Logical-intuitive extrovert and introvert. Description of personality types, their nature and features

This is not the first year, moreover, not the first decade, the attention of people interested in psychology has attracted socionics. This is a relatively young area dedicated to the study of the characteristics of people. It involves the separation of all representatives of society into sixteen types, of which each has a dual, that is, eight dual pairs are formed. Consider the typical features of two of these 16: LII and LIE, that is, introvert and extrovert intuitive logics. Let's start with LIE.

Who is it about?

Logical-intuitive extrovert, as one can learn from socionic descriptions, is an enterprising person who is able to see the benefits in time and take advantage of it. An alternative name for this category of people is an entrepreneur. Sometimes they are figuratively called “Jacks of London”, since it is believed that the famous writer belonged to this type of personality. ESI acts as a dual pair for LIE, that is, an introvert showing the features of ethics and sensory. He is also called the keeper.

As can be learned from the works of Weisband, the logical and intuitive extrovert is a person who knows exactly how much each minute costs. Such a person understands that time will not wait, so you need to work here and now, not knowing tired. It is noted that among LIE there are especially many who enjoy investing all their time and energy in scientific research, although representatives of this type are happy to engage in a variety of objective matters. Their ability to do everything quickly, ebulliently, actively is recognized. According to socionics experts, many representatives of this type are characterized by an unusual gait - they seem to bounce on the go, and if possible, even go on a run. By the way, the person in whose honor the psychotype was named showed a lot of these features. It is known that Jack London worked in various fields - he carried mail, served at sea, wrote, and was a prospector. To some extent, his lifestyle is called self-immolation at the stake of art.

introvert features

Romantic and professor

A logical and intuitive extrovert, as Weissband pointed out, is very pleased to devote his life to mountaineering or tourism - he is attracted to the romance of such a pastime. Many representatives of this type seek to distant lands. As soon as a beacon of a dubious enterprise appears on the horizon, LIE will be the first to declare its participation. Many representatives of the psychotype are characterized by a love of inventing stories literally on the go, and people themselves soon begin to believe what was invented. Most of these fabrications are based on what happened earlier in life. LIE is inclined to show others the fearlessness of his nature. He looks careless, thereby as if challenging society.

The logical-intuitive extrovert, according to Weissband, is a typical absent-minded professor. People of this type are inherent in the ability to think abstractly, which, by virtue of their mentality, develops from an early age. For this reason, many representatives of the psychotype are not too attentive to their appearance, they are untidy and disheveled. If such a person has a couple, it tends to rely on the taste of the second, fully trusting that way of life and its management.

Beauty and optimism

Not only women belonging to the psychotype “logical-intuitive extrovert”, but also men of this class are characterized by dislike for those who are too stubborn to consider the interlocutor. Inattention to the outside world provokes a difficulty in perceiving the image visible to other people, therefore LIE is traditionally not sufficiently confident in its external qualities and attractiveness. Such a person often imagines himself not beautiful enough and is worried about this fact. According to socionics experts, LIE needs a responsible partner with a subtle sense of beauty. If LIE begins to trust such a person, he completely relies on his opinion. It is important for people of this mentality to realize that the chosen one likes them, although an impeccable taste, pickiness, and sometimes pretentiousness are inherent in him.

Women and men, belonging to the psychotype “logical-intuitive extrovert”, attract others with their optimism. They are inherent in the ability to quickly respond to what is happening and show an emotional response. If positive, LIE shows it more willingly than negative feelings. In many respects, according to those interested in socionics, LIE is by default tuned to its dual, which needs a constant external source of good mood. The ESI, which is assigned to the duals of LIE, is somewhat scared, often angry - but these qualities are leveled under the influence of the supportive optimism of the chosen one.

logical intuitive extrovert irrational

Beloved and loving

As one can learn from descriptions of psychotypes, whether an extrovert (a man or a woman does not play a role) is distinguished by a literally physically tangible radiation of positive emotions. He has the ability to make others laugh. Such a person can easily stir up the most reserved person. He activates the chosen one and stimulates him to take active actions, and bends his line until he reaches a pronounced answer - positive or negative. For LIE, this is the only way to get information about the state of life selected in the companions. LIE likes to talk about what happened, to share impressions about what happened next or read. Such a person does not experience problems when you need to contact a stranger.

