Alerana: cosmetics reviews

Alopecia is a baldness that can occur for a variety of reasons. Alerana cosmetics is intended to activate or resume hair growth . Reviews about its effectiveness, meanwhile, are very controversial. On the one hand, doctors recommend the use of this brand in the complex treatment of androgenetic and symptomatic alopecia. On the other hand, many patients complain of increased hair loss after applying cosmetics. Is this information reliable? Let's try to figure it out.

Alerana: reviews of doctors

All products in this series are medical cosmetics. Different types of shampoos, sprays, balms, rinses and masks of this series contain various components that help stimulate hair growth. To understand the principle of cosmetics, first we explain the mechanism of the baldness process.

Symptomatic alopecia is what can happen to each of us. From time to time, a person notices that he is losing more hair than usual. This may be a seasonal phenomenon, and may indicate violations in the endocrine system, provoked by various stress factors (vitamin deficiency, gastritis, insomnia, physical overwork, neurosis, strict diet). As a rule, a return to a measured life rhythm, a proper diet and a healthy active lifestyle automatically normalizes the condition of the hair. If the loss continues, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe vitamin complexes for oral administration and, perhaps, he will advise you to use Alerana shampoo stimulating hair growth.

Endocrinologists call androgenetic alopecia as β€œmale pattern baldness,” which, despite the name, also occurs in women. It is provoked by the effect on the hair follicle of the hormone dihydrotestosterone. First, hormonal changes provoke dystrophy of the follicles and, as a result, thinning of the hair, which becomes like a gentle fluff, discolors, shortens and cannot cover the head as before. And after about ten years, the mouths of the hair follicles are completely overgrown with connective tissue, and a bald spot forms.

Doctors explain this type of baldness with a genetic predisposition and offer several types of treatment: laser, transplantation, as well as medications based on finasteride (recommended for men only) and minoxidil (which is part of Alerana balsam spray). Endocrinologists' reviews suggest that only these two chemicals have proved to be effective as a result of clinical trials and are approved for use in the United States and Europe. At the same time, many consumers testify that not all medicines based on them are suitable. In particular, cases of withdrawal syndrome have been repeatedly reported.

Alerana: customer reviews

The series of this brand includes basic and auxiliary equipment.

The main ones include:

  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • spray 2% for external use (balm spray for women);
  • 5% spray for external use (balm spray for men).

Auxiliary means:

  • shampoos (there are several of them for the most different types of hair);
  • mask;
  • rinse aid.

The composition of the mineral-vitamin complex includes two types of tablets: β€œday” and β€œnight”. Accordingly, they are taken in the morning and evening. The composition of each type of tablet is described in detail in the instructions. Apply tablets in courses of 1-3 months (twice a year) on the recommendation of a doctor.

The effectiveness of the sprays is due to the content of minoxidil. This substance acts on the hair follicle, preventing it from closing. Thus, hair growth is stimulated. The additional content of a component moisturizing the scalp (D-Panthenol preparation) and nettle extract significantly enhance the healing effect.

In this case, the instructions recommend the continuous use of a spray-balm for four weeks.

Also indicated are contraindications and side effects of the use of Alerana spray. Reviews of many consumers indicate that they began to have increased hair loss after using the named remedy. Meanwhile, the instructions contain a direct indication of the possibility of such a phenomenon. It is definitely said that hair loss after the start of the spray can last from 2 to 6 weeks, and in the next 2 weeks new - beautiful, strong and healthy hair will grow.

Negative feedback about cosmetics, as a rule, is left by people who have not read the instructions. And it contains important information. Spray balm should not be used for breastfeeding and pregnancy. It is not prescribed to adolescents under 18 years of age. With uncontrolled and improper use of the drug, enhanced hair growth can begin not only on the head, but also, for example, on the hands. This is also due to the content of minoxidil in the spray. Meanwhile, this substance is not contained in the mask, rinse and shampoos of the series, so there are no strict requirements for their use. To avoid confusion, always read the instructions for the drugs.


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