Best Dog Repeller: Customer Reviews

Flocks of stray dogs can scare anyone. For safety reasons, dog repellents were invented. Reviews show that they effectively cope with their task, but most importantly, you should choose the right device. To instantly calm an angry animal, just a stick and the command "Fu!" Is not enough. To do this, a more perfect and functional subject is required, which will act in a pacifying manner, but will not harm the health of the dog and person.

Electronic dog repeller

What are the scarers

Modern industry offers the following dog repellents, reviews of which are further examined:

  • spray;
  • stun gun;
  • ultrasonic.

Judging by the majority of people using sprays, their effect is close to 100%. However, they can only be used outdoors. The principle of action is based on the presence of special substances that act on the animal’s nervous system depressingly.

Stun guns also worked well. At the time of danger, when activated, ozone is produced, which animals are afraid of. If the thing happens in the dark, there is a bright flash, which is also able to scare off an angry dog. If such actions do not help, with closer contact with the animal it is struck by the discharge of an electric current.

However, the most powerful, effective and humane is the ultrasonic dog repeller. Testimonials indicate that the sound generated by the device, which is not captured by the human ear, has a strong effect on the dog, and it runs away in fear. In addition, during the operation of the device, bright flashes of light are emitted.

Ultrasonic repeller

The principle of operation of the ultrasonic device

An increasing number of people prefer ultrasonic dog repeller. Reviews (effective or not, we will find out further) are always of interest to potential consumers of the product. To understand how effective it is, it is necessary to understand the principle of the device and how the device repels the animal.

It is known that the human ear perceives sounds that are in the frequency range from 16 to 18,000 hertz. There are cases when the range of hearing increased to 20,000 Hertz. However, the ability of sounds to these indicators is not limited. Further, there are frequencies that people simply don’t perceive, but many animals feel great about them. Sounds that have a frequency of 20 to 100 kHz cannot be heard by people, but their existence is known and much studied. Scientists call them ultrasound.

Dogs, like many other animals, are able to catch ultrasound. This is due to the fact that in nature rodents often become prey of warm-blooded animals. These animals communicate with each other precisely at such frequencies.

The higher the frequency, the more it causes pain and noise in the head. Dog repellers are based on this feature. The reviews show that during their work the animal experiences great discomfort and tries to leave the dangerous territory as soon as possible.

Ultrasonic Dog Repeller - reviews

Advantages of Ultrasonic Repellers

Manufacturers claim that their products effectively protect against evil animals, while it is absolutely safe for both humans and dogs. Most people who often walk on roads where there are clusters of stray animals have acquired an ultrasonic dog repeller. Reviews indicate that the device has many advantages:

  • the product is completely safe for people;
  • the device works efficiently even from a distance of 25 meters;
  • even children can use the device, no special preparation is required;
  • if you follow the instructions and use as directed, then the animals do not suffer;
  • the device has a compact size and can easily be placed in a woman’s handbag or children's backpack.

Already, many people have escaped the attack of stray animals using dog repellers. Reviews show that the ultrasonic device is able to protect not only from a separate aggressive individual, but also from a whole flock of angry dogs.

Disadvantages of devices

If a spray is used to scare away a dog, the animal's eyes often suffer and the sense of smell is disturbed. In addition, close contact is needed, and he can not cope with an entire angry flock. The stun gun is also not considered a humane device and does not always help when attacking a whole pack of stray animals.

If we analyze the reviews about ultrasonic devices, then there are practically no negative opinions. However, there are responses that the product did not work at the right time. This is due to the fact that high frequencies do not act on rabid animals. Deaf dogs that do not perceive any sounds can also be caught.

Proper use of the repeller

There are several application areas for which the electronic dog repeller is designed. The reviews of the breeders show that it is effective in the training process, suitable for self-defense and can scare away a stray animal from a pet.

Before using the device, you must carefully read the attached instructions. It often indicates that the maximum distance at which the impact occurs is 25 meters. However, a greater effect can be achieved if the dog is half closer than the specified footage.

If you are using a mobile device, then the scare button should be pressed intermittently, and not hold it constantly. The button is clamped for 3-5 seconds, lowered and clamped again. They do this until the animals run away and the person is safe. If an aggressive-minded dog only attempts to attack, then it is recommended to direct the device at it smoothly, without sharp attacks. This is necessary in order not to provoke the animal.

In the private sector, stationary dog ​​repellers provide the most efficiency. Reviews of their work indicate that the device is able to protect the home from uninvited guests and helps to limit the approach of aggressive animals to the house. In order for the stationary repeller to work with greater efficiency, it is necessary to place it no more than 30 meters from the walls of the house.

Stationary Dog Repeller

Parameters for choosing an ultrasonic repeller

What is the best dog repeller? Testimonials on models will help to find out. Based on the opinions of people, several important criteria can be distinguished that you must rely on when choosing the best product:

  • emitted sound frequency;
  • device power;
  • type of electronic element;
  • mobility and compactness;
  • practicality and functionality;
  • cost.

Be sure to pay attention to the packaging. Often on fake products, a blurry image. This is confirmed by numerous user reviews that have encountered such a situation.

"Dogs. No Flash +"

Among the most popular Russian devices in the first place is the dog repeller "Dogs. No Flash +". Product reviews confirm its high efficiency and ease of use. It is important that the device can emit a diverse sound pattern. Often dogs get used to certain frequencies and may not perceive their radiation. Therefore, the variety significantly improves the quality of the product. In addition to the sound itself, the repeller emits a strong flash of light.

