Proselytism is the desire to convert others to their faith. Is this acceptable in our time?

"Proselytism" is a very common word, especially in political and journalistic vocabulary. It means the desire to attract other people to your faith or beliefs, and as many of them as possible. Most religions of the globe use proselytism in one way or another, with the exception of beliefs that are closed to their denomination or ethnic group. Consider the evolution of the meaning of this word, as well as how it is understood in our time.

definition of proselytism

Proselitism: the meaning of the word and its etymology

This term comes from the Greek language. He appeared from the verb "to come." Initially, this word meant everyone who crossed borders from one community to another. In the era of early Christianity, we are faced with a new meaning of the term "proselytism." The meaning of this word began to extend to those who changed their faith. From now on, “proselytes” were called converts, or those who found their true place, having left the one in which they had been before. Also, people who tried in every possible way to bring people from other religions to their faith began to be designated as well.

Proselytism in christianity

In the Gospel, proselytism is the conversion of the Gentiles to Judaism. It is in this sense that the term is used in Matthew, as well as in the Acts of the Apostles. Moreover, carrying the “good news” of the gospel was made a duty to true Christians. There are many examples of this. The Scriptures say that the disciples of Christ must go and preach to the whole world, teach other nations and baptize them. In the ancient era, the word “testimony” was even synonymous with proselytism, which meant the desire to discuss faith with other people. Similar conversations and public sermons in early Christianity were an instrument for spreading the "good news." Many missionaries were sent by various churches to other countries for the conversion of pagans or unbelievers. But later, when competing movements in Christianity began to accuse each other of distortion or untruth, proselytism began to mean an attempt to convert people from one faith to another.

Proselytism meaning of the word

Proselytism in islam

Muslims have their own word to describe the conversion. It is very similar in meaning to the term "proselytism." This is a “davat”, a kind of call to convert to Islam. The fact is that adherents of this religion believe that all people are born Muslims, but the circumstances of life can lead them to paganism or to a “wrong" understanding of the Book (this is how Jews and Christians are characterized). Therefore, the task of a Muslim is to help “the people of Scripture” return to true faith. There are different methods for this. So, a sign of traditional Islamic proselytism is the ban on women from marrying non-Muslims. The main thing for proselyte is not circumcision, but the utterance of the “creed” - evidence that there is no other God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.

Proselytism meaning of the word

Proselytism in buddhism

Initially, this spiritual complex of beliefs was not even considered a religion, but over the course of many centuries it became it. Therefore, conversion played a big role for him. Historically, this is the first religious teaching of a global nature that began to use proselytism. This led to the fact that Buddhism began to spread rapidly both through the activities of monks and through special missions. It is known that the Indian emperor Ashoka in ancient times even sent his son and daughter to preach this religion to Sri Lanka. Even now, Buddhism is gaining more and more popularity in Western Europe and the United States precisely thanks to the proselytism of its various preachers. A huge role is also played by literature, which is published in large print runs. Many new adherents of this religious movement are attracted by the fact that they - at least theoretically - can achieve the status of a Bodhisattva or Buddha himself.

What does proselytism mean

What does proselytism mean in the modern era

Now this term has a somewhat politicized meaning. It means the activity of people to convert others to their religious or other views. In some countries it is even banned. Until recently, missionary activity and proselytism were considered synonymous. But then this term appeared both negative and positive characteristics. For example, in modern Catholic doctrine documents it is believed that elements of coercion began to accompany proselytism, which is unacceptable in Christian evangelism. This phenomenon is possible only if it is based on mutual dialogue and the pursuit of truth.

The diverse activities of Christian missionaries, especially in India, China and Africa, are replete with examples of how people were turned to a bowl of rice or through threats. Therefore, in the letters of the popes in the 21st century, a negative perception of the word proselytism is increasingly visible. In fact, this attitude has already become an official point of view. Pope Benedict and Francis have repeatedly emphasized that the church wants to increase the number of its members thanks not to proselytism, but to “attraction”, just as Christ attracted the offended and oppressed.


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