As observations show, usually a logical-intuitive extrovert-rational is a cheerful person. Such a person is characterized by a non-stop search, at the same time there is a tendency to long-term relationships with other people. LIE is characterized by a love of unchanging relationships. It is difficult for him to navigate the feelings of other participants in society, it is extremely difficult to determine the attraction of another person. This provokes LIE to behave very carefully so as not to seem ridiculous in the eyes of the public. Representatives of this type (this is evident from the books of Jack London) have the ability to value human life highly. It is known that the great writer devoted many creations to how a person fought against elemental forces. For representatives of this type, even one who has not yet been born is highly valuable. It is noted that among single mothers, LIEs are more common than the other 15 types.

Theories of Panchenko

The logical-intuitive extrovert, which belongs to the class of rationals, as can be learned from the works of Panchenko, is most pronounced by the manifestations of extrathymic logic. It is believed that this type of function is the most powerful. A person belonging to this class always knows what needs to be done. This is an entrepreneurial type, so people belonging to him are well given a business area. They are able to quickly and elegantly do everything that needs to be done, and from the outside it seems that all this was given very easily. But intuitive intuition is in second place. Due to this quality, LIE quickly navigates to a variety of topics, coupled with the ability to determine the right moment in order to start an action. It is very important when you need to decide exactly at what point the company should start, when it is too early for this, and when it will become irreversibly late.

Is extrovert a personality type whose role function is extrathic ethics. Thanks to this feature, every representative of the type seeks to invigorate and present himself to society as cheerful, sometimes even fearless, reckless. It is about such people that they say that a clown’s smile is typical for them - the heavier the person’s soul is, the more cats scratch there, the brighter and wider the smile. But the pain for this type is intimate sensitivity. This means that the representatives of the group in question doubt the attractiveness, aesthetics of their body, they are scared to seem untidy to others. The reproaches of excessive preoccupation with their own comfort are frightening.

logical intuitive introvert woman

Ethics, Sensory and Logic

To some extent, the extrovert LI’s temperament is determined by its intimate ethics. For this function, representatives of this group are considered suggestible. When forming a relationship with another person, LIE focuses primarily on what the chosen one said. An equally important aspect of personality is extratymic sensoryism. It regulates the following fact: if it is necessary to start a specific business, the easiest way to start it will be if LIE receives an impulse from the outside. Such external sources increase its activity and have a positive effect on business qualities. Aesthetic issues are completely left to the discretion and control of a life partner.

Of the eight personality functions, the penultimate one, as one can learn from Panchenko’s descriptions, is intimate logic. A non-irrational logical-intuitive extrovert is able to easily listen to another person, while he is explaining to him something abstract, theoretical. However, the cup of patience is exhausted when the broadcast begins to conflict with practice. For LIE, pragmatism, practicality are the main pillars of the world that cannot be destroyed by empty phrases.

Finally, the final function is extratum intuition. A person belonging to the type in question is able to gently advise others around how they better express their merits. Having listened to the advice of LIE, it will be easier for a person to realize their own abilities and talents.

About appearance

There are several opinions on what are the external signs of a logical-intuitive extrovert. It is believed that an inquisitive and open face is inherent in these people. Some researchers in the field of socionics even call this type of “poster”, because often on advertising materials, billboards depict people with such characteristic features. Somewhat less common among LIE are people with narrow faces. It is noted that all representatives of this type are mobile and active. Somewhat less often, you can see LIE, which is characterized by a face with large and even heavy features. This is more common for men than for women.

