability to work with a wide variety of contingents is also noted separately, that is, to give the opportunity to implement to absolutely everyone.

Work in other cities

Reviews about the Millionaire Club website, where local trainers are recruited, deserve special attention. That is, after passing a certain training, Maxim Temchenko issues something like a license to teach his techniques in a particular city. Promising trainers are invited to participate in a webinar conducted by the direct author (or watch his recording if the event has already passed).

maxim temchenko millionaire club reviews

Temchenko also tells the story of the “Club”, and demonstrates the development prospects, and explains how to attract new people - we can say that this is the same pyramid as in the well-known network marketing, when the more people you bring, the more you earn. It is clear that those who bring new listeners are prepared by Maxim Temchenko himself. The Club of Millionaires does not collect neutral reviews: people either violently protest against it, sparing the money spent, or they thank the day when they decided to undergo training, thereby laying the foundation for their financial success.


Positive feedback "Club of millionaires" receives from a huge number of its members. Its main goal, as mentioned above, is to improve material well-being.

private club millionaires reviews

According to surveys, almost all course participants already during the course (and this is twelve weeks, each of which has one meeting for two hours) pay back the training costs (about $ 650), almost all begin to invest their finances, and not just accumulate them. Of particular note is the fact that about a quarter of the participants change their lives dramatically, starting their own business.

Acquired skills

Participants have something to thank the closed "Club of Millionaires". Reviews are left about the acquired skills of budget planning, and about financial discipline, inculcated in the framework of a few, but useful lessons, and about the basics of time management, which is so relevant for all those who want to be successful. Almost every aspect of the training deserves a positive assessment by some participants in the course.

club millionaires negative reviews

Students are especially impressed by the opportunity to get acquainted with real examples, not only with the founder of the program, but also with other people from the business world who are specially invited to some classes as experts. Some listeners note that after they joined the Club, their income almost grew five-fold - such figures really amaze the imagination.

Reasons for Negativity

But can't it all be so good? Like any project, the Club of Millionaires Maxim Temchenko also has negative reviews. The most common reason for dissatisfaction, as in most such cases, is the accusation of inefficiency of the method and the wasting of quite substantial amounts for such a dubious lesson. By the way, here, the reason may also be the reluctance of people to go to the end, their insufficient stamina and self-confidence. And to justify, those who throw halfway usually use the argument that the circumstances themselves were against them.

Exorbitant cost

But it doesn’t happen that the Club of Millionaires satisfies absolutely everyone. Negative reviews are most often associated with the high cost of the project, often really overwhelming for many people. Listeners note that if the fee was at least in several stages, so that you could somehow raise funds, rebuild your budget, and so on, it would be much more convenient. Now people whose income is average or below average cannot join the project - usually they don’t have any savings, and it’s very difficult for them to pay out immediately what Temchenko requires for their services.


The Club of Millionaires also collects bad reviews because it is accused of inefficiency, they say that people invest money, and they just get information - what you need to be able to correctly apply. In principle, according to some customers, paying such money solely for information is at least illogical. On the other hand, students immediately receive an incentive to return the money that they spent - this is a great impetus to action and change their fate.

Communication with customers

But it has one fundamental difference from other similar organizations, the Club of Millionaires. Negative feedback about the training is either deleted by the project administration, for which they have a separate peculiar plus: working so closely with clients to detect any manifestation of dissatisfaction is also worth a lot. Or those who are completely dissatisfied with the training are simply not there. If most of these "courses" collect numerous accusations that it is a financial pyramid, pumping money, and so on, then the reputation of the "Club of Millionaires" does not allow to doubt their honesty.

secret club of millionaires reviews

It is worth noting that Temchenko has been working since 2009, and he bases his methodology on training games of another, much more well-known world-famous business coach, that is, there is no doubt that the program is effective either. The founder of the Club of Millionaires also speaks in favor of a wide franchise network - representatives who are authorized to work on his behalf: fraudsters will not bother with such a complex organization that may not bring them such quick as we would like income.

Another format for reviews

It is also noteworthy that Maxim Temchenko, the Club of Millionaires, has reviews only on specialized sites that are somehow related to the project. You cannot find them in the open Internet space. In addition, the “Club” uses an interesting format of video reviews, that is, a conversation is held with a former student, in which he talks about what he learned, how his life has changed, what plans he sets for himself and the like. Live speech sounds much more inspiring than any, even the most beautifully written text: people are well aware that anyone can write the text, even just a paid person, while the video already has more credibility. In addition, it also demonstrates that even after the three months that the program has taken, the Millionaire Club continues to be interested in its listeners and take part in their lives, and does not disappear, as it would be of a different kind to scammers.

Club of Young Millionaires

Actively collects reviews “Club of Millionaires” for children is an offshoot of the main course, which can be considered the best investment for many adult participants in trainings: after all, the best investment is children who in their future can become much more successful than their parents. The cost of teaching a child is the same as for an adult, although they sign up before a certain date with a huge discount (almost two hundred dollars is a significant difference). The authors of the project note that if you form financial thinking in children from a very young age, then in their adult life they will never face the fact that they don’t have enough money, that they don’t know how to control their expenses or are too zealous for this control.

Millionaire Club website reviews

The “Club of Young Millionaires” will help to develop leadership qualities, often the absence of which does not allow a person to take their fate into their own hands and cease to depend on anyone. Naturally, it will not do without financial literacy, and the material will be presented in such a form that even the smallest participant can penetrate. Another interesting task of the trainings is to instill financial habits that will greatly simplify the relationship with money: the younger the person, the easier it is to learn something new, is not it?

Moreover, the sooner it can bring some success - after all, usually for children who can listen to the course, either ahead or already in full swing, the period of adolescence is the most costly for parents. Using the right financial education to control spending at this time will be much easier.

They also promise to teach children to invest, and from a very early age, so that by the end of school, university or another important event of their seemingly adult life, they have a certain capital and are not dependent on their parents. Yes, the idea of ​​business schools for children is not new - many realized that they should be guided by the younger generation, since it is often more promising than adults who still have to break their own foundations and abandon their usual thoughts in order to fully realize everything that has been studied. Another advantage of targeting a young audience is that parents are much more willing to invest money in such a peculiar form of education than they will spend the same money on themselves. That is why the Club of Young Millionaires deserves special attention and, therefore, individual reviews.


Yes, one of the most striking organizations aimed at developing financial thinking and improving well-being through proper education is the Club of Millionaires. This project collects negative reviews only because of its cost, but on the other hand it can be said that it is such financial costs that can be an excellent incentive to take action - at least with the goal of returning the money spent. Another category of people who were dissatisfied with their participation in the trainings is those who, for some reason, could not reach the end or did not begin to apply the acquired knowledge in real life, and left them in the category of simply listened to information. In general, customers are not just satisfied, they are happy because they invested in their own education or the education of their children, which helped them discover new qualities, new opportunities and completely and completely change their lives. It is also noteworthy that Temchenko's "Club of Millionaires" is not the only project - he conducts a number of courses, at each of which anyone can turn their lives upside down, while receiving not only profit, but also moral satisfaction.


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