How to wash a feather pillow at home. Can I wash a feather pillow?

In the era of technological progress, manufacturers offer a huge selection of synthetic pillows, but every home still has feather products. Our grandmothers carefully stored them because they are soft, safe and have a long life. But over time, products become dirty and lose their original appearance.

Today, housewives can save themselves from having to do unloved housework. Most often, this applies to washing large and bulky items, such as pillows. Naturally, you can give them dry cleaning, but this procedure is quite expensive. Therefore, it is better to know how to wash a feather pillow at home in order to save money and be sure of the quality of the work done.

how to wash a feather pillow at home

Manually or in a washing machine?

You can wash pillows from a pen in a typewriter or manually. If the product has not been cleaned for more than three years, it is better to use a detergent. You need to select it based on your preferences. Allergy sufferers should opt for laundry soap or hypoallergenic products.

When thinking about whether it is possible to wash the feather pillow as a whole and save time and effort, it must be remembered that this is possible only when it is possible to dry it qualitatively. It is better to do this in a special device or under the hot sun. Only one product must be laid in the washing machine, and it is necessary to wash it in a gentle mode and in warm water.

If you decide to wash the feather pillow in a typewriter, it is better to sew bags with feathers. When washed by hand, they are soaked for 30-40 minutes.

how to wash a feather pillow

How to prepare a pillow for washing?

Before proceeding directly to washing, the product must be prepared. Pillows should be spread out and the feathers laid out in bags. It is allowed to wash in native feathers if the product is small in size and there are still things in the machine, for example, towels. This is to ensure that the laundry is evenly distributed. If the pillow is erased alone, it is also worth splitting.

Hand wash

After the feather bags are soaked, they are washed in warm water with detergent components. Experienced housewives recommend cooking them yourself. Finely chopped laundry soap should be mixed with several bottles of ammonia. Covers are erased separately.

How to wash a feather pillow at home so that it smells of freshness? To do this, you need to prepare a capacity of 20-30 liters. Soap should be dissolved in boiling water and ammonia added . The feather from the bags is laid out in small parts in a container with water and carefully moved over with your hands. After that, it must be wrung out and put in a rinse container. In the water that will be used for this purpose, you can add a little vinegar. It will improve the condition of feathers. After rinsing several times in cold water, it is necessary to squeeze them and put them in bags. It is better to squeeze the packed feather in the washing machine to reduce drying time.

Can I wash a feather pillow

Knowledge of how to wash a feather pillow at home is necessary for a good housewife, because the product gets dirty quite quickly. This is due to the fact that the feather absorbs sweat and fats, which are secreted by the scalp. In addition, the filler is knocked together, which prevents full sleep and comfort. A pen saturated with foreign matter can cause allergies.

Machine Wash

Many housewives wonder how to wash a feather pillow in a typewriter. Putting it entirely there is impossible, since the quality of the product will greatly deteriorate. The pen must be removed and laid out in bags. They need to be placed in the machine and turn on the delicate wash program. Detergent should be used that is suitable for woolen products. It must be poured into the machine and set the program for additional rinsing.

How to dry a product?

In order for the result of the entire procedure to be at the highest level, you need to know not only how to wash the feather pillow at home, but also how to dry it. This is best done on a hot sunny day on the balcony, as ultraviolet disinfects the product. Sacks must be hung so that they are blown from all sides by the wind. Every few hours they need to be shaken, then the feathers will not pile up. Depending on the temperature, the bags will dry for several days. When the feathers become dry, they need to be put back into the feather and sewn.

wash the feather pillow in a typewriter

If it is not possible to hang the bags, you need to lay out the feathers on cardboard or fabric, which is folded several times. In order for them to dry evenly, they should be constantly tedged and turned over. When the feather is half-dry, it is necessary to take it out to fresh air, preferably under direct sunlight. So that the feathers do not fly away from the wind, you need to cover them with gauze or other light cloth. For quick and even drying, mix them regularly. After the feather has completely dried out, it can be put back into the feather.

Useful Tips

When the pillow is dry, several tennis balls should be put in the machine so that they whip the filler.

how to wash a feather pillow at home

Mistresses who like to add perfumes to the water should remember that you do not need to use those that smell very strongly. It is better to add natural ingredients in a small amount. It is more advisable to buy lavender, orange or cypress oil, as they scare away linen mites.

How to wash a feather pillow at home, you now know. If you follow all the recommendations, it will last quite a long time. A clean product should smell pleasantly fresh. If there is a heavy smell of dampness, you need to wash the pillow again, observing all the rules.


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