The external sign of a logical-intuitive extrovert associated with communication is a love of open dialogue. Such a person tries to present himself in any company for his own. Girls are characterized by mobility, sportiness, because of which they can be confused with a guy. They are often referred to as the "little girl." Literally with each of their actions, they seem to accentuate the attention of others on their tendency to behave like a boy.

Attention to detail

Non-irrational logical-intuitive extroverts are people who introduce new ideas into ecstasy. Should such a person see, hear something promising, his eyes light up. Many people belonging to this type of personality love games, things. They try to cheer up their loved ones and make others more active, especially if they give the impression of being overly, heavily businesslike.

An equally characteristic external feature is the style chosen in clothes. Mostly LIE is worn in or reminiscent of sportswear. The fairer sex prefer trousers. According to researchers in the field of socionics, for LIE, the most preferred textile is denim. The leading eye is usually left. This is common to all extroverts.

logical intuitive extrovert

LII: who is it?

An alternative name for this type used in socionics is Robespierre. A logical and intuitive introvert (both woman and man) is a person who perceives the world as an information stream. In order to work with him, as the LII thinks, it is necessary to generalize the information and bring some system, structure under it. Reasoning, a person of this type tries to identify the primary causes of what is happening. It is important for him to find a rationale for any, including his own, point of view. A person tries to streamline everything, discipline is important for her. Every business is more important than self-interest. Being young, LII dreams that the world around him would be arranged perfectly, fairly, so that there is no room for coercion. The classic ideal format for LII’s living environment is a community, each member of which lives, following conscience and morality, striving to do everything in its power to benefit the good of society as a whole.

Belonging to the type of “logical-intuitive introvert” women and men possess excellent analytical qualities. They are trying to reveal the essence of what is happening in the world around. This type of people has a unique ability to unravel the situation, no matter how difficult it is, and find answers to the most problematic questions. They are able to find facts that are not enough in the big picture, reasoning logically and consistently. Persons belonging to this type show tolerance for different opinions. Usually they try to stay within the boundaries of familiar relationships without the desire to make them closer or better. At the same time, what is already there, people are trying to save and not spoil. LII has a tendency to follow the rules of politeness agreed by society. A person expects the same behavior from others. For LII, the formation of a relationship with a new person seems to be rather difficult.

Softness and emotions and their absence

Defined in socionics for logical and intuitive introverts, women and men are usually quite gentle people. However, sometimes they can behave unjustifiably and even inappropriately harshly. This happens if the opponent raises a question of fundamental importance. The inability of representatives of this type to subjugate others is noted. It is frankly difficult for Robespierre to defend his point of view on simple everyday issues of everyday life. If the situation escalates to the limit, a representative of this type continues to behave calmly, keeping calm. This makes it difficult to quickly respond to what is happening. LII tries not to attract unnecessary views to his person. Only moments of enthusiastic reasoning on some topic that is especially exciting to a person will be exceptional.

Is an introvert a personality type that lacks its own emotionality. He needs external recharge. This explains the constant search for new bright people, visiting unusual events. From all such contacts, a person expects a positive emotional charge. If someone is open, behaves in a friendly manner, shows a positive emotional attitude, LII responds with pleasure to the same. In household matters, such a person is unpretentious. If someone takes care of him, it is appreciated and improves his mood. If the situation is both emotionally and physically safe, LII is easier to think, and the process itself is more efficient. For a long time, disturbing physical discomfort is a situation in which a person of this type simply cannot be.

logical intuitive extrovert signs

Behavior features

As you can learn from works devoted to the features of introverts with logical and intuitive qualities, such people try to distance themselves from business issues. Solving them on their own is to some extent akin to torture. LII extremely does not like to simultaneously spray efforts on several matters. He is inherent in particular caution, a tendency to hesitate before making a decision.

Another characteristic feature is love to come on time. LII is able to clearly calculate the forces, accurately assess the time frame, thanks to which it is easy to manage the planned. People of this personality warehouse are characterized by the ability and desire to organize a work process for maximum temporary savings and rational use of all the resources that are available.

