After what can garlic be planted next year?

Growing several types of vegetable crops on a small plot of land, you always need to remember about crop rotation, that not all plants can be planted nearby. This approach will allow you to get a good harvest and not worry that after the garlic will not grow anything.

Crop rotation

Crop rotation is a change in the dislocation of plants on the ground with tracking what grew in a particular area earlier and what can be planted next year. It is easiest to keep a written record so as not to get confused and not to forget anything.

The basic rule of crop rotation is to never plant in one place plants belonging to the same family. For example, after garlic, do not plant onions, and cucumbers after garlic can be planted. Plants from the same family, constantly growing in the same place, accumulate toxins in the ground, practically "attracting" microbes and harmful insects, draining the soil.

The second rule is not confirmed in any way in scientific circles, but, according to experienced vegetable growers, it must be observed - it is necessary to change the “tips and roots”. Simply put, in one year crops are planted where the edible part is below, underground, and in the second year - plants with the edible part above.

then you can plant garlic

Planting garlic

As a rule, throughout our country, garlic harvesting occurs in July - early August. Once the crop is harvested, it is recommended that the land be treated with fungicidal preparations, copper sulphate or insecticides. Now the question arises: "Even in the middle of summer, what can be planted after garlic next year, or maybe something else can be planted this year?"

It is always necessary to consider: garlic in its properties is very similar to onion, therefore it is a rather specific culture. As a result, the number of planting options after this plant is limited. In no case should garlic be planted twice in a row in one place.

There are 2 types of plants that can bear fruit after garlic:

  • crops that can be planted in the spring of next year;
  • plants, planting of which is allowed immediately after harvesting.

After garlic, you can immediately plant spinach, lettuce, that is, a variety of greens, the main thing is not to forget about the length of the ripening period, so that the culture can grow before the onset of cold weather. If there are no options, siderata will land.

Planting "fertilizers"

Siderates are fertilizer plants. They allow you to restore the normal balance of the soil, replenishing it with nitrogen, and almost completely destroy weeds, the earth becomes loose and capable of "receiving" new seedlings. In fact, having landed green manure in July, by autumn, or rather by September, it is already possible to get a fully prepared plot of land for planting new crops. Such plants include mustard, rye, rape, green peas.

can plant strawberries after garlic

After what crops can I plant?

Despite its undemanding and unpretentiousness, it is very important to know, after which you can plant garlic to get large and healthy heads. For a good harvest, the soil must have a certain set of useful substances, therefore, it is not worth planting in the ground where similar plants grew.

It is best to plant garlic after long-root plants. They deplete the soil in the lower layers, and in garlic the root system is very small. Cereals, which are excellent siderates, contribute to the accumulation of nitrogen in the soil most of all. Although this rule does not apply to barley and oats.

Is it possible to plant cucumbers after garlic

Then you can plant the garlic, shown in the table:

Crop groups



Legumes and gourds











Rules for planting winter garlic

In addition to knowledge of the basics of crop rotation, that is, understanding, after which you can plant garlic, you must adhere to the rules of planting. Regarding winter varieties, the following are distinguished:

  1. Landing is carried out at the end of the first month of autumn, but on condition that the night temperature will not drop below +10 degrees.
  2. In no case should you plant a plant twice in one place, ideally, you can plant in the same place only after 5 years.
  3. In no case should soil be fertilized with manure; it must be neutral, loose and light.
  4. Before planting, it is recommended to treat the cloves with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, you can use copper sulfate and a strong saline solution, this treatment avoids disease.
  5. The cloves are planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, it is not necessary to press them hard into the ground.
  6. If the ground is too dry, then pour it before planting and be sure to mulch it with peat or humus, sawdust.

Is it possible to plant strawberries after garlic

Planting garlic in the spring

There are also several requirements for planting spring varieties of garlic :

  • before planting, the ground must be treated with a steep solution of sodium chloride;
  • lower the garlic no deeper than 2 cm, bottom to bottom;
  • between the holes should be 10-15 cm;
  • as soon as the first sprouts appeared, garlic is recommended to be fed with ammonium sulfate with a repeat in the middle of the first month of summer.

For the normal growth of spring varieties, a plus ambient temperature is required, otherwise there will be no normal bulb formation.

what can be planted after garlic the next

After which plants is garlic not recommended?

The main question that worries all summer residents is: "After what can garlic be planted, namely, is it possible to plant garlic immediately or next year after harvesting the onions?" The categorical answer is no. Both plants have a similar root system, they are susceptible to the same diseases, in other words, they are of the same genus.

In addition to onions, there are still many plants, after which a poor harvest of garlic will be obtained.

Carrot. This culture greatly depletes the soil, so it is not recommended to plant not only garlic, but also other plants after it.

Tomatoes After the tomato is also not recommended to plant garlic. The soil after the tomatoes is acidified, so the best solution is to plant green manure after them. In addition, all the tops from the tomato must be collected and burned so as not to give a chance to any pest for a new life.

Potatoes, peppers and beets are also not considered good precursors for garlic.

after which crops can garlic be planted

What can be planted after the harvest of garlic?

It is now clear after which crops garlic can be planted, but another question arises. What plants will bear fruit after the harvest of garlic? After all, it is not always given the opportunity to give the earth complete rest or even to land green manure.

It is in this case that the principle is suitable - we change the "tips to the roots". That is, after garlic will grow well:

  • potatoes, better than early varieties;
  • Tomatoes
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Plants from the onion family do not belong to those that drastically deplete the soil, so strawberries can be planted after garlic. You can plant legumes, winter wheat and annual herbs.

cucumbers after garlic can be planted

Good “neighbors” for garlic

Many summer residents have another problem: it’s hard to find a place for garlic, since it is not the main crop in our region, so it is very important to know which plants it can “adjoin” to.

If the answer to the question of whether it is possible to plant strawberries after garlic is understandable, then the second one arises: "Can these two crops be planted side by side?" Can. Garlic releases phytoncides, which protect the bushes from pests and rot, and as a result, healthy and large strawberries and strawberries in the garden.

Garlic grows well next to carrots, while protecting it from flies and other pests. For garlic, the neighborhood with carrots is also positive: its enzymes contribute to the rapid increase in heads. At the same time, planting cucumbers after garlic is not recommended, but you can do the opposite. Excellent yield results are shown by a change in cucumbers and garlic annually.

Flowers and garlic are also a good combination. For example, an onion fly does not tolerate the smell of chicory and calendula. Garlic and horseradish will suit each other, the first culture protects against May and Colorado beetles, aphids. The assertion that flowers and garlic are wonderful neighbors is confirmed by the fact that many flower beds are watered with a solution infused with garlic to get rid of harmful insects.

One of the popular cultures in our region is cucumbers. Despite the fairly high demands on care, they are still grown in almost every garden. Can I plant cucumbers after garlic? You can, these plants even perfectly adjacent to each other. As a rule, garlic is planted in the aisles and along the perimeter of the beds.

As a result, crop rotation can increase not only the yield of garlic and other crops, but also the biological potential of the soil, strengthen protection from pests and diseases while reducing labor costs, and the purchase of protective equipment.


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