How to calm your nerves: tips for all occasions

Loose nerves are a problem of many modern people. Few people manage to remain calm when a heap of everyday problems is falling, to meet unforeseen troubles with equanimity, and everything else to manage to enjoy life. If you let the situation drift away - the body will not forgive you for this (it will respond by lowering its defenses - immunity, various diseases - somatic diseases can develop “on the nerve ground”), and those around you will not be delighted with your behavior.

The solution lies in the reason

How to calm your nerves when it seems like chaos is around you? Taking sedatives means treating symptoms that have already arisen. And in the meantime they will be repeated and repeated. This is because the cause of the shattered nerves is not revealed and not eliminated.

And there are many reasons for this: circumstances in your life that do not allow you to remain calm; accumulated fatigue, emotional and physical exhaustion; irritability as a property of temperament.

Accepting life's troubles calmly, with confidence in one's own strength (you can solve any difficulties!) - this is what a modern person needs to be able to do instead of looking for the answer to the question - how to calm nerves. Finding time to regain strength and the right ways (not everyone is suitable, for example, outdoor activities). If you are so “nervous” by virtue of temperament - learn not to break, even at least close ones.

Do children have nerves?

If with us, adults, everything is clear: we want what we feel, then what about children? How to calm the nerves of a child?

Often you hear from indignant parents in response to the behavior of a son or daughter: "What nerves you can have, you are still small!" Is this remark true?

Children can be nervous even more than adults, because we have more experience managing ourselves. And the little man is just beginning to know the world and himself. Teach your child to understand and manage their feelings.

When feelings are overwhelming: emergency measures

Of course, it is always impossible to fully maintain self-control . There are lots of useful psychological tips for these cases: how to calm the nerves when the situation worsens? How to calm yourself if you become very irritable and can no longer perceive everything that is happening around adequately? If you break down on relatives, on colleagues and even the bosses? If you have a hard working day? You need to learn how to feel calm inside yourself, to let it into your tense mind ...

Many have probably guessed. It's about meditation. About small and simple tricks to relieve irritation not with drugs, but with your own strength, using the body's resources. Everyone has them! You just need to find a way to them.

It's all about the negativity that appears and accumulates in us throughout the day. Strong negative emotions must be disposed of. Some of them are enough to "breathe" (take a deep breath and exhale several times). Some need to be released outside (in a more suitable setting, for example, in the gym). Others - interrupt a positive attitude. Instead of worrying thoughts, imagine a clear picture of how good it will be for you when it finally ends (the situation is resolved). Those. you need to focus on the end, and not on the process that excites you. In more complex cases (illness of a loved one, death, debt), psychologists advise to anchor - something that you can hold on to, so as not to go crazy with anger, resentment, feelings of hopelessness. This anchor should be connected with something family, close, important for you, personifying your personality. It can be a favorite toy, the most important value in your life, which you can never backtrack on. Whatever it is, keep it “at arm's length”, but rarely resort so that this thing or thought does not lose its healing effect.

How to calm your nerves at work? Practice “relaxing” at home, so that at work it takes only a few seconds, saving you! In addition, people bypass meditation tricks, because they believe that it looks stupid from the side. At work, after training at home, no one will even notice your actions, but how much benefit you will bring to yourself, your body, your productive work! Start by imagining a place where you would feel good. At work, let this image appear as soon as you close your eyes.

And the last thing that can be advised as a whole on the problem is how to calm the nerves. Try to be a cheerful person. Sadness, resentment, anxiety, anxiety - without them, of course, nothing. But remember, you can choose what to feel and when. What do you prefer to feel now? ..


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