Guarana in sports nutrition: how to take, reviews

Modern medicine knows many plants that are able to burn excess calories and make the human body slimmer. People prefer their use of taking pills with chemical components. Therefore, if you decide to lose weight, we recommend that you pay attention to herbal preparations. For example, Guarana Active capsules received a large number of enthusiastic reviews, because taking them leads to enormous weight loss. Let's find out what kind of plant it is and how guarana is used in sports nutrition.

Guarana in sports nutrition

Guarana: general characteristics of the plant

Guarana (lat. Paullinia cupana) is a plant of the sapinda family native to Brazil. It is also found in Paraguay, Colombia, Peru and other exotic countries, where high humidity and high air temperature prevail. The plant is distinguished by wide leaves and flowers. After they fade, fruits appear. At first they are red oval balls, but open after a few weeks. Inside are black grains that are commensurate with coffee.

By the way, the effect of guarana on the human body is similar to the effect of coffee: it stimulates blood circulation and helps to respond faster to what is happening. Therefore, guarana is often used in sports nutrition.

Despite the fact that the plant was discovered back in the 18th century, its fruits began to be used only in the 1900s. In 1906, a doctor from Rio de Janeiro established a guarana soda plant, and in 1921 the first batch of champagne was produced from the fruits of the plant. However, today it is used mainly for medical purposes: it is prescribed to people who are obese. You can use the fruits. Often used the dosage form in which the benefits of the guarana plant are enclosed - tablets.

Useful properties of guarana

Guarana asset

This Brazilian plant has many useful properties, among which it is worth highlighting:

  1. The ability to burn fat. Guarana extract is often added to diet pills and drugs. The fact is that it contains a large amount of theophylline and theobromine. These substances significantly accelerate the metabolism and absorb fatty tissue. Thus, the plant helps to get rid of subcutaneous fat in a few months (depending on the degree of obesity).
  2. Decreased appetite. Taking Guarana Active capsules will help people who are unable to fight an uncontrolled feeling of hunger. The plant contains caffeine, so a person who uses it will always feel a surge of strength and vigor, which means that the need for a constant meal will disappear by itself.
  3. Resorption of lactic acid. Guarana is widely used by both professional athletes and just sports enthusiasts. It helps to avoid pain in the muscles, because this tool eliminates excess lactic acid, which leads to uncomfortable sensations after training. Guarana in sports nutrition helps not only to avoid pain, but also to increase endurance.
  4. Cheer up. Guarana is prescribed for people who are in a prolonged depression, suffer from psychological discomfort. This plant is used to treat various mental disorders.
  5. Elimination of fatigue. Reception of guarana in the morning provides a charge of vivacity and a burst of energy for the whole day. If you feel constant drowsiness and cannot cope with accumulated problems due to lack of energy, you should take guarana tablets for 2-3 weeks, and the situation will radically change for the better.

Accordingly, this Brazilian plant is used not only to lose excess weight, but also in everyday life to increase stamina and eliminate fatigue. Guarana is sold freely in the pharmacy, so you can easily try out its beneficial properties.

Contraindications to the use of guarana

Guarana price

It is worth considering that guarana, despite its positive properties, is not shown to everyone. In some cases, its use can harm:

  1. Cardiological ailments. Guarana improves blood circulation, but it increases the load on the heart. For people with chronic heart disease, this can be disastrous.
  2. Hypertension. As you know, this plant leads to excessive excitability and increases the pulse. Thus, the pressure rises, which can negatively affect the well-being of people with hypertension.
  3. Pregnancy. The use of guarana affects the condition of a woman, which, in turn, can damage the fetus. In addition, it is recommended that the use of the plant be minimized for nursing mothers, since guarana has different effects on breast milk: in some cases, no changes are observed, in others it becomes impossible to lactate.
  4. Neurological diseases. Guarana stimulates the nervous system. This has a beneficial effect on people with good health and nerves, but is detrimental to neurotics.

Guarana drink

Doctors advise using the plant with caution to people with tachycardia, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, high blood pressure, and insomnia. In order to avoid health problems, observe the correct dosage. If you feel uncomfortable after consuming guarana, do not hesitate and consult a doctor.

How to take guarana?

Today, guarana in a pharmacy is sold in two conditions: powder and capsules. Consider the use of each of the varieties of the drug separately.

Powder guarana

To make a drink from a plant such as guarana, you can use the product in powder form. Plant powder can be added to any cold liquid: juice, yogurt, milk, purified water. First you need to use no more than 100 mg of powder, gradually increasing its amount to 400 mg. Such a drink is best consumed in the morning, as its effect on the nervous system in the afternoon can result in insomnia and other unpleasant consequences.

Guarana in a pharmacy

Guarana in the form of tablets

Guarana in sports nutrition is also used in the form of tablets. Capsules should be taken before meals every day. To maintain vitality and eliminate fatigue, this ritual must be repeated daily, and for weight loss it is enough to undergo a treatment course of 1-2 months in length.

Guarana tablets

Product cost

If you want to buy tablets or powder from a guarana plant, the price of the product is not very high. So, packing capsules (30 tablets) costs about 200 rubles, and berry powder (100 g) will not be more expensive than 1000 rubles. It is worth considering that all prices are relative, since depending on the region and the amount of the drug, the cost of guarana can vary significantly. It is worth noting that prices in online stores are an order of magnitude lower than market value.

Guaran Reviews

Numerous reviews about guarana indicate that this herbal product not only helps to avoid chronic fatigue syndrome, but also lose weight. The fact is that, because of the caffeine content, guarana stimulates the nervous system to act, so a person constantly wants to move. As you know, movement is the key to quickly getting rid of extra pounds.

Some note significantly increased performance. Often there are reviews that the energy that has appeared stimulates people to complete a lot of accumulated cases and restore their former harmony without effort. Therefore, if you want to take pills or guarana powder as a dietary supplement, do not forget that the plant has a powerful effect. Its use can transform your body beyond recognition.


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