Tasty and easy smoking of lard at home

Probably, there is no other way of processing meat products and lard, which allows you to save and increase in the finished product a wonderful pleasant taste, delicate and mouth-watering, great aroma, an unusual delicate and juicy consistency. Smoking lard at home contributes to the product acquiring a wonderful golden brown color, but - most importantly - allows you to store the cooked delicious and aromatic product for a long time. This happens because smoke smoke, with the help of which the process of processing fat, has a preservative effect, and also to a certain extent dehydrates it and has a bactericidal effect.

In addition to lard, any other meat product can be smoked - ham, brisket, loin, sausage and other parts and products from beef, pork or lamb carcasses. However, lard is best suited for this, as it is not only tasty, but also better than any other substance to be smoked. Smoking fat at home or in any other conditions occurs by treating the products with smoke generated as a result of burning (unhurried, lacking oxygen), firewood and sawdust.

Starting or just planning to smoke lard at home, it should be remembered that the dish will turn out tasty only if you correctly select the wood used for this process. And this is not only about the quality of the tree, which is undoubtedly very important, since only wood of medium dryness can produce the β€œright” smoke, which is optimal for the process of making smoked lard. It is also important to choose a tree of certain species. For example, for the perfect taste and aroma of the final product, it is worth choosing the wood of fruit trees (pears and apple trees, cherries, apricots or plums). The fat will acquire an appetizing golden color if it is smoked with a fragrant oak, ash, alder or aspen spirit, and even more saturated shade will present the smoke formed by juniper. However, when smoking fat at home, you need to know that besides juniper, no other coniferous trees are suitable for smoking fat - they give the delicate product both a not-so-pleasant bitter taste and harsh odors of turpentine or tar.

Very tasty is the food prepared according to the following recipe. It is necessary to take lard (1500 gr.), Garlic (2 teeth.), Salt (30 gr.), Ground mustard seeds (4-5 gr.). In addition, you will need a bay leaf (5 leaves.), Ground black pepper (4 g.) And boiled water (80 g.). Be sure to take care of the wood - it is best to choose alder, cherry and apple. Lard (it is good if each piece will have a solid layer) must be washed, slightly dried and cut into slices of 5-6 cm thickness. Further, the product can be rubbed with chopped or squeezed garlic, generously sprinkled with dry mustard, pepper, mustard and broken bay leaves. At the same time, salt should be thoroughly mixed in hot water, put the resulting mass into a container, and then send pieces of bacon there. Mixing thoroughly so that the salt mass is distributed in all pieces, the container with lard can be put in the refrigerator.

The next stage, which involves smoking fat at home according to this recipe, begins after 3-4 days. During this time, the product was well salted and soaked in spices, so it can then be washed and sent to the grate of the smokehouse, at the bottom of which dry, mixed with sawdust chips are set on fire. At the slowest fire, for 40-45 minutes, at 45-50 Β° C, the temperature of the smoke, in a covered smokehouse, smoking of fat will occur at home.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37769/

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