Chemical enterprise OJSC "Nitrogen", Kemerovo

Azot OJSC (Kemerovo) is the largest chemical plant in the Urals for the production of ammonium nitrate, nitrogen fertilizers, urea and other compounds. Since 2011, it has been part of the holding structure of SDS (Siberian Business Union).

Nitrogen Kemerovo


The construction of the Novo-Kemerovo chemical plant by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars began in 1945. By the end of the 40s, storage facilities, a supply base, assembly, repair and construction sites were prepared, rail and road routes were summed up. The village of Prezavodskaya was built for 2,500 people. During the construction, the labor of the Gulag prisoners was used.

The start-up of the enterprise took place on November 5, 1956. By the beginning of the 60s, ammonia production workshops, a number of technological workshops, thermal power plants, central heating plants and other structures were built. The future "Nitrogen" (Kemerovo) was built by leaps and bounds.


Since 1961, the full functioning of the enterprise began. Over the next decade, the production of methanol, ammonia, caprolactam, sulfenamide, urea, sulfuric acid was launched. For recreation and recreation, the Beryozovo camp site and the Sputnik pioneer camp were built.

In the 70s, the team was repeatedly awarded state awards for fruitful work, the most significant of which are the Order of the October Revolution, commemorative and honorary signs of the CPSU Central Committee. In 1975, the Novo-Kemerovo Chemical Plant was renamed the Azot Plant. Kemerovo has become a major industrial center of the chemical industry. In the 80s, production expanded significantly due to the large-capacity units “Ammonia-1, -2, -3” operating on natural gas.

OJSC Nitrogen Kemerovo


After the collapse of the USSR, Azot (Kemerovo) was incorporated. There has been a significant decline in both production and enterprise development. The help of the governor Aman Tuleyev, who provided a significant loan in 1998, helped to get out of the deep crisis. The company becomes part of the largest Siberian holding SIBUR.

Since 2000, production has been gradually recovering; after a five-year hiatus, export supplies have resumed. Debt restructured. From 2005 to 2009, SIBUR Holding invested 6 billion rubles in modernization.

At the end of 2011, the Siberian Business Union became the new owner of Azot. The increase in production continued. 9 billion rubles were allocated for the development of the plant from 2012 to 2015. As a result, in recent years, the company has shown record performance.

Nitrogen Plant


At the Azot enterprise, just over 6,000 people work. More than 100 employees were awarded the titles of Honorary and Honored Chemist of the Russian Federation. The plant has about 100 structural divisions, over 1,000 production, warehouse, and domestic facilities.

One of the important stages of further development is not just the modernization of the existing production, which has been operating in its main part for more than forty years, but the construction of a new complex, which will include ammonia, carbamide, nitric acid, and porous nitrate production units. New equipment will initially consume less raw materials, meet the highest international standards. At the same time, its operation period will be at least 40 years. The program is implemented jointly with Italian partners. The total investment will amount to 1.2 billion euros, which is the largest investment project in Russia in the field of nitrogen fertilizer synthesis. Preparatory work is underway on the design and selection of equipment.


In recent years, the Azot enterprise (Kemerovo) has reached a record pace of work. For the first time in 37 years since the start of ammonia production, plant workers have accumulated about 1 million tons of ammonia. In 2015, 800 tons of nitric acid were produced - this is also the best achievement in the history of the plant.

The main gift for the 60th anniversary of the enterprise was made by employees of the ammonium nitrate production workshop. Their achievements were the most impressive - 1 million tons of mineral fertilizers, so necessary for agriculture.

Nitrogen plant Kemerovo


The Azot plant (Kemerovo) over the years has produced about 84 million tons of products. The main types of goods in percentage terms are:

  • Ammonia - 25.5%.
  • Ammonium nitrate - 22%.
  • Nitric acid - 18.5%.
  • Urea - 15%.
  • Caprolactam - 3.5%.
  • Other products - 15.5%.

In addition to traditional chemical products, the company is developing promising areas, first of all, new complex granular fertilizers in fertilizer mixtures: nitrosulphate and carbosulphate. Their use in experimental fields has demonstrated a significant increase in yield. A big bet is on liquid fertilizers.


The Azot plant pays special attention to new technologies and innovations. The enterprise has 45 workshops, each of which is required to be regularly upgraded. In 2013-2016, about 500 innovations and rationalization proposals were introduced. If in 2014 the economic effect of various improvements amounted to 11.7 million rubles, then in 2015 - already 58 million rubles. In 2016, this indicator exceeded 100 million rubles.

In 2017, a project is underway for the transition of the sulfuric acid workshop to a short production scheme and the introduction of a short-cycle adsorption method for the production of hydrogen from a mixture of ammonia.


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