Recreational facilities in Russia

Recreational facilities of the Russian Federation consist of a complex of natural and artificial (human-made) objects and conditions suitable for satisfying the needs of citizens in outdoor activities. Let us consider it in detail below.

recreational facilities

General information

At the present stage of development of the national economy, the role of the structures operating in it is increasing, solving the problems that the service sector is experiencing. Recreational facilities occupy a special place in this sector. Currently, the need of the population for outdoor activities is increasing. It is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It includes the totality of the private needs of citizens - spiritual, emotional, intellectual.


As noted above, there are currently certain problems that the service industry is experiencing. Recreational economy is experiencing a difficult period in connection with the current socio-economic situation in the country. According to statisticians, recently the demand for domestic leisure remains unstable. It depends on advertising, the popularity of places, the cultural level of citizens. The needs of the population are affected by a set of factors, including those that form solvency. Of no less importance is the geographical location and climate of the regions in which certain conditions are created. For example, the recreational facilities of the European North are not used year-round. Things are slightly better in the southern part of the country. Considerable funds were invested in the recreational facilities of the North Caucasus. This allowed to increase the attractiveness of the territory for the population.

Recreational facilities - what is it?

It is a complex multi-level and diversified structure. The recreational potential acts as the core of the social sector of the national economy. With proper internal organization, the establishment of mutually beneficial and promising international relations, it can turn into one of the major sources of profit. Recreational facilities are a unified system of sports, tourism, natural, socio-cultural, medical and recreational facilities. They are characterized by territorial integrity, functional interconnectedness. This whole complex is set in motion by the industries associated with it. These include, in particular, the food industry, agriculture, public catering, communications and passenger transport, and trade.

Recreational facilities of the Russian Federation

Key Tasks

Developing the recreational economy of Russia, the state sets various goals for economic entities. To achieve them, appropriate funds are allocated, investors are involved. The main tasks of the industry include:

  1. Rational placement of institutions in the country in accordance with the climatic and other conditions.
  2. Efficient and comprehensive use of existing resources.
  3. Establishment of the optimal ratio between the elements of the complex.
  4. Achieving a balance between infrastructure, related areas and industries.
  5. Improving water, energy and heat supply. This task can be realized both by the formation of our own base in a specific territory, and by obtaining the necessary resources from other regions.
  6. Formation of local construction, restoration, repair complexes.
  7. Providing public utilities, cultural services, accommodation of catering and trade enterprises.
  8. Development of industry and a highly productive agricultural complex, all types of communications, modern service, rationalization of inter-district and internal transport networks.
  9. Ensuring employment of citizens, efficient use of labor.
  10. Improvement and protection of the natural environment.
  11. Ensuring the safety of local residents and vacationers.
    recreational facilities of Russia

Key features

The recreational economy of Russia is characterized by the following indicators:

  1. Climatic conditions.
  2. Availability.
  3. Level of knowledge.
  4. Sightseeing significance.
  5. Ecological and landscape characteristics.
  6. Favorable socio-economic conditions.
  7. The volume of potential stock.

Formation Conditions

They fall into three categories:

  1. Basic resource conditions. They are local natural and climatic conditions in which a recreational economy is emerging. In particular, we are talking about the use of healing mud, mineral springs, salt caves and so on.
  2. Spatial and economic conditions. As a rule, a recreational economy develops either on the basis of large cities, in areas characterized by a high level of development, or in accordance with the specifics of the geographical location of a particular territory.
  3. Socio-economic conditions. Recreational facilities are located and developed under the influence of national, social, architectural, some archaeological and other factors.
    recreational services


The following types of complexes are distinguished, depending on the level of specialization, functional purpose, predominant development of industries that form a recreational economy in a particular territory:

  1. Tourist and recreation.
  2. Sanatorium-resort.
  3. Hunting and fishing.
  4. Comprehensive.


Sanatorium-resort complexes include single or multidisciplinary institutions. They are intended for healing and recovery. Tourist and health centers are used for different types of recreation. Their main enterprises are bases, camps, hotels. Hunting and fishing complexes are intended for the organization of sport fishing and hunting. They include various "wintering", parking, boat stations. Comprehensive complexes include all of the above facilities.

The specifics of recreational facilities in Russia

The processes of changing the national economy in the country are accompanied by the creation of a socially-oriented system. The market model of managing requires the development of the public services sector, the tasks of which are to meet the individual needs of each person, including outdoor activities. The country has enormous resources and potential. On the territory of the state there are huge forests, diverse landscapes. Russia possesses valuable balneological complexes, unique climatic conditions, and a rich wildlife. All this allows you to create extensive recreational and rehabilitation complexes in the country.

recreational facilities what is it

Material support

It is of key importance for the development of recreational complexes. Financing is needed to create health facilities. Part of the funds comes from the federal budget. However, they are extremely insufficient to maintain the recreational system at the proper level. In this regard, various programs are being developed to increase the investment attractiveness of the territory, and relations are being established with foreign partners.

Natural conditions

Undoubtedly, proper, favorable natural factors must be present for the development of recreational complexes. Their presence allows you to place health-improving institutions in areas that are economically poorly developed. Attracting new territories to the recreational economy may affect the specialization of industries in a particular region. This, in turn, will contribute to increasing employment, improving the material condition of citizens.

Regulatory support

Of particular importance is the participation of the state in the development of a recreational economy. At the government level, various programs for the prospective development of territories and draft agreements with investors have been developed. Recreational land is protected by law. The use of these territories is carried out in a special mode.

Recreational facilities in the European North


Recreational facilities are of great importance for society and the state. The unique climatic conditions in various regions of the country allow the creation of health-improving and rehabilitation complexes. Special development is noted in the southern regions of the country. There are entire resort cities with sanatoriums, dispensaries, medical institutions, including children. Considering the foreign policy situation, it is extremely important for Russia today to develop its own recreational economy and increase the prestige of the territories. Of course, this requires funds. Unfortunately, far from always succeeding in attracting sufficient funding. The attractiveness of recreational areas depends on the level of service. Currently, there are often not enough qualified specialists. There are a lot of problems in the industry; some of them require a speedy solution. Nevertheless, domestic recreation areas, resorts continue to remain in demand. First of all, this is due to the relatively low cost of vouchers and treatment.

Recreational facilities of the North Caucasus
Many experts admit that domestic recreational facilities are a complex that has no analogues. In this regard, the careful and rational use of existing resources is a priority today. The recreational system is very demanding on the state of nature, since it is the environment that acts as its key element.


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