The domestic dog repeller has many advantages. Reviews (effective device or not, they are described in great detail) help users decide. He has a lot of advantages:

  • simple and reliable design;
  • the animal is not threatened with a disturbance in the state of health;
  • sound frequencies reach 100 dB;
  • To turn on the device, you need one click of a button;
  • the device can be used as a flashlight if you switch the toggle switch;
  • the LED algorithm is calculated according to a rather unpleasant scheme for dogs;
  • the device works efficiently even if the battery is very low.

Of course, the device has a number of disadvantages. It does not affect deaf animals. Also, increased frequencies can withstand trained individuals or those suffering from rabies.

Otpugivatel "To dogs. Is not Flash +"

Tornado 115

Stationary dog ​​repeller "Tornado" reviews are pretty good. It is designed to scare stray dogs from residential buildings and livestock buildings.

At the heart of the device is a high-frequency generator from 18 to 70 kHz. It is noted that the maximum frequency of this product is much higher than that of portable devices. Work is provided by a conventional power supply network.

Judging by the reviews, the power of the device is not only designed to scare away dogs. The object will also be protected from throaty cats and a variety of rodents. All animals that fall within the radiation range begin to experience anxiety and tend to quickly leave the dangerous territory.

In order for the device to operate with greater efficiency, it is necessary to correctly choose the place of its installation. The manufacturer indicates that even a cardboard partition significantly reduces the sensitivity and frequency of sound. Moreover, all hard surfaces are able to reflect sound, while soft ones, on the contrary, absorb it. Accordingly, in the first case, the signal will be scattered, and in the second, it will noticeably decrease.

The warnings indicated by the manufacturer must be taken into account. Despite the fact that the repeller is stationary, it is not recommended to wet it, so it should be protected from rain in every way. In this regard, the developers promise to improve the product. Also, do not test the device on pets. They are more susceptible to such sounds and may become nervous or inadequate.


According to many users, this is the best dog repeller. Reviews show that of all the devices of this manufacturer, this particular model is the most effective. Moreover, the action extends up to 20 m. The battery features are pleasing, the charging is enough for a long work. The product is very compact, has an attractive appearance and can be used as a portable flashlight.

Many who purchased the Thunder dog repeller leave very flattering reviews. During operation, you can turn on LED bulbs, which many times enhance the action. The package includes a charger and battery.

The manufacturer equipped the product with a complex electrical circuit, so self-disassembling the device is not recommended.

Thunder 125

The most compact and easy to use repeller. Its operation is provided by only one 9-volt battery. Many girls prefer this product because of its pretty appearance. The device is made in bright yellow color and has a compact size.

Despite its simplicity, the device is able to work in three modes:

  1. Flashlight when only LED bulbs turn on. And they shine quite brightly.
  2. Operating condition at low power. It is recommended to dog handlers and experienced breeders to use in the training process.
  3. High power operation effectively scares off an angry dog.

In order for the device to work, it is necessary to direct it towards the wild animal and press the power button. A noticeable effect is felt at a limit distance of about 10 m.

"Cobra" - the most powerful device

Dog repeller "Cobra" reviews is not only from ordinary consumers. Breeders recommend using it when training especially large and aggressive dogs as the most humane means.

The device has the following characteristics that attract the buyer:

  • a sufficiently large radius of impact - about 15 m;
  • frequency range is within 25 kHz;
  • if the sound source is close to the animal, then the limit can reach 120 dB;
  • only one battery of the Krona type is required for operation;
  • low price.

Despite the rather low price, the device is quite effective and allows you to scare off a whole bunch of aggressive-minded dogs.

Isotronic HK1

The main advantage of this device is its equipped with a motion sensor. Therefore, idle work is excluded. Only with the appearance in the zone of action of the animal does the device begin to act.

Judging by the reviews of experts, the repeller is not addictive in dogs and cats. This is due to the fact that the radiation frequency always changes and is selected automatically in an arbitrary mode. The maximum distance from which the device operates is 10 meters. You need to charge the device using the USB port.

Weitech 0053

The device of the Belgian manufacturer is able to protect its owner within a radius of 7 meters. The difference of this device from many analogues is the presence of a sound frequency regulator in accordance with the size of the animal. It is also possible to reduce or increase the height of the ultrasonic signal.

The main advantage of the product is the need for constant recharging. The power source is a battery that is powered by solar energy. Therefore, the repeller is ready for use at any time.

Repeller Weitech 0053

Issue price

Many who decide to buy a dog repeller are interested in the cost of the best device. In order to protect your home, it is better to take a stationary device. The best reviews are Tornado-115. For protection during walks, it is worth having a mobile device. The best models are discussed above. The price of each of them varies significantly, but it is worth considering that an effective sample can not cost less than 3000 rubles.

However, there are decent appliances that also help scare off an angry animal, but at a budget price. Their difference is only in power and range. In any case, you need to buy an ultrasonic repeller in specialized stores or on official websites. You should beware of fakes and carefully inspect the device itself and the packaging before buying.

Dog repeller - which is better


To walk confidently through the streets, it’s sometimes useful to have a dog repeller in your purse . Ultrasound (reviews which are better and the characteristics discussed above) is considered the most effective, humane and easy to use. To protect the home, you can purchase a stationary version, but manufacturers have not yet equipped it with moisture protection. Therefore, it is worth considering its location. The mobile version is suitable for continuous carrying. But do not forget about recharging.


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