In which dishes is it better to cook jam: tips for novice housewives

In the ripening season of berries and fruits, many housewives begin to conserve. However, not every woman knows in which dishes it is better to cook jam. After reading this article, you will learn a lot of interesting things on this subject.

Saucepan or basin?

Many young housewives, who for the first time decide to do home-made work, often ask themselves: "In what dishes is it better to cook jam?". As a rule, pots or pots are used for these purposes. Moreover, each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, a pan is more convenient to use. In addition, it takes up much less space on the cooking or working surface.

in which dish is it better to cook jam

The advantage of the pelvis lies in its maximum open surface, providing the best evaporation of excess liquid. Due to this feature, the jam prepared in it will be more thick. Moreover, the berries or fruits themselves will remain intact.

Preferred tank sizes

Those who do not know in which dish it is better to cook jam will probably be interested in what it is advisable to do in a shallow bowl with a flat wide bottom. Moreover, its volume can vary from two to six liters. It is not recommended to cook jam in large basins, as many types of berries, including raspberries and strawberries, can be squeezed under the weight of their own weight. As a result, you get an unaesthetic boiled mass.

in which dishes is it better to cook strawberry jam

In addition, too large a container will heat up for a long time, as a result of which there will be an increase in cooking time and a deterioration in the quality of the final product. Since many types of jam require repeated boiling, the pan used for these purposes must have a lid. It will provide additional protection against dust and insects.

Materials used to make such pots

In modern stores, a fairly wide range of different containers is presented. Therefore, those who do not know in which dish it is better to cook jam from apples may mistakenly acquire not quite what is needed. In order to avoid such troubles, you should first familiarize yourself with the features of a particular material.

in which dish is it better to cook apple jam

Many fruits and berries contain a large amount of organic acids, which serve as a catalyst for corrosion processes. Therefore, the tanks used for their procurement are subject to special requirements. For those who do not know in which dish it is better to cook jam from berries, it is recommended to buy a hygienic enameled or steel pan. True, the first option has a relatively short life. Noticing that even a small crack appeared on the surface of the enamel, it is advisable to get rid of such a capacity.

The most suitable material is stainless steel. Basins made from it can be recommended to anyone who can’t decide in which dishes it is better to cook strawberry jam. Such containers are resistant to acids contained in almost all berries and fruits.

What pots and pans are not suitable for making jam?

Copper containers, which have long been considered the best utensils for homemade workpieces, are not quite suitable for these purposes. As mentioned above, the fruits contain an increased concentration of acids. Recent studies have shown that they are able to dissolve the patina that forms on the surface of pots. Therefore, those who have not yet decided which dish to cook the jam in should not do this in copper basins.

in which dishes is it better to cook jam from berries

Aluminum containers are categorically unsuitable for these purposes. Fruit acid contributes to the destruction of the oxide film formed on the walls of the vessel. As a result of a complex chemical process, aluminum molecules are released, which subsequently enter the finished product.

Dishware Care Tips

At the end of the preparation of fruit or berry jam, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the pan, pour over it with hot water and dry thoroughly. If you plan to prepare several batches of the product from one type of raw material during the day, then washing the dishes is not necessary.

Enameled containers must not be cleaned with aggressive chemicals. It is necessary to pour soda into it, add water and boil. After that, it is removed from the stove and left until the morning.

Stainless steel pans are scratch resistant. Therefore, powdered products can be used to wash them. For example, they are perfectly cleaned with ordinary salt. It is poured into a stained dish, poured with water, boiled and left for several hours. Then the contaminated areas are treated with a metal brush or a hard washcloth.

You can remove the remains of burnt jam with the help of a husk. To do this, in a bowl you need to boil a whole unpeeled bulb. The unpleasant odor that appears during this procedure disappears very quickly.


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