Names and signs

In socionics, a logical and intuitive introvert is known not only as LII or Robespierre. Some interested in this area of ​​psychology prefer to call the type "Descartes." Another name that reflects the essence of the type is “Analyst”. This person is inherent in logic, he is intuitive. This is an introvert. It cannot be said that a logical-intuitive introvert is an irrational; on the contrary, its key quality is rational. According to the internal system, LII belongs to the first quadra and belongs to the club of researchers.It is believed that this is a cold-blooded in his manner of communication person who is characterized by holographic thinking. Reinin defined LII as a stubborn and prudent person, able to think strategically. This is static in nature, a democrat and an emotivist. Such a person is cheerful, prudent, results-oriented, eager to ask questions and answer them. In addition, it is a negativist. The dual of LII is considered to be ESE. An alternative name for this type is Hugo.

logical intuitive extrovert rational

Description Features

A rational logical and intuitive introvert is an analytical person. According to some researchers of socionics, LII appears to be a type of person for whom in the nature of things is the ability and inclination to analyze everything that happens. To such people, analysis seems to be not only the only correct way of processing information, but also its own duty. It is believed that due to this quality, LIIs are especially successful in programming. Often, representatives of this type are found among taxi drivers who have chosen to work. Such a person perceives the surrounding space by thinking. All objects of the external environment are evaluated through internal connections between them. Every LII has an understanding system that transforms and develops while a person lives. LII has its own idea of ​​what is considered right and right, which can be called fair. This understanding is largely due to the experience gained. The idea of ​​the world and the norms that govern a person are easily adjusted if the current situation requires it.

The logical and intuitive rational introvert sometimes encounters circumstances that do not correspond to his picture of the world and his own opinion about the situation. If this affects something important for the person, the LII will not give up until it determines how to eliminate the wrong course, the development of events. A person belonging to this type will use all available opportunities to achieve his goal. If you still have to survive the failure, LII tends to lie low for a while, putting things off. In general, it is believed that a representative of this type is persistent, is extremely persistent. It is theoretically possible to convince him, but in practice it is extremely difficult to do. The whole world for such a person is a system that at some point will surely provide a suitable opportunity that meets the goals of the LII. A person belonging to this type knows how to see the potential in everything that happens, in every person that he meets in life. If LII is in an uncomfortable situation, it can almost always come out "dry from the water." For individuals of this type, the ability to evade trouble is inherent.

Mutually and not only

If a logical-intuitive introvert is rarely difficult to choose a profession, because it is subconsciously drawn to positions that require an analytical mindset and the ability to think logically, then in relationships with other representatives of society it is somewhat more complicated. LII prefers to evaluate interhuman relations from a position of logic, carefully reflecting on what is happening. To determine his own attitude to the subject, phenomenon, person, LII uses logical tools. Often a person of this type shows in communication with others not only perseverance, but even a tendency to put pressure on others. Demonstration of power is sometimes inherent in his behavior.

It is noted that manifestations of power are not the best and not the most powerful personality trait of LII. To some extent, this quality is compensated by the ability to notice and apply to ourselves for good the opportunities that allow us to prove and defend our case. In addition, LII is able to smoothly, gently escape from external aggression. Often people of this type begin to think that social acceptance requires an excessive demonstration of self-confidence. It seems to them that socialization is possible only when the person seems persistent to others. At the same time, they are forced to follow ethical social standards. LII sees such rules, seeks to focus on them in behavioral reactions. Show others the pressure, determination is not easy. The greatest problems are caused by circumstances not familiar to the introvert before. Usually LII demonstrates confidence in its position, resorting to logic, argumentation, explanation.

logical intuitive extrovert woman

A person of this type loves to communicate and strives for easy contact. More often than not, he does not pay much attention to appearance, food, or surroundings. If someone from outside takes care of him, LII highly appreciates this and is ready to admire others.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C37